Now is the time to press in; to seek me like you never have before; to ask me to reveal to you your unique blue print. You see, My children, each and every one of you has a unique purpose, but you must come to Me diligently with your whole heart. Are you willing to lay everything down to Me? To pick up your cross and follow Me? For I look to and fro throughout the Earth to see if your vessel has been emptied of the things of this world. This is when your anointing will take place and I can use you for My kingdom work, holy and set apart, dying to self and putting pride away and walking in humbleness, just as I showed you when I was with you. My disciples walked in this anointing, but they still faced trials; for when this power comes from on high and it falls upon you, Satan moves you from the bottom of the list to the top. You see, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown in prison; Satan did everything right by beating them and having them thrown in prison. But you see, he made one big mistake, he put Paul and Silas in the same cell together, and they began to pray and sing, and all the prisoners heard this. This is why I say, when two or three are gathered in my name that I am there. So I created a great earthquake that flung opened the prison doors and freed everyone. This is where faith comes in, for they did not give up during their trial. They persevered, for they knew that I am greater than all the forces of evil, and I shall deliver you from bondage my faithful servant. Are you ready for your blue print? To be revealed beloved?
Yeshua HaMashiach
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Yeshua HaMashiach
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