February 15, 2016
I speak to the Bride this day: I know that many of you are growing tired --it seems like you have been waiting for years for something to happen. Many of My Messengers say that I am at the very door, yet you are still stuck on your Earth; many begin to question if I will ever come in their life time. My Bride, you must truly look around you and see that many things are taking place, just as I spoke of. You are the final generation, and I see what you are going through. I say, hold fast and wait on Me, for I am in this with you. The winds of change are beginning to blow now, and doors will start to open for those whom choose to co-labor with Me when the Earth changing events begin to happen. I am almost done sharpening you into swords for the final and great Harvest; all of the things that have been happening to you has a purpose for the events to come. It makes Me very happy when I see that in all the darkness you face, you shine like a beacon in the storm. I know your hearts, My Children, therefore I am pouring out anointing of Hope, and I am sending My break-through angels at this time, to special deliver Peace to the weary, and a barrier to keep you safe from attacks you are facing. Your doubts will simply melt away, and now that you truly know I am with you every step of the way, heed the calls from My Messengers, and discern from the Holy Spirit what is brought forth for truth and understanding. I have said, "Do not lean on your understanding"; ask for it through the Holy Spirit, and the keys to Heaven shall be delivered unto you, Child.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibjIUi8XT_A
MATTHEW 24:42-43 MATTHEW 25:5 LUKE 13:33-37 LUKE 21:36
ACTS 2:17
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