February 9, 2016
I say this day, My Children, to honor and praise My Name, for I am coming. For judgment will be swift and My anger is kindled against the unrighteous. I will bring forth the winds of change and My rewards are with: Me to give to the Just whom walk in My ways. Continue to pray for those who do not walk with Me, and do not know Me, as they continue to ignore My pleas: to repent before Me. But you, My Children, there should be no fear, for you are My true warriors: My Bride who is set apart: "My Chosen People". For your light shines forth for all to see, this is because your lamps are full; being nourished in My holy Word, as you sing before Me in all thanksgiving. I tell you, My precious Ones, that you will not taste death, for I will raise you up to Myself. You see, Children, you are encompassed by so great a cloud of witnesses that eagerly awaits you, and have prepared a celebration: the marriage Supper of the Lamb. Some of you have waited a very long time for this victory, but first must come a great shaking, to sift the wheat from the tares. But you have been sealed and appointed for this season, so rejoice in this, Beloved. I have prepared a place for You and I am coming to bring you home, to soar like eagles, for you are free, and your heart will blaze with the fire of My love for Eternity. I love you.
Yeshua Ha-Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUTno9T1jnc
JOHN 14:3 REV 22:12 1 COR 10:31 PSALMS 34:31 PSALMS 71:8 HEBREWS 12:1
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