May 17, 2015
Do not fear, for I am with you. These things must shortly come to pass, for they are written. My Children will be safe, for I will see to that. I know your concerns, and you will learn to completely rely on Me. You will have no other choice but to trust in Me. The world is about to plummet into utter and total chaos, there is no stopping this now, for it is now starting. Only My return will stop these events, and that day has already been determined by My Father. Life as you have always known, will never again be the same. You will finish your role as one of My Elite --you will walk as they walked. [And when He said, "Walk as they walked", He was speaking of the Apostles]. You will seek and find My lost ones, you will shine My Light, and they will come to you. They will want to know what you know. They will seek to be comforted by what comforts you, and through you, they too will find it. But not all will want this, and not all will be receptive to what you have to offer. Avoid those whom mock and scoff, and keep moving on. Find those who seek the truth, and pour a blessing upon them. Cover their heads with My anointing oil, and speak My Words of truth. They are the ones who will accept you; focus your goals on them. Stay away from those who wish to harm you, for their time will come; until that day, avoid their presence. They will seek to destroy you, but you will overcome them by the blood of the One True Lamb. You will speak My Words of truth. There will be healing in your hands. You shall touch the lame, and they will walk. You will heal the blind, and they will see. You will do more than I did, when I walked among the dead. You will be victorious, and at the appointed time, you will come home to Me. Do not be afraid of your end, for the second death will not harm you --for it has been My plan all along that you return to Me in this way. Do not be afraid, for I will be with you; I will never leave you. We will be victorious together. You will emerge a new creation and all those who pierced you, will see you; for you will be as I, and your sorrows will be over. Only glory remains upon you --My glory that I have bestowed upon you. Never fear who you were created to be, for in Me lies your confidence to execute My plan for you --to dwell among the living and to exonerate your Father. You are One with Me, and we move as One. You and I are One in My Father; we are One together --you and I and I in Him. Do not be afraid to shine for all the world to see, for I have chosen you from the foundation of the world to be seen and heard by others --to speak My Words and proclaim My Gospel. Do not worry what others think, you know who you are, for you and I are One. Go and preach My Gospel, share My living Words, and tell My Children I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me --they must be found in Me to enter My Father's gates. Be found in Me, My Children, for My Coming is soon --I am upon you. I love you, My Children, it is time for you to begin your work. Lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.
["Exonerate" defined: to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame]
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Revelation 1:1, 1:7, 2:11, 12:11 Matthew 24: 36, Isaiah 60: 1 -5, 41: 10, John 14: 6, Ephesians 1,: 4, John 14: 20, 15: 16, Romans 8: 29, mark 16: 15, Luke 21: 28,
Jeremiah 1: 8, Deuteronomy 31: 6, in Joshua 1: 9. John 14:12-14.
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