I say this day, My children, that the lawless one is preparing himself to enter the world stage. Many things are happening behind the scenes to groom him for this position. The governments around the world have prepared camps and detention centers, and war is on the horizon. An event is coming that is going to change things very quickly. This is when the son of perdition will step forward and take action, and bring about peace. He'll be hailed as a hero, and the whole world will love him for this. He will finally be in position to become leader of a one world system, and finally implement a one world religion. This will be the time of testing that will befall the Earth, as the mark of the beast will be established. When this event takes place, I will remove My Bride, for she is not going through these trials, for she has already passed the test and made herself white before Me, following Me wherever I go. It is the sleeping church that must be left behind to be tried, for they did not heed the call, and keep their garments from spot, choosing the world over Me. Everyday your prayers are heard, and I open the ears and eyes spiritually of those whom grow tired of this world. But I tell you that I cannot strive with man forever, judgment must fall to finally remove evil from the Earth. I say, come back to Me with a repentant heart, Child, and I shall spare you from this calamity.
Yeshua HaMashiach
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Yeshua HaMashiach
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