Friday, February 12, 2016

February 4, 2016


Children, I have been telling you, time is short, and that is what I mean. There is no time left to not listen to Me. Please understand, My Doves, these warnings are out of pure love. For I want not one to perish, but for you all to have everlasting life. Things will be difficult, the time ahead will be trying, but I tell you, you must endure. It will take all you have to stay focused upon Me --but I tell you, that is what you MUST do! For if you do not, well I have told, you you will not make it. When I say, "Make it", what I mean is, you will be lost --lost from Me forever. Yes, it will be bleak, but you, My Children, must try. Yes, it will be difficult, but you MUST try! Yes, your soul does depend on it! Please, My Doves, listen to Me, your only chance is Faith --Faith in Me! Again, I say, COMPLETE Faith. Do not think I will have your back just because you believe in Me, you must BELIEVE Me! Trust Me, trust Me in all things! Do you think the devil believes in Me? Yes, he does! Does he BELIEVE Me? Well, that's a whole different subject. Do you see what I'm telling you, Children? He believes in Me, but he does not BELIEVE Me. Okay, let's say it this way: he believes I exist, but he does not have Faith in Me. For if he did, he would know his attempts are futile. He chooses to not believe, so he pushes forward --he truly believes he will triumph, but I say that will never happen. For how can a creation be exalted over his Creator? --I ask that. Children, I am telling you this for a purpose --all I tell you, Children, is to help you. Oh how I want My Children to see --it truly is clear if you would just see! The enemy will stop at nothing --he wants all of my Creation destroyed --he hates everything I love. I know, Children, this is hard to understand, but that is his intention --not to let you to continue to live in peace, but to sentence you to a life of bondage. He is giving you a sense of security, by blinding you with distractions --you truly do not even notice how distracted you are! Every single thing in this world has been planned to trick and trap you --that is why I am warning you, My Doves. You need to remove yourselves from this world --yes all of it. Some of My Children have already heeded My call, and mourned, and removed themselves --and much better for it! Yes, time will be needed once removed, to clear your senses from the overload the enemy has burdened you with, but once that is done, you will have a fresh perspective on this world and its trappings --then you will hear My Voice. These things I am telling you, are necessary steps, Children --necessary for your survival. Stop living in this world! Did I not say, "You live in this world, but you are not part of this world?? You, My Children, should not be part of it --you need to remove yourselves immediately! For Adam and Eve were tricked WITHOUT such devices, how much more now? This is an uphill battle, My Children, but with Me, it is possible --for without Me, you would not care, and NOT caring, you would continue --continue down the path you are on. And I am telling you, that path is NOT Mine, but that road is the enemy's --strolling along, unbeknownst to what is engulfing you. All these things, I say, are for you, Children. You need to wake up --rouse yourselves! Come into My light! Call out for My Holy Spirit! He will help, for that is what He does. He will comfort you, He will guide you, He will open your eyes and teach you all things --but it starts with you, and now is that time. Let it start with you, My Doves --all you must do is call out with full earnestness. Then you will be put on My path, but that must start with you. Again, I tell you, I cannot MAKE you! I can warn, warn, and warn, but until you choose, that is all I can do. Children, choose right --do not choose wrong. Listen to that tug in your heart, for that is My Holy Spirit calling you --He is telling you, "Now is the time to come home!" Time is upon you! It is time to go home! I am calling My Children home! Soon I will come pick you up, My Children! Listen to the warning bell, for soon we will be leaving --you will be heading home to your true home. I am coming to pick you up, My Children. I am calling, I am calling you home. Come, let's prepare --prepare for home.

I love you,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach

Zechariah 11:16 For indeed I will rise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand; but he will eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their hooves to pieces. 

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