November 3, 2014
[Sister Claire speaking in the video]: The dream that I had of the nuclear annihilation of Miami and the message and the promise that came with this just a few days afterward.
I dreamt that I was on a white, sandy beach on a sub- tropical ocean and a fishing dory was nearby with fishing nets and primitive looking implements. It was obvious to me I was not in America. It was a sunny day, perhaps mid-morning or early afternoon and I was occupied cleaning a fishing net when I turned and looked behind me, over my right shoulder across the ocean, and saw a fist sized cloud on the distant horizon. It quickly began to swell, getting bigger and bigger and I realized that a city in the distance, though I could not see it, had just been struck with an atomic bomb.
I cried out, “Oh, my God!” and awoke from the dream.
Immediately, I knew the dream had been from Holy Spirit. All I could do was pray for mercy. Later I looked for the location of the city and determined that it was either Houston viewed from the eastern coast of the Baha, or Miami viewed from a Cuban beach. I’m pretty sure now, looking back on it, that I was looking northward, so it would have been Miami.
“Lord, I want to know more about what’s going to happen in the world and what I can do to help. You know I did not want to pry into things that are far beyond me.”
At that point, this was during my prayer, before me was a beautiful white and sandy beach, edged with aquamarine waters. There’s something strange, though. All the way down the beach, as far as the eye can see, large grey masses have been thrown up along the shoreline. As I looked more closely, I realized they were human bodies. It was so gruesome I dared not look any more closely.
I turned to the Lord and asked solemnly, "Where are we?"
He answered, “Nassau in the Bahamas. There will be carnage such as has never been seen. Do you remember the message you were given many years ago? --‘Do not fear death, O’ righteous inhabitants of Earth.’”
[Claire to the audience:] And I do remember that, and I will share it with you at the end of this message. We were now suspended above Earth between the Bahamas and Miami. Jesus was weeping and I was in shock. It was one blackened mass. At once we could see up close and there was not a survivor stirring.
“Are you listening to Me?” Jesus asked.
Numbness engulfed my entire being and I simply could not comprehend what I was seeing.
He began again…“You will still be on the Earth when this happens, but very quickly afterwards, I will whisk you both away in the Rapture.”
I asked…“How soon after this happens will You take us, Lord?”
He answered…“Within a week.”
[Claire]: "Seven days?"
[The Lord]: “At maximum. There’s no reason for you to be here past that point.”
[Claire]: "Lord, I don’t know what to say."
[The Lord]: “Such carnage as this has never before fallen upon the Earth. Never was it possible for a man to inflict this kind of damage on My Creation. Were not the End soon approaching, I would intervene – but it must happen this way for the fulfillment of Scripture. Because you are leaving so quickly, you will finally understand: there’s no need to store up anything. Nothing to worry about, no shortage or lack.”
[Claire to the audience:] And as an aside here, this is very interesting to me, [because] I was ordering extra food to store up and the Lord rebuked me for doing that.
He said… “No, I don’t want you to do that.”
[Claire to the audience:] And so I gave all that food away and stopped doing it. I couldn’t understand why, but He explained it to me here. I’d like to leave food for other people, but out of obedience I’m not going to do it. One thing is certain – the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Mercy leaves boundless room for God to intervene but certain things must take place. It is in His hands and in the prayers of our hearts to see to it that the greatest mercy possible could be shed on the world and the souls of those involved in these events. Especially the grace of conversion to these souls that don’t know him. Another thing in this message, in the timing of the Rapture being right after nuclear war on our soil that caught my attention, is that there will be a tremendous amount of grieving and repentance that will take place amongst the Christians in this country, and in the world. A tremendous amount of looking at their lives and repenting. And I think this is probably going to be the finishing touch on the Bride’s garment – the things that have just been hanging there, and hanging and hanging for so long. And the enormity of the situation things are going to just fall right off, just gonna be blasted right off of the garment because the real priorities of life – loving God, loving our neighbor, eternity and the last things – these are going to come up and they’re going to be very strongly in our minds at this time. And I believe that that’s going to be one of the forces that will help to prepare the Bride. I still think there’s great possibility in this message and great merit that He’s coming for His Bride in a time of unbelievable turmoil and agony in society.
Later on in this vision [the Lord] continued to say…
“Tell them for Me, those who are destined for the sword, if you are caught in the midst of these events and are innocent of the sins of this culture, are repentant and reformed in Me, you will wear a martyr’s crown and great glory will be yours in Heaven, because you survived with your soul intact, and remained faithful to Me in a wanton, reckless ungodly, generation. You have suffered for your faith, everything from ridicule to exclusion. I have been present with you each time you suffered reproach for My Name’s sake and your recompense is on the way. Understand, that once this time of unparalleled suffering begins, the living will envy the dead. For at that time, there will be great Tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will there be. There’s great Joy awaiting you, and your reception into Heaven will be the occasion of feasting and merriment. --your time of exile is almost at an end.”
[Claire to the audience:] So, several years ago, (going into the message that He gave me) , I was on a mission trip in South America and I beheld the vault of the deep blue sky as if from a space shuttle. The Earth was clearly before me and there were missiles being launched from one continent to another. They seemed to originate in the Middle East and land in America. When they hit, smoky gray clouds hovered over the area and spontaneously something like fourth of July fireworks shot up into the heavens all the way to the Throne of God. The fireworks ascending to the Throne of God were the souls of the just.
And I heard this…“Do not fear death, O righteous inhabitants of the Earth.”
Then the Lord began to speak again…
“See, I will bring devastation on this Earth, not by My design but by your own, O wicked men among mankind. You who have perverted the truth and robbed the poor: you, too, shall lament and wail; for what you have engineered to destroy others shall be your own undoing. Truly it is written of you… Those who have dug the pit shall be the ones who fall into it. And those who set the snare shall themselves be caught in it.” (Proverbs 26:27)
“Woe, Woe, Woe to you wicked amongst mankind. For the hour of your great undoing is upon you, but my righteous shall shine like the stars in the firmament. Fear not the hour of your death, for that day you shall be with Me in Paradise, and inherit your eternal reward – for to you I have given a crown of Victory.”
“For those who have had a hand in planning the demise of the poor and helpless of the world, while making arrangements to save themselves, it is written Isaiah 28:15-18…
"Because you say, 'We have made a covenant with death, and with the nether world we have made a pact; when the overwhelming scourge passes, it will not reach to us; for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have found a hiding place.' Therefore thus says the Lord God, 'See, I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, a precious corner-stone as a sure foundation: he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken. I will make a right measuring line of justice: a level. Hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, waters shall flood the hiding-place. Your covenant with death shall be cancelled, and your pact with the netherworld shall not stand; when the overwhelming scourge passes, you shall be trampled down by it.'"
And that was the end of His message. So, it’s an encouragement to believers and a warning to those who’ve planned all these things. Without going into the details, it’s all over the Internet – the kind of intrigue and plots and planning that have happened in order to prepare us for this time, prepare themselves for this time and to wipe out and annihilate so much of America and so much of the world population.
But the Lord shall take those who are righteous and they mount up into Heaven like stars ascending to the Throne.
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