February 7, 2016
My Children, do you not see the enemy's plan for you? Oh, but you do! Why do you walk so blindly? I send you warning after warning, yet you still choose to ignore them. I ask, "What must I do? What can I do?" Your ears have waxed closed. Yes you may listen, but you still do not respond. Oh My lost Children, do you realize how much grief I feel? You take no thought past the ending of the message. Your hearts are hardened. You search and search, but you never come to understanding. Oh Children, when will you hearken to my warning?
And He wanted me to look up "Harken". [The definition is]: "Listen".
Soon they will end [the warnings]. I have told you, this time is precious! You truly do not completely understand the greatness and gravity of these warnings!
And He wanted me to look up "Graveness". [The definition is]: Serious; somber, solemn; sober; grave thought.
And He wanted me to look up "Gravity". [The definition is]: Extreme or alarming importance.
[He said], You truly do not completely understand the graveness and gravity of these warnings! Oh My Doves, if only you would put these warnings set to use! My Spirit would leap for joy, but most of you just go about your day as if there are many more to be had. If you would just recognize that is so far from the truth! Do not see the events taking place around the world? I have given these as warnings, yet most
of you chalk it up to mother nature. I say, "Who? Really?" If you keep up that attitude, I will show you exactly how Mighty I AM. My anger does flare at just the mention of such deities you Children atribute Mine to.
And He wanted me to look up "Deity". [The definition is]: The state or rank of a god (with a little g).
[Then He went on] Do you understand what truly is upon you? Well, no you must not; for if you did, you would examine the evidence and come to a true conclusion. Let me say it this way, if all these events have been foretold, I ask, "Why do you think otherwise? Why?" Do you not believe My Holy Scriptures? Well, oh My stubborn Children, if you do not come to truth, your future will be bleak.
And He wanted me to look up "Bleak". [The definition is]: Without hope or encouragement.
Yes, that has also been foretold. Children, do you believe these events are just some form of natural occurrence? Oh My, no, I tell you, no they are not. Many of these events I have purposely placed in areas that have allowed exceptional evil; yes, even deeper and darker than the darkest of areas. So these things are to bring those down, so my lost may recognize and come to repentance. What else must be done? Well, except the final chord, and that chord you do not want Me to play! That, you do not want! What I am saying, Children, is you need to wake up and recognize the season you are in. You need to look around and recognize how truly far away from My will you are. You need to recognize how lost you truly are; recognized these things and come to Me. I do not want you, Children, to perish; but that will happen if you continue in your ungodly, wicked ways. Yes, if you continue to wallow in your sins...
And He wanted me to look up "Wallow". [The definition is]: Endulge in unrestrained ways in life, and rebel.
Yes, if you continue to wallow in your sins, I say, "So be it!" Because I think soon, ready or not, here I come. Children, do you not know I came so you do not have to stay in your sin? Well, that is exactly what I did. You see, I have Grace I so want to give you, but until you come into My will, why would I give you My Grace? Yes, it is Mine to give, but why would I give to someone who is disobedient? My Grace I give to My Children who accidentally fall, but immediately run to Me, not to those who make a choice to sin and continue in those sins. Do you understand the difference? So many lost children really believe I give My Grace to all who claim to know Me, but I tell you, those who stay in sin choose to stay in sin, and doing that, they truly do not know Me. Do you understand? My father is Holy, and you, My Children, are made unholy by your free will. That does not mean you must stay in that free will, that is your choice, you do not have to choose sin; that also, is your choice. My Grace is for My Children whom wholeheartedly seek Me and My will in all things they do. Yes, I even care about what you wear; yes, I care about when and what you eat. I am telling you all things; even yes, when you do go to sleep at night. Do you see it yet? When I say. "All things", I mean "ALL THINGS"! So for those of My Children, "when" or "if" they accidentally stumble and sin, they recognize that; My Holy Spirit will convict them. Those Children run right back to Me and repent, then My Grace is sufficient for thee. Do you understand now, My deaf and dumb Children? You truly are blind and don't even recognize it! Children, I say these things to try to wake you! I am trying to make you understand! Okay, Children, My Graces are not for those who choose sin; My graces our for Mine who accidentally slip, yet get back up, and repent, and continue on and My will. My will, Children, means My will; no, not your will; no not, "I will do this", Or, "I will do that." No, I say, My will is: "If it is My Father's will." That's how that sounds...do you understand yet? That means, you ask Me My will in all things. If it has to do with this world and its ways, that would be, "No". This world's way is not in My will; My will is only about My business; you stay in My business, and I will give you all you need. Do you see it yet? Oh Children, think...I tell you, think on this. In order for you to do My will, well once again, what does that take? Once again, that is FAITH. These messages, Children, will lead you to life, not just on this world...the life I speak of is eternal life. So I tell you: think, paunder, put these warnings into your heart, come to Me, ask Me to soften your heart so you can understand. If you come, I can help. So I say. "Come, My lost hardened Children, come. I will soften your heart and I will heal you. I do love you more than you know!"
You God,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
And He wanted me to read this to you:
Matthew 15:30-31 Then great multitudes came to Him having with them those who were lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others, and they laid them down at Jesus' feet and he healed them. So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing, and they glorify the God of Israel.
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caQn2-nDTEs
Additional supporting Scriptures:
Matthew 13:13-15 Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed.
2 Corinthians 12:9 And [Jesus] said to me, "My grace is sufficient for thee, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
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