February 17, 2016
I say this day, do you truly trust in your Creator, or do you lean on your own understanding? Are you one who memorizes Scriptures just to quote them amongst men in self-righteousness? Far too many of My Children fight amongst themselves, trying to prove who knows more. I see the motives in each person's thoughts and their deeds. This is why I am speaking to the young children now more than ever before, as they come forth in innocence, confounding the wise. This is why I say, you must change and become like little children if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let me personally teach you all things, for it is a matter of the heart, not the head, when you come to Me. I long to whisper Words of love to you as our hearts become one, for there is no greater treasure you can possess than to have your Creator dwelling within your temple, My precious Ones. Let us move as one Spirit together with compassion for the brethren, and a humble and contrite heart, seeking wisdom and knowledge from on high as I carry you along the River of Life. So until the day I come for you, let us continue our intimacy, as I shall reveal great mysteries to you --as Heaven and earth merge together. And let My heart and glory dwell upon you forever in perfect love, Beloved. Hold on tight, for I am on the way.
Your King,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdqw83OI2fs
PROVERBS 3:5-6 LUKE 18:16 MATTHEW 18:3 MATTHEW 19:14
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