Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 9, 2016


[Note: When the Lord refers to "My Children" in this message, He is talking to those who are are already His now, and when He just says, "children", He is referring to those that aren't His yet.]

Yes, My Children, do not believe what the enemy tells you. Today I want to speak to you about time...time. My Children need to learn to hear My Voice. I have been telling you that, but yet you still do not try to learn. Your time is running out, you need to hear Me. Please, My Doves, how can I make you understand how very important that is? You all must learn, you must; for if you do not, you will be misled. The enemy is banking on you not hearing Me; that is so important in his plan. He wants you to believe I do not talk to My Children, but I tell you that is a lie. Many of My Children believe I only speak through My Holy Scriptures, but that is not true. My Children hear My Voice; yes you can, and a lot do. You must learn now; this is so fundamental.

- And He wanted me to look up fundamental. [The definition is]: forming a necessary base, or core; being an essential part. 

- [The Lord continues:] -
This is so fundamental, you will not survive if you do not learn to. Do you understand? Come to Me, spend time in worship with Me, focus on Me, look for My face, sing to Me, sing with Me, sit with Me, come in to My presence...oh children you must try! Ask Me, ask Me to show you, I will gladly do that, for I love you. 

[Take note, this is not being directed to "My children", but rather to just "children"]

The time is done! Yes, I say, it is finished! I wait only on My Father's Word; we are prepared, completely prepared. We stand at attention for Yahweh's command. Please, children, you now must repent. Events will soon be beyond repair and then there will be no turning back. Once that happens things will occur, causing much chaos and calamities.

- And He had me look up "Chaos". [The definition is]: complete disorder and confusion. 

And then he had me to look up "Calamities". [The definition is]: events causing great and often sudden damage or distress. 

- [The Lord continues:] -
Once that happens, things will occur causing much chaos and calamities. Children, I tried to warn you, but most do not believe. I ask you children, "Why"? Why don't you believe Me? These events will take many souls; souls that are not ready. Most of those souls will be lost; they will perish never to be with Me again! Oh how said I feel, all I can do is warn, that is all I can do. Ring the bell, sound the alarm; but it must be your choice. 

- [And then it changes again here]: -
To those whom are Mine, "My Children", continue to stay prepared, keep your oil full, do not allow anything to distract you. My Father's will will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven he combs the Earth looking for those few souls just about ready to enter into My light, but with the events unfolding, with so few souls even looking for our Light, the end will be determined. When that time is called, events will occur. They will excel in numbers, as well as frequency. Those whom are Mine, please My Children, keep your gaze upon me; that will be needed. For these events I speak will be many; one will occur right after the other. They will bring much devastation and destruction, as foretold. My Light will shine upon My Children; My Light will shine brightly. You, My Children, will be the only light left upon this world, but take no fear, for I will soon take you to safety. There you will be kept a while, kept from harm's way. During that time, this world will be brought to its knees. Yes, I say, every bit of this creation while bow down. All will see whom they have shunned, whom they have treaded on. All will be revealed.

- [And then He changed tones again, so take note, okay guys?] -

All of you who hold yourselves high, I tell you, you will bow. You will see the true wrath, you will be brought to your knees. For time has been giving. Every extra minute has been nothing more than from the love I have had, but soon those minutes expire, and all creation will. Well, I do not want you, lost children, to perish, but you must do as you must; that is your choice.

- [And take note again, guys, okay?] -

Those of you whom are wise, prepare for this time upon you. It has been foretold, and is now at the door. Be ready, those whom are Mine, be ready.

--[A dialogue begins here]:-- 

And then I had a question; I said, "Lord", and He said, "Yes". I said, "How close?" And He said, "Oh, My daughter, I have been warning them, the time has come when most do not want to be warned. Yes, most have waxed cold. But, My Child, this time was foretold long ago. All this must come to pass, for this time is over. Soon My wrath will show who and what I AM. This world would see all it has longed for, My Child. I cannot make those who do not want Me, to come to Me. Do you understand, My little Dove?" 

And I said, "Yes, My King". And He, said, "You My Dove, continue on for, you have done well." And I said, "Lord.". And He said, "Yes". And I said, "Why don't they hear you?" And he said, "Oh, My child, they only seek to serve themselves. Is it not said at the end all be lovers of self?" And I said, "Yes, Lord." And I said, "Lord." And He said, "Yes, Child." And I said, "I pray for them, My King." I felt really sad inside. And He said, "Please, Child, do not cry, I know your heart, My Dove." And I said, "Yes, My King." 

And then He went on. "Those whom are Mine, please My Children, hold on to your faith. For that is what you will need. Do not take hold of fear, for again I tell you, that is not of Me. You must know I am in control. I know exactly where My Children are at all times, I'm ready to snatch you from any evil lurking, if you just keep hold of your faith, and know I AM always with you. Cling to these Words. I AM always with you, I will never leave or forsake you; no, never, I say, "No, never."

And I said, "My King." And He said, "Yes, Child." And I said, "Can I pray for more time?" And He said, "Oh, My Child, please do not pray for that; for many of My Children fall away every minute of every day. In fact, the tide has reversed: instead of coming to Me, many have lost hope and returned unto the world; yes, right back into the enemy's grasp. Please Child, yes pray for lost souls, yes, pray for their eyes to be opened, pray for My Father's will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. But if much more time be given, even My Elect will be lost. Do you understand, My little Dove?" 

I said, "Yes, My King." I said, "I'm sorry, My sweet Lord, I love you." He said, "Oh, My sweet Daughter, I love you." And I said, "Can I tell them this, Lord?" And He said, "Yes, Child." I said, "Thank you, My Lord." He said, "You're welcome, My Child."

And then He wanted me to read this to you guys:
"Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turned many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."  Daniel 12:3

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