Monday, February 29, 2016


It will come with a vengeance, it will come quickly, all who are in its path will feel its destruction and be affected. Many sorrows upon sorrows lie ahead for mankind --many lives lost.

Spiritual darkness will occur, as well as physical darkness --all will come to pass quickly and in a short time to come. You are on the cusp of life changing disasters, and many will soon feel the Lord's ultimate power. The 3 days of shaking, 3 days of fear, 3 days of torment, none will feel secure, and many will cry out to the Lord. They will want the terror to end, but this is only the beginning of what lies ahead for this fallen world.

While many mock and go on with their fun-filled lives, while the world now enjoys relative peace, soon the Lord's judgments will begin and the ground beneath them will begin to crumble. Free-willed spirits the Lord has given them, free will they will use to deny the Lord --soon they will have no choice but to face their eternal destinies.

Fear not, for the Lord is always with you. Cover your loved ones in the blood of the One True Lamb. This is the covering they will need in the coming days ahead. Intercede for those who are lost or not yet found they way. The blood of the Lamb will protect them and keep them from harms way.

There is a "GREAT SHAKING COMING!" ALL that can be shaken will be shaken, but those grounded firmly in the Lord, and with their lamps filled with His Holy Spirit, will be filled with God's peace that passes all understanding. 

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

They will be protected under the Lord's mighty wing of protection, and will take refuge in the His hightower of safety. As the world shakes and plummets into fear, they will dwell safely in the presence of heaven's mighty angels, who will help protect them as they bare them up.

The time comes quickly brethren, prepare yourselves for what soon lies ahead. Although the ground shakes and the ocean tumbles, look to Jeshua for your comfort. Look to Him for peace and reassurance, for He is the only one who can give it to you when the great shaking begins and catastrophic events unfold at a rapid pace.  

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