September 8, 2013
Before the foundation other worlds, I knew you --since the beginning of time itself, I have planned for your arrival. I have created Creation for my good pleasure, for I am the great I AM, the Creator of all things. It pleases Me and My only begotten Son to see you and your fellow brothers and sisters stand for Us during these difficult times for you. Satan threatens you, and you and the Bride call out to My son and to Me. Satan tries to scare you, bully you, intimidate you, and yet you still stand for Us. You must continue to refuse to be intimidated by Satan and his minions. Times grow increasingly dark --these are the times that try men's souls. As My Scripture says, "Submit yourself unto God, resist the devil, and shall flee from you." No matter what happens around you, continue to look up --your Salvation is of Me, not of men (or Adams); they don't have the answers you seek. Yeshua and I have the answers you seek, not man --you exercise wisdom in not engaging in arguments over supposed "Doctrines".
I have set certain things in motion, and have stopped other things, for I am the great I AM, and only I could do such things. When you and your Nation enter into the darkness and things begin to go dark, don't be afraid, for I am still with you. I have told you, I will never leave you nor forsake you, and I meant it, and mean it --I am closer than your very breath. Don't be afraid to walk through the fire I am sending --I am sending darkness, followed by fire; don't be afraid. Trust Me, lean on Me and Yeshua, and we shall deliver you. Tell My Bride to prepare for the darkness followed by fire. Trust in Us, keep walking for Us, don't become distracted by the things around you --don't allow the enemy or other men to pull you off your paths I have chosen for you. Be faithful to the end and receive your crowns and rewards from Me --a little while longer, and then we shall see each other face to face.
Sound the alarm! Warn My people! Darkness is coming to America and to the rest of the world (after darkness then fire comes). Get ready! Be prepared! These things are headed your way! Fear not, fear not --no matter what your physical eyes tell you and what other men may say, I am the great I AM, and I will never leave you nor forsake you --and we shall guide you through the troublesome times. Draw near unto Us, enter into the ark of your Salvation, have a seat, and begin to enter into your rest I have provided for you.
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