Children, be on alert! I have been telling you to be watchful. Things will be progressing faster and faster. Like birthing pains, things will increase in numbers, as well as frequency, until there will be no separation: all will be reeling and rocking. You, My Children, will recognize what and why; that does not make it any easier, but you will know why, and that is comforting. You must be prepared for escalation of these events. Be ready to move in a moment's notice, for if you do not recognize, that may be your downfall. I am not saying you will lose your soul, but I am saying you may be caught in a disaster, but that is this time you live. So you must be prepared, My Children. prepare on all levels now. If you live in high populated areas, you may want to think about some extra food and water; store enough for a few days, for I am telling you, My Bride, you may have to endure for a few days, but I am coming. It's at that time I will need you to bring those souls who do not know Me, to Me. Do you understand? You, My Brides, must be strong and have faith, you will need to pass and one final test. You need to have much faith in Me. Do you think I have been lying to you? I tell you, "No, I have not." Did I tell you, you would not see any trouble? Again I tell you, "No, I did not." In fact, I have been telling you, you will be needed. This is the time you, My Bride, will need to persevere and hold on to Me, for if you lose your faith, you may have to endure to the end. Yes, it is a real possibility you may fall away and lose faith once troubles befall. It will be a terrible time, but this must be done for many different reasons: to bring in lost souls, to allow My Brides to shine, and to weed out those who truly do not believe in Me. Do you understand My Children? You will have to endure, but I told you, I, your your Lord God, am going to remove you, but you must do your part. Yes it may be hard, but with Me all things are possible. That is why I have been telling you, you must have faith in Me in all things. Do you not know I am in control of everything? Well, I am. Even the enemy is only allowed what I allow. Do you understand yet? Oh these Words! You Children are so hard-headed! Why can't you understand? But I say one day you will. Then you will see how truly blind you were. Please, My Doves, realize how big and mighty I am, and know I have control over everything. If you would consider the depth of that, you would fear not, you would worry not. Please Children, does it truly matter in what way you are removed from this world? Be it sudden disaster, or with Me and the sky? And either way, you will be with Me. Just consider this a chance to help and usher in those lost souls before they are lost to Me forever. Please understand this has been planned, and you who are alive today were chosen for this time. You must realize that you were created for this exact time. You may not feel it, but you are Mighty! Together you and I agree! Do you truly think I just dropped you into a hat, and picked you out and said, "Okay, they get to be on the Earth at this very moment in time?" Well, hmm, if you believe that, then well, what can I say? I tell you "No". There is much thought on every detail. I told you, you agreed to live at this time, even knowing what may befall you. Yes, all of you are mighty indeed! Realize what you are and stop thinking less of yourselves! That is exactly what the enemy wants. He does not want you, My Mighty People, to realize what you actually are. You are Mine! Listen, My Bride, this time has been planned, and the enemy has had much time to deceive My Children now; that has been his strategy. He want you to feel fearful, weak, and alone. I tell you, do those sound like My Army? Well, okay, you say "No". Well, who do you think My Army are? Yes you My Army, are My Children, whom else would that be? No, you cannot turn to anyone else, of course, except for Me. But with Me, who else do you need? Well that is exactly why you need to have complete faith in Me. You must know without any doubt, what I am capable of, with no reservation, for without that, you will fall away, quite rapidly, I might add. For those without faith, what will you hold on to? Whom do you think will help? Oh ye of little faith! My Children, think it through! I am in control and I will never leave you or forsake you, no not ever I say, no not ever! My Brides, I am telling you this to prepare you, you will have to endure for a time, but I will remove you before the worst. You will see events that are meant to open My Children's eyes, those with blinders on. You will be there for them when they realize what is happening, and you My Children, will be the ones to tell them. Prepare My Children, prepare to do what you were meant to do. Again, those of you and high populated areas, keep some extras on hand and be willing to share, share to those in need. Remember, this is what you were created for. You all agreed to this, so do not let Me down, My Doves. Prepare! Prepare!
Your God,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
And then I said, "Lord, why are you telling us to store extra food and water, but yet you tell us to have faith? Won't you provide when we need it?"
And He replied, "Those extras, My Daughter, will be needed to help others. Yes, you are correct, that's my girl! That's what I want to see! Of course I can provide, and I will, but those extras will help those left after My Bride comes with Me. Those left behind will suffer so! And My Elect will be left to do damage control. I will be able to direct them to much needed supplies for the left behind ones. This war has much strategy, much you do not understand. That is why I expect you to do as you are told. Each thing I instruct is connected to other events that are to take place. What do you think I do? Sit around twiddling My thumbs? Broaden your minds! This is war, and it must be treated as such, this is time to prepare your minds. You know your road ahead, My Children, there is no turning back! It is happening, ready or not, so it's best to be ready. Do you understand now? Well, you better start to get the picture, for everything written will come to pass, exactly as written."
And then I said, "Lord, I know people will ask. 'When will you remove us?'"
He said, "Oh My Child, I have told you, you will have to endure for a time. Once things truly begin, there will be no confusing it, you all will know, you will only be left for a short time. So you will have to work quickly to tell those confused about Me, for once you are removed, it will be too late for them, they will have to endure. But that is not for you to worry about, but until you are removed, that is exactly what you must do: tell them, comfort them. That is where My Chosen Ones will be called into action: they will pick up where My Bride left off. Oh My Children, pray for such as those, for their road is tough. This is no heroes pass, for they may lose their own soul in the process. But did I not tell you? War is hell, and hell is real? But who created hell? Yes, I did, but not for My Children! That is why I tell you, you must have faith. If you have faith, you will stay in My Will, and staying in My Will, keeps you under My protection. And My Will is not your will, but Mine, and that means in all things, every minute of every day. You must learn this, Children. Come to Me and I will give you understanding, it is not a mystery, it is easier than you think. How hard is it to do as you are told? It is easier than trying to figure it out yourself, is it not? Do you see it now? I could go on all day, but until you think on these and come to Me and ask, you may not understand. So come to Me and ask for understanding, and I will happily reveal it to you. So I say, "Ask, and it will be given." Fix these Words of Mine on your heart and minds. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Thus sayeth the Lord,
Yeshua Ha MashiacH
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