Friday, March 25, 2016


I tell you of things to come to fulfill My promise to you and to warn you of the schemes of your enemy. You have also been shown the Glory that shall fall upon My anointed Ones and all My provisions. But too many of you are cowering in fear, taking anxious thought for tomorrow; you glorify your enemy with this fear as you magnify his works. Fear not! Be strong and be very courageous, for without Faith it is impossible to please Me. I am sending you forth as My ambassadors --glorify Me! The walls must come down! Evil men and seducers have erected walls to divide My Church; this cannot be! You call yourselves Catholics and Protestants and you call yourselves after the names of mere men. The fighting and the strife between you is a stench in My nostrils. Did I not tell you by this all men shall know that you are My Disciples, if you love one another? There is only One Body and One Spirit. Glorify Me! Your appointed Pastors and Teachers seek glory only for themselves! And their desire to be needed and looked to stands between their people and their True Shepherd. Did I not tell you My sheep hear My Voice, and the voice of another they will not follow? Your lofty positions will soon come to an end! My appointed Pastors know their assignments. You must labor to equip My Saints for the work of the Ministry to build up and unite My Body. Humbly teach My sheep to listen to My Voice and follow no other. Your assignment is not complete until the whole Body reaches unity in the Faith and attains the measure of the fullness of Christ. In Him the whole building if formed together, joins together, and rises to become a Holy Temple in the Lord. It is then that I will fully indwell My Temple. Glorify Me, My children, teach even the smallest among you to listen to My Voice --do not rely on the voice of others, each of you must inquire of Me. In the days ahead everyone, from the least to the greatest, will need to hear directly from their Lord --your lives will depend on this. The storm is approaching, winds are blowing. Do not look at this storm, keep your eyes focused straight ahead on Me. I am your source, I am your strength --it's in the midst of this storm that you will glorify Me!

Word receive by Diana Pulliam in 2015 -


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