February 24, 2016
"Yes, the time is so very near." --I know these words have been said, but I tell you true, there is now an urgency to them -- as there is no time. The door is closing: the door of mercy is closing and everyone needs to stay in prayer for every soul. Pray in the Spirit always and know this to be true --I will be with you all as things start coming to a head. Yes, the things in this world are getting bad, "But you ain’t seen nothing yet!." Things are going to be very bad, so very soon now. I am telling you this, not to scare you, but to strengthen you. You need to prepare your soul for warfare like no other; this is also why you need to stay in constant prayer in the Spirit; as the more you do, the more your soul is strengthened. You will be provided for, so worry not if you do not have the ability or means to buy things now, as I truly will provide for you all; as you need them you will have them. I am a loving and faithful God, and will continue to be faithful to those that are faithful to Me. Stay within Me and My will, and everything truly will be fine. Even if you see things that would horrify the strongest, do not give in to fear, as I am truly with you. This is not the time for soft messages or doubt, as I am yours and you are Mine. You are stronger than you think, and I will take care of you and yours. Stay in Me and do not shy away, as the time to be fully armored is upon you all. If you are not sure you can, then when the time comes to make your choice, then say so as you truly can lose your soul --and I want not one to be lost. Stay in prayer and strengthen your hearts by staying within Me and My will for you, as this will purify you and strengthen you. It is okay to know your weakness, and there are many jobs for my Brides to do. Even if you do not stay and help with the Harvest, there are other jobs to do that are very important, and every Bride will be used. Worry not, as I have you in hand. Your love for Me, and My love for you, will carry you through this final hour, as it truly is so very close. The war has started and there are so many things happening throughout the world that you do not know about, but this is not for you to stress over --just know you are truly safe within me. Do not give in to distraction or the attacks from the enemy, as there are many. Do not fuss and fight, be the peacemakers, as truly there is no time to argue over who is right. Do not have anger or pride in your heart, come to Me repenting every time there is an idea you know is not of Me. These little things build up if you let them, and will take you from Me. My Doves, there is but a moment left on the clock of the Father, and he will so soon be telling Me to call for you --as He is preparing me at this very moment to come for you. Be strong and sober, as the time is now!
You Tube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVB7bjFnyhA
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