Tuesday, March 8, 2016


There is much talk that WWIII is about to begin, that it is very possible there will not be another Presidential Election, and that the Apocalypse is about to begin. Even at the place where I work, I hear my co-workers talking regularly about a zombie apocalypse, about the guns they own, and their need to practice shooting at the gun range. We see the US moving vast numbers of military equipment to small towns, where it becomes as the elephant in the room.

We saw that on March 1, more than 120 countries began military exercises, and that the US is currently conducting a military exercise involving 6,000 military personnel in the State of Washington in the largest simulated earthquake response exercise in the history of the Pacific Northwest. We continually see movies and TV shows talking about the end of the world, a zombie apocalypse, and global viral pandemics in apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic scenarios. It is in our faces everywhere we turn! Jesus spoke about the signs of the end in Mathew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:7-8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. 

If New York City and Washington D.C. were to be attacked with nuclear or thermonuclear bombs, we could be sure the US would experience a financial collapse and be immediately placed into Martial Law. Have you heard about the thousands of coffins that are being stored in various places in America? Each coffin can hold 3 bodies and was designed to be easily combustible and disposable.


Pestilence: the coming plague of viruses

The onset of a global viral pandemic is something we see in many movies and TV shows, and they often show that it is a virus that causes people to turn into zombies. What is a virus? Viruses are not living organisms, as bacteria are, but are made of DNA or RNA genetic material. When a virus infects a person by entering into their body, it will "inject" its DNA material inside its host cell, which will begin to replicate itself until the host cell becomes so engorged with the virus, it explodes and releases the the newly created viruses into the person's body. Some viruses become "air-born" and are able to contaminate others through the air, but most viruses spread through body fluids. There are some who believe that the first virus ever created, was created by fallen angels before the flood.

The image below shows what a virus looks like. You can see that a virus has legs called "tail fibers" that it uses to latch onto the outside membrane of a host cell, and a needle-like projection called the "base plate", which it uses to injects its DNA material into its host cell.


It is a known and document fact that deadly viruses such as HIV, SARS, and EBOLA, were created and patented by scientists working in US laboratories financed by US taxpayer dollars under the guise of creating military "biological" weapons to be used on enemy nations in warfare. Once a scientist creates a virus in a laboratory, they then create, test, and perfect the vaccine that will destroy the virus. The most efficient viruses are those that spread quickly and produce death within one or two days.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, an internationally known public health authority with Harvard credentials, has published a book called, "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Genocide?" (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1996), in which he claims that HIV and Ebola viruses did not originate from monkeys left alone in the wild, but were bio-engineered in American laboratories.  Dr. Horowitz based his research on the review of more than 2,500 government documents and scientific reports, some gained through the Freedom of Information Act and never before revealed to the general public. Dr. Horowitz  claims that  HIV-1, and its parent, HIV-2, have been traced to National Cancer Institute (NCI) and military funded cancer virus experiments, and that NCI researchers during the 1960's, mixed viral genes from different animals to produce leukemia, sarcoma, general wasting, and death. This provided the "cancer models" used to study human cancer and begin human vaccine trials. Dr. Horowitz's book is the first book to describe in-depth exploration into the origins of AIDS and Ebola, and its controversial conclusions. The book claims that Pentagon scientists developed a vaccine against Ebola 30 years ago, and that all the rights for the vaccine belong to the US government .
According to the TV show, "The X-Files", there exists an evil conspiracy by an Elite cabal, who are planning to deliberately release a variety of these deadly viruses worldwide in their attempt to depopulate the world and bring in their New World Order. Several US billionaires and politicians such as Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, and others, have publicly and openly discussed their views for supporting the need of worldwide depopulation methods.
Following is a transcript from X-Files (Episode 6, Season 10), where they discuss this conspiracy. O'Malley is a news reporter reporting a news feed on TV. Agents Sculley, Einstein, and Reyes are FBI agents. The cigarette-smoking man claims he is the most powerful man in the world, and it is he that is behind this evil conspiracy to depopulate the world with deadly viruses, while "chosen" people that have already received the vaccine will be completely immune to the virus plagues. The show begins with a title that reads, "This is the end".

 O'Malley reporting on the TV: I am getting ready to blow up the most evil conspiracy the world has ever known.

Sculley speaking to agent Einstein: I am suspecting a conspiracy of men hiding science for almost 60 years. Secrets kept from the American people by a self-interested cabal, intent on the consolidation of power, both at home and on a perilously global scale. But questions remain unanswered about their motives and their final objectives. When and where these men might play out their dark plans, and the significance of a recent test result of my personal genetic makeup turning up DNA anomalies that I can only classify as alien.

O'Malley reporting on the TV: Six weeks ago, we went off the air due to threats from outside forces bent on controlling content deemed dangerous to their cause. Today we're back, with facts threatening these forces yet again: the discover of something that's so shocking, you'll want to sit down and prepare yourself for the truth. What may seem like science fiction, but is science fact --the legitimate and verifiable discovery of alien DNA that's in virtually every American citizen. I know what you're thinking right now.

Later in the show:
Sculley speaking to Skinner: Tad O'Malley has been making claims that you and everyone you know has a piece of DNA in your genome put there without your knowing it.

Agent Einstein: Put there by whom?

Sculley: Well, that's the question of the day. But the facts as I understand them, cannot be discounted out of hand.

Agent Einstein: No one has the right or the ability to tamper with your DNA.

Sculley: Unless we gave them that ability. I was given a smallpox vaccine as a child, as I'm sure you were as well; it was standard practice in America at the time.

Agent Einstein: If you are suggesting there was more in that shot than a vaccine...

Sculley: It's actually not that far-fetched and within the realm of accepted science. Something entering the germ line, something that would be passed down hereditarily.

Agent Einstein: That would be an unprecedented violation of the public trust.

Sculley: And now you know a bit more of the history I was referring to.

Agent Einstein: For the purpose of what?

Sculley: I don't know Agent Einstein, but I do know is that the possibility exists.

O'Malley: I know that this is hard for people to understand, so what are we looking at, Dr. 
Rubell? the scale and scope?

Dr. Rubell: A scale we've never dreamed. A scope that quickly becomes global.

O'Malley: A massive contagion, then?

Dr. Rubell: Not one contagion, but a variety of contagions. If the flu doesn't kill you, then something else will.

O'Malley: You're describing it as a fast-moving AIDS without the HIV.

Dr. Rubell: Our immune systems decimated by the same tampering to all our genomes.

O'Malley: Who will be first hit? The people we most depend on? the police, health care workers, then the people in the metropolitan areas?

Later in the show:
Sculley: You don't understand, Anthrax is the canary in the coal mine. It's a harbinger of infections to come: measles, mumps, rubella, the flu. We're all going to be exposed. You are now witnessing what may be the advent of a global contagion.

[The expression,"A canary in the coal mine", is used to express that something is an advanced warning of some danger. The metaphor originates from the times when miners used to carry caged canaries while at work; if there was any methane or carbon monoxide in the mine, the canary would die before the levels of the gas reached those hazardous to humans.]

Later in the show:
O'Malley reporting on TV: We're now getting reports of law enforcement dealing with soldiers and military personnel indicating symptoms of exposure to anthrax --a rolling first wave of contagion set in motion by our revelations of a far-reaching conspiracy of men. Your DNA is being targeted by a release of aluminum into the atmosphere through chemtrails: a systematic spreading of a substance that triggers a genetic response.

Sculley: You have something to tell me?

Agent Reyes: Something you need to know. I made certain choices: choices you not approve or understand, but they made sense to me at the time. He [the cigarette-smoking man] had an offer to make. He wanted to make a deal with me, one that left me very little choice.

In a separate scene, a cigarrette-smoking man is speaking to Monica Reyes: I'm the most powerful man in the world...the world will go in, but just in my image instead of Gods...and they won't know what hit them. That their fates were sealed since birth, they were simply puppets.

Reyes speaking to Sculley: He [the cigarrette-smoking man] threatened me with the ultimate weapon --the ability to depopulate the planet, to kill everyone but the chosen.

Sculley: By tampering with their DNA?

Reyes: Science acquired in the '50s, given to them by an alien race.

Sculley: Alien DNA mixed with our DNA.

Reyes: It's not quite so simple...it's been in motion since 2012.

Later in the show:
Sculley: We can't stop it, it's in the germ line already: it's in sperm, it's in eggs, it's a virus within a virus that was put there through the smallpox vaccine. It's what these men are calling the Spartan Virus.


1 comment:

  1. whatever happens; we are best to be prepared no matter where information came from the practicality of structure is immediate resolve;there many nation and each with 101 personalities in accountability of administrative processes in the humanitarian efforts,which would assume a more simplistic conventional formality..but there a lot of truth and hope unless you think that all those boy have been brain washed i would assume that our forces are maintaining..precimties for protocols for emergencies ,while there's enough economic flow..in a world of seven billion and enough programmatic dogmas simplistic crowds the more solutions than theories the better...
