February 10, 2016
Child, I need to tell them, "Yes, My Coming is imminent!" I have been warning you, you DO need to prepare! Many know the season is upon them, but they choose to not see it, they believe not. Deep down they know, but they choose to ignore all of My warnings. How, you ask? Fear --fear here has gotten a hold of them; it truly is to the point of them being unable to get a hold of themselves. When they are confronted with the signs of the times, they shut down. Oh that enemy is sly! Deep inside, My Children know --but they are unable to cope; so they shut down, they turn away, they feel as if they are helpless. That, I say, is the truth. For without Me, you ARE helpless. But those I speak of, they do not understand how very big I AM --they just continue in this world, feeling like they have no control. Again I say, that is true --only because they do not know Me. If they would get to know Me, they would soon see what the enemy does not want them to see --and that is, they do not have to be run by this world. This world will lead you to death, if you allow. Oh look and see, My lost Children, this world's ways are not good --no, nothing in this world is good. Yes, I have My Children about --here and there, but I tell you, most are way off course. Those of you who claim to know Me, you had better make sure --make 100% sure, for if you are not sure, well I say, "Oh please, Children! You must do this!" Do not go on your merry way back into this world after spending just moments with Me! And, might I say, most of those moments are You talking at Me, instead of us communing together? Yes, I do want your company so! Not just a rehearsed prayer right off a cookie-cutter...no, you are all so very different. I'm not looking for many words, for I am not dumb...no, I know even before your words leave your mouth. I know you, My Children, I made you. How would I not know you? Many words are not needed, but yes, time is --as much time is needed to learn about someone. You, Children, need to spend time with Me --more than just some here, and a moment there. The more time you spend in My presence, the more healing; the more healing, the stronger you become. The stronger you become, the more trust you have in Me. The more trust, allows more Faith. Oh Children, all this, I tell you, is to grow you, strengthen you, so once things begin, you will not fear and shrink back into yourselves. You will need to stand tall and firm. Do you think those whom are Mine would shrink back into themselves? No, you will need to stand firm --that is when you, My Children, will shine. My light will shine bright upon and through you --do you understand? You must do all that is needed now, so you will be completely prepared; completely, I tell you! When this begins, if you are not prepared, your weaknesses will be highlighted; the enemy will use those weaknesses to bring you down and cause you to fall away. Listen, My Children, these times upon you will be difficult, I told you such --but with Me, you WILL endure. Those of you whom have been chosen to stay, continue in your preparation. My Brides, you help as many until I come for you. Tell them of Me, tell them to repent, tell them I love them, bring them to Me. To those whom have chosen to not see, well I say, "Good luck, HA! See how that works for you!" Yes I am sad, but what angers Me is those you have caused to be lost for Me. Yes, misery loves company --so you take many of those lost souls with you, and again I tell you, you will be accounted for that. Yes, every time you cause one soul to sin, yes, that will be put upon you. Yes, each time you tricked a tender soul into sinning, "Oh!", I say, "Woe to you!" You will have to tell Me "why". Yes, you evil children, you truly love evil --so I say, "So be it." You are allowed! --see how that takes you! Oh, woe is Me, My heart aches for the condition of those children. Yes, I created them, but evil they chose, so evil they will be allowed. But this time must come to pass, and come to pass it will. These things have been planned, everything plan WILL BE --so PREPARE, those whom are Mine --PREPARE. Count each of these messages as a blessing, for each day is extra, and more time to come into My Knowledge. Knowing My Knowledge, builds Trust. Building trust, grows Faith. Faith in Me, keeps you in My Will. Staying in My Will, keeps you in My Graces. Staying in My Graces, gives you everlasting life. Is that not what you want? Do you not want Me to dwell with you? Well then, "do" as I ask. Do not fall back --now is not the time. You must step forward, come close to Me, and I will come close to you. Did I not tell you so? I ordered that! I, your God, order you to come! Come to Me, My weak little Children --stop falling for the enemies wiles! Stop, I say! Let me prepare you! Let me strengthen you, for the time ahead will be difficult, but you can do all things through Me, who strengthens you --can you not? Well, My Children, come! For I tell you the truth: he who believes, has everlasting life.
Your fortifying God,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GIV35Rygwk
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