Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 8, 2016


Children, today I want to tell you how much I love you. If you, Children, would just recognized that, you would be so much better off. So many of you do not understand the depth of love I hold in my heart for you, do you? I ask that. I want you to search and think on this subject. Do you, Children, blame me for the condition of your lives today? Well I tell you, most of you have built up your own existence.

Definition of "Existence": actuality; being; reality; maintenance of life.

You weave and weave until the web you live has many different avenues, mostly right into the enemy's arms. I ask, "Do many of you spend time with me each day? Do you converse with me all day, everyday?" I want you to understand how very important time together is for my lost Children. So many believe I am a God of anger violence hatred and vengeance; again I say yes, but those are not for those whom are mine. I'm a loving God to whom are mine. For My Children whom are mine, oh please My Doves, do not fear me, for all I want is for you, Children, is to be happy; not as the world, for that is not too happy, that is false. I ask, "How long do the things of this world truly make you happy?" Well, I will tell you just for a moment, then you are searching, searching once again to try to fill up that empty feeling that is deep inside. I tell you, Children, nothing carnal upon this world will fill that spot.

Definition of "Carnal": relating to physical, especially sexual, need and activities.

Why, you ask? I tell you, that place inside you is My place, and until you ask my Holy Spirit to indwell in that spot, you will feel incomplete, empty, alone, and lost.

Definition of "Indwell": be permanently present in someone's soul and mind; possess spiritually.

There are reasons for those feelings, yes those feelings are made known to those whom do not know Me. Again, I am not talking about not knowing who I am, I'm talking about what I truly am. Yes, I am the I AM. Names are just titles. Who made titles? Yes, I did. So what am I telling you, Children? Many have heard My Name, but even so they do not know who I truly AM. This is to tell you, Children, about the things in this world. Yes, you may feel some fleeting feeling of satisfaction upon  receiving things in this world, but I tell you, that is so very temporary. Soon, that feeling you have when you obtain those worldly items will decay, just as those materials you obsess over. 

Definition of "Obsess": To preoccupy intensely 

Those items, as well as those feelings, are fleeting. Now do you understand, My enticed, deceived Children? 

Definition of "Enticed": Tempted

This world looks to shimmer and shine, but that is just to entice, trip, and trap you; not only with destruction, but depletion.

Definition of "Depletion": reduction; exhaustion; use; consumption.

Many Children walk right past those on the street in dire need; they look the other direction, avoiding eye contact with that soul. Well, do you think I do not see that? Then you proceed right into those into stores that sell things you do not need, with funds you do not have, that truly do not belong to you anyway. Do you understand? Oh Children, that place that you feel with worldly possessions is not meant for things of such, although the enemy would have you believe it so. That place is meant for My Holy Spirit. You will never fill up that holy spot with worldly items. No, that will not happen. That place is My temple, that is My place. So Children, realize what I'm saying and stop trying to fill yourselves with worthless, defiling, distracting clutter. Clean your house, Children, then call on Me, call Me, I will come. For I fit perfectly in that space, but until you empty those worthless, decaying, worldly items, I cannot and I will not. Why would I squeeze myself into an already occupied area? Now I tell you, I won't. I say "Yes", you must want to clean out that special place; then and only then, I will come and dwell within you. Please Children, look inside; recognize and repent. Throw out those worldly trappings so I can, and will come, and dwell with you. I love you, Children! Oh if you Children would just see where you are and how close you are to My Coming! Why, Children, why don't you heed these? I say, "Wake up! Now is the time! Wake up oh My lost, wandering, frivolous Children!" 

Definition of "Frivolous": Not having any serious purpose or value.

Throw out that stinking garbage so I can come and dwell within you. For that place within you is meant for Me; that place I fit in oh so perfectly. You will never be complete without Me, for I complete you, My Children. I am the missing piece, and no matter how much you try to stuff into that spot, that spot is Mine, and without Me, you will never be happy, full, or content, no not ever; so clean house and call. Let Me put this puzzle together, for I am the finishing piece; without me you will never be done. I love you, Children. Come and let Me call you Mine. I'm listening.

Yeshua Ha Mashiach

And then He wanted me to read this to you. He wanted me to look up the word "Rich". 

Definition of "Rich": Having a great deal of money or assets; having abundant possessions, and especially material wealth.

And He said He wanted me to read this:

Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples. "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God." And the disciples were astonished at His words, but Jesus heard again and said to them. "Children, how hard it is hard how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. [Matthew 19:24]

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