February 25, 2016
[The first message is untitled]
Thus saith the Lord: I, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, hearken unto you saying: You sinners repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and My Judgment has already begun --and it will only increase with intensity. I have already shown My Servant for months now, of the magnitude in which these events will occur. Everything will move quickly; one major event will trigger the other --just as the dominoes fall, one after another, and many will not be prepared. Men's hearts will fail them from fear from the things coming upon the Earth. Desperately seek to be rooted and grounded in Me and continue to pray fervently that you and your loved ones will escape all these things. So prepare thee the way for the Messiah --He is at the door, and your redemption draws near. I AM He who is, who was, and forever will be.
[Second message]
My stiffnecked and disobedient children: why must it be that you continue to grieve My Spirit? Have I not been longsuffering and patient towards you? Did I not grant you mercies that are new every morning? Do you not realize the very breath you breathe keeps you alive by My power only? Your minds can't even begin to grasp the infinite amount of love that harbors in My heart for you. So I desperately plead with you to return back to your first true love, because your God is jealous, My children. Because jealousy causes My wrath to be kindled with indignation --because I share My Glory with no other. A loving Father is very protective of His little ones, no matter how rebellious they become. And know, that there's nothing I will stop at in order to guide you in the right direction, for I tell you the truth, My children, My love for you has no bounds and there is no end to it. Your Father cannot lie.
The great I AM
The great I AM
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlsM-vvj4zk
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