Friday, April 29, 2016

Thus sayeth the Lord, "The rider goes forth, but not of Me: alone shall he be."

Thursday, April 28, 2016


America is still deep in denial, and this denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now, the economy is still functioning and food and fuel are still available; the lights turn on, and American Idol is still the center of attention. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy; they're still stuck on the false left-right paradigm and think that some other sock puppet will turn things around. When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in all urban areas in the United States will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors.

So here are the five reasons why American riots will be the worst in the world: 

#1. Arrogance - All of our lives we have been fed the lie that somehow we are better than everybody else and to believe that it is morally acceptable to stick our noses into everyone's business. We have 777 Military bases all over the world; our currency is the world's reserve currency; we control most of the International organizations like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank; we control the world's shipping lanes; our media is the most popular and sought-after propaganda in the world; our corporations harvest the resources that our empire provides, and this has led to the feeling that the American way of life is not negotiable. We print debt and consume. But this way of life was only possible by the very real and hard sacrifices made by Americans long dead. America today is nothing more than a spoiled brat blowing through the last of its inheritance. The only thing that the United States is #1 at is spreading debt and death. This American arrogance will be turned on to other Americans as the dollar collapses. Soon, we will no longer be able to maintain global dominance and power without a functioning currency. All of our troops will be forced to come home, and we will no longer be able to import 25% of the world's oil. This sudden shift will turn arrogant Americans on each other as they seek to enforce their inflated sense of self-worth onto others. They will think that the world somehow owes them something, and they believe that lesser people should be made to sacrifice for them; after all, Dick Chaney did say, "The American way of life is not negotiable.", and as author Voltaire once said; "Everything is fine today, but that is our illusion."

#2. The second factor, and what will make American riots the worst, is denial. For those that aren't arrogant, they're in denial and believe that everything will be "OK", because they are "good people". They believe that America will recover and the American dream is still alive. They believe this because they either lack the ability to logically see through the lies, or they believe that people ruling them have the same morals as they do. You cannot spread freedom with war. A nation cannot enforce their will upon another nation any more than you can force your will upon another. There will always be "blow-back", and of course, that is the plan of your rulers. They do not share the same values as you do; they seek to create chaos and division so that they can garner more power and profits. "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." (Quote by Ayn Rand). The dollar collapse will end the ability of the average American to deny their active or passive participation in the dominance in the world by spreading debt and death. When people's entire life savings are wiped away, they will wonder what their life has been all about. All of their missed times with their families and connections with others, all will have been stained by the pursuit of material gains. Only when everything is taken from them, will they start to see the real importance of life. Many will not be able to come to terms with this coming reality. 

#3. Number 3 on the list is Narcissism - The amount of narcissism in America is epidemic. The fascination with celebrities and their clothes consumes the masses, and many are addicted to worshiping sports figures. We have a fear of competition, and we view others as enemies --this leads to shallow and transitory relationships. Americans consume their way into debt as they try to create an outer facade to hide the inner void in their rapid lives. The baby-boomer generation is known as the "Me Generation" --their obsessive pursuit of material possessions was matched by their embrace of debt. The dollar collapse is going to hit the baby-boomers the hardest, and they'll be forced to come to terms with the pain they have left in their wake. Broken families and debt is just the tip of the iceberg. The war and the debt machine they enabled and unleashed upon the world is a much harder reality they will have to deal with. 

#4. Drugs - Millions of Americans have turned to drugs to fill the void of their true purpose in life. Instead of dealing with past hurts and seeking a higher purpose for their lives like helping others and using their natural talents to make the world better, Americans have turned to drugs. The worst kind of drugs are the kind people believe are making them better. Powerful psychotropic drugs such as anti-depressants are extremely powerful and can cause psychotic breaks that lead to violence if they come off them too soon. I would say that these drugs are much more powerful than guns because they cause people to break from reality and cause violence. But I do want to warn everybody of one thing: Nearly 10% of the Country, or 27 million Americans, are on these anti-depressants. Knowing that there is only one month's supply in the system, and the kind of psychotic breaks that will happen if these people come off these drugs too fast, is definitely not a good thing. When the dollar collapses, we will not only have to worry about the 7 to 10 days supply of food and fuel in the system, but we will also have to worry about the 1 in 10 Americans who are not going to be medicated when the world paradigm collapses. 

#5. The fifth reason why I think American riots will be the worst, is violence. Violence has been a part of the American culture since the beginning of our Country. We have the most armed population and the highest crime rates in the world. The violence we will see in some parts of this Country will be as bad as the reign of terror from the French Revolution. Some parts of this Country will try to confront a post-dollar paradigm by embracing freedom and honest money; others will try to hold on to power by becoming more tyrannical and finding enemies with their neighbors. We are surrounded by violence and we've been desensitized to anti-social behavior, as our movies and video games show killing of others, but rarely the consequences of those actions. While not even being aware of it, anti-social behaviors are often normalized in the TV shows we and our children watch every day. I recently realized that some of my favorite shows, like Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, were really about normalizing anti-social behavior. In fact, the season finale of Seinfeld was based off a man getting mugged, and showed all four main characters not only not helping the man, but actually making fun of the man while he was being violently robbed. This lack of empathy is at the root of our problems.

So now we have a society that cares only about themselves and their own materialistic needs, but we also have a society that no longer cares about other people's feelings. The American riots will be the worst in the world because of the amount of arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence in our Country. These factors are systemic and affect every level of society, and I also do fear that our Nation is sick enough to unleash a series of false-flag events that will spread, and maybe even for the intentional purpose of spreading, our violence even further.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

   This Is The End Days Of The Current Economic System, And We Might Not Reach October: with Bill Holter

This is a full transcript of an interview of Bill Holter, conducted on April 19, 2016, by Dave Hodges, host of X22 Report Spotlight

Dave: Before we get started talking about a lot of different things, let's start off with gold manipulation and Deutsche Bank, and we'll move from there. Right now as we know, Deutsche Bank is admitting that they're manipulating silver and gold, and there are other banks that are implicated in this. Is this going to have an effect on the major gold market at this point?

Bill Holter: Well I think it certainly will; first off, Deutsche Bank is admitting guilt. This is the first time for any of theses fined companies to admit guilt. They are paying a billion dollar fine and are becoming state's evidence; in other words, they're going to squeal on others that were involved. As I understand it, this was about the fix, this was not about daily trading, so it just gets into the fix. My belief is you're going to see all sorts of civil class action suits that are going to be brought against Deutsche Bank and the others over manipulation. And the fact that they admitted guilt, it slam-dunked automatic win, or class action suits. The danger to Deutsche Bank, the danger to the cabal, is "Discovery". Once discovering begins and they've got to open their books, their emails, etc, this ought to be comical.

Dave: Is it strange that this news came out the same time that China's launching their gold-backed Yuan?

Bill: No, I don't. I think there's a whole list of stuff that's come out just over the last two weeks, this is all coming to a head. Today, April 19, is the day that "precious metal people" have been waiting for because China has begun their gold fix away from London, and also the ABX Exchange has opened up.

[Note: The ABX Exchange is the Allocated Bullion Exchange, which is the world's leading electronic institutional exchange for allocated physical precious metals. ABX has Modernized, Globalized, and Integrated the precious metal markets by redefining the way physical bullion is traded. We connect all major global liquidity centers and break down the barriers of entry to the global wholesale market for all market participants.]

Bill: My thought on this is that I don't believe this is going to be like a light switch. I think it's going to be like candle after candle being lit, and then all of a sudden the light switch goes on. What I think you're going to see happen is, the physical demand from Asia is going to push the price of gold and silver higher and they're going to force COMEX to come along.

[Note: COMEX is the primary market for trading metals such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum. Formerly known as the Commodity Exchange Inc., the COMEX merged with the New York Mercantile exchange in 1994 and became the division responsible for metals trading.]
Bill: If COMEX does not come along and recognize the demand, they are going to be arbitraged completely out of inventory. And with more or less a billion dollars, you can clean up both COMEX, and the silver, and gold that they have available to deliver. So it's not even a big number, it's a very small number, a billion dollars. 

Dave: So do you think gold is going to rise this year to where it's going to be hitting $50,000 worth of gold? Do you think because of what's happening with Deutsche Bank, what's happening today with China, and everything that's coming down the road here, do you think we're going to be heading to that area?

Bill: That figure would only be accurate if they had 1,300 tons of gold, I assume they don't, and I assume they don't because they have not done an audit since 1955, or 1956, and you can't use the excuse that it's too expensive to audit, but that doesn't cut it.

Dave: No, that's a ridiculous statement in itself.

Bill: I think that what we're going to find out this year is that the US does not have the gold. Even though several people have said that China will bring out their Yuan today, I think that they're going to allow the marketplace to take gold higher, and then they come out with a gold-backed Yuan, and when they do that, they'll come out with some audited numbers and they'll say, "We have  20,000 pounds of gold," or whatever the number happens to be, and I think, in my opinion, they have an absolute minimum of 20,000 tons of gold. I think they're going to come out and say, "We've shown you ours, now you show us yours." And it'll have to be an independent audit, it can't be an internal audit that just says, "Trust us." Because that's what this is about, it's about trust. The US has run the World on trust for what, 60, 70 years? And we've abrogated the trust.

Dave: Yeah, and I don't think anyone really trusts the US right now at this point, they want to see the proof. Let's just get into the economy, the last time we spoke it was back in December and the market was coming down in January, the market came down in February, and then all of a sudden we have this "boost-up" of the market. Of course all over the corporate media they're telling us, "Oh, look now, the market is above 18,000 points!" What has happened since December until now? David Stockman says we're in a "dead cat bounce" at this point, what do you think?

[Note: A "dead cat bounce" is a temporary recovery in share prices after a substantial fall, caused by speculators buying in order to cover their positions.]

Bill: I wouldn't even call it a "dead cat bounce"; I would say that the markets are being jammed with derivatives. The markets since December, if you look at the first quarter of the year, earnings have declined, everything has declined, trade has declined. The economies all over the world and in the United States have gotten softer, and softer, and softer in an effort to hold the system together. The, if you want to call it the "plunge protection team", has bounced the stock market at the same time the ESF has been gobbling up Treasuries that have been sold. And speaking of Treasuries, one of the big events in the last couple of weeks has been the Saudis threatening to sell $750 billion worth of Treasuries if the 28 pages are released and if it's inferred that they were behind 9/11 or a part of 9/11. I just want to say that about specifically selling $750 billion in Treasuries, that won't really hurt us that much, but I want to go one step further; what does that mean? That would mean the Saudis are saying, "The Petrodollar is done. We're no longer going to be funneling dollars back into Treasuries, and not only that, we're no longer going to accept dollars for oil, we're going to accept Yuan." And probably China will become one of their biggest customers. And so that that would create a "monkey-see-monkey-do" scenario, where other countries would follow the leader, and the dollar would become less and less accepted for oil, and that will create less demand for dollars, and you'll see a huge collapse in the dollar.

Dave: So you're saying it has begun?

Bill: Yeah, I believe it has.

Dave: Where the Middle Eastern countries are moving away? Saudi Arabia, maybe Qatar maybe?

Bill: Well Saudi Arabia has made this threat, and Obama has already backed down, he backed down yesterday, saying that he would veto any bill that would allow these 28 pages to come out to implicate Saudi Arabia, and allow the families of the victims that died in 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia directly. Basically what he's doing there is, he's choosing foreign policy; he's choosing Saudi Arabia over the American people. But it's obviously already come to, not serious blows, but punches back and forth where Saudi Arabia, in their own mind, has one foot out the door.

Dave: We know that a couple of days ago the Fed called an emergency meeting, and it was with finance ministers, we know the President was involved...what do you think that was all about?

Bill: The expedited meeting last Monday, in my opinion, had to do with all of what we're talking about, but I think that it specifically had to do with a bank in Austria that was bailed in, and there were 3 Italian banks that were on the verge of collapse last week. So that could have been "back-room policy" trying to figure out how to not let the derivatives "time-bomb". And the following day you had a meeting between Yellen, Obama, and Biden, and then the day after that, the G20 ministers from all over the world meeting in Washington. And last Thursday, I believe there was a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding the USS Donald Cook being buzzed again, and the
reconnaissance Russian fighter that flew over it.

[Note: On April 14, 2016, the guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook reported that pairs of Russian Su-24 attack planes made numerous close-range passes. The planes appeared to be unarmed, but on at least one occasion, an Su-24 came within an estimated 30 feet of the Cook, which was in international waters about 70 nautical miles from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, which hosts Russian military forces.]

Dave: Now, where does the Fed go at this point? I mean, we see a lot of things breaking down: the economy, the economic indicators, like retail, GDP corporate earnings; they do not look good right now, so what does the Fed do at this point? How long can they keep this going?

Bill: Tongue-in-cheek, I would say they should "Punt", because there is nothing the Fed can do from here, the only thing they can do, is "PRINT". And I think that's what you're seeing. You're starting to see gold and silver move higher, you're starting to see the whiff of inflation, because the Fed cannot tighten; they tightened once, and you saw the reaction in January, end of December, January, February, there's no possibility to tighten. The only thing they can do is lower rates, go to negative rates, and print, print, print; that's their only option. So, behind closed doors, my guess is the only decision is: "Who and where do we give the money to?" Remember, they did lend out, and secretly lend out, $16 trillion dollars in 2008, early 2009; it was not discovered until 2010. So what prevents them from doing another $32 trillion, or $64 trillion, or whatever?

Dave: Nothing, nothing! I mean, they can do whatever they want!

Bill: And I want to go back just a little bit to the Saudi thing. The ESF, the Fed, they can buy those sold Treasuries, but what they can't do, is if foreigners are selling dollars and pushing the value for the dollar down on International Markets, they can't buy dollars by printing more dollars.

[Note: ESF stand for, the Exchange Stabilizing Fund. It  is an emergency reserve fund of the United States Treasury Department, normally used for foreign exchange intervention. This arrangement (as opposed to having the central bank intervene directly) allows the US government to influence currency exchange rates without affecting domestic money supply.]

Bill: They would have to do that with either foreign reserves, or gold; we don't have a lot of foreign reserves. We have very little in the way of foreign reserves, and the thought was, "Why should we?", because we were the reserved currency. As far as the gold is concerned, I firmly believe that our goal has been mobilized over the last 10, 15, 20 years, to suppress the price, and most of that is gone. So trying to support the dollar has become the "Achilles' heel." That's what the Fed cannot do.

Dave: Now, there are rumors that the Fed is talking about creating more of this currency and handing it directly to the people.

Bill: Well yeah, that's what I saw yesterday, "helicopter money", which is basically printing money; that's outright, "helicopter dropped" monetization.

[Note: "helicopter money" is a term used as a means of providing an alternative to "Quantitative Easing", when interest rates are close to zero and the economy remains weak or enters a recession. Economists have used the term 'helicopter money' to refer to two very different policies. The first set of policies emphasizes the 'permanent' monetization of budget deficits, and the second set of policies involves the central bank making direct transfers to the private sector financed with base money, without the direct involvement of fiscal authorities. This has also been called a "citizens' dividend", or a distribution of future seignior-age. The idea was made popular by the American economist Milton Friedman in 1969, although starting in 2012, economists have also called this idea "quantitative easing for the people."]

Dave: So do you think people are going to take the money and go spend it? Or do you think they're going to keep it and hold onto to it? If they actually did this, would this actually help?

Bill: If they actually do it, yeah, I think a lot of people will spend the money, it's obviously inflationary, anybody can save their money, but they'd be an idiot because it's something that's going to go to zero; if it's free, then what's it worth? I mean really, that's the entire argument between fiat currency and gold and silver. Gold and silver takes your real capital, your real labor, real machinery, to dig gold and silver out of the ground; it costs money to create that and turn it into usable form. It doesn't cost anything to create dollars, it doesn't cost anything to create Euros, Yen, Pounds, or whatever! It's just keystrokes on a computer; they're worthless, and that's what this is all about! It's real money verses fake money, and this is the "end game", and these are the end days of the current system!

Dave: We're in April and many people are saying, "Oh, things are rapidly falling apart, and I don't know if we're going to make it to October, or maybe even before that..." I mean, if we're talking about China coming online with the Yuan, and maybe it's going to be backed up with gold, we see that gold now is continually moving up since December, I think it's up about $200 or so at this point? And it seems like they were trying to suppress it, but they just can't bring it back to where it was and we're seeing corporate earnings there, it's a disaster, the whole thing is a complete disaster, and everything else that we're looking at is not looking good, so where is the economy going? I mean, what is going to happen next here?

Bill: This is the "end game", and I've said all along that I believed the "end game" will be a collapse of the derivatives edifice. Derivatives have been used to price markets, they've been used to suppress markets, levitate markets; and the real economy itself is shrinking. The real economy "spits off" cash flow, so to speak, and that cash flow is declining because the economy is declining. The amount of debt, the amount of derivatives that the real economies must support, have only gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. So we're getting to the point where the debt service, the collateral margin, is not big enough to hold up the financial system. So while we're watching the real economy contract, I think you're going to see a point in time where, I'm not so sure that we're going to get to October. I can see it all unwind and happen, and if you get a failure somewhere, and I've said it many times, if you get a big enough failure somewhere, you'll see the entire system close within 48 hours.

Dave: Wow, so I mean, at the same time that this is happening out in the Middle East and in the Baltic Sea, and you just mentioned that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had a meeting about the Russian plane coming very close to the USS Donald cook, how does all of this fit in? Why are we seeing these events occur out in this area, and why is the US screaming and yelling about all of this? Do they have a plan?

Bill: Well my opinion is, and I'm not a military guy, but my opinion is, if you remember two years ago the USS Donald Cook was buzzed, and stories came out that all their electronics were shut down, and my opinion is that it was just done again. If you recall two years ago, the mainstream press didn't even mention the Donald Cook; this time around, the Donald Cook was mentioned pretty widely in the mainstream media, and also about the
reconnaissance plane that was covered by the mainstream media. If I had to guess, my guess is that this was Russia, more or less, putting a shot across the bow and maybe a test by them; maybe it worked or maybe it didn't work, I have no idea, but my guess is if they truly have the technology to shut down the Donald Cook, but that it basically was an "in your face" from Russia to the United States. They know that our Military is weakening, and that we're spending less on it, and even the Military themselves are saying that we can't fight a two-front war now.

[Note: A Two-front war is a war in which fighting takes place on two geographically separate fronts, executed by two or more separate forces simultaneously, or nearly simultaneously, in the hope that their opponent will be forced to split their fighting force to deal with both threats, therefore reducing their odds of success.]

Dave: That is true, and I also read something about the Marine Corps, that  only one-third of it is now functional, so yeah, so this does not look good, and it seems at this point that, from my perspective, is that Russia is continually trying to push peace in the Middle East, and the US is kind of  on the other side trying to still reach their goal of removing President Assad, and I don't know where this is all going to end up later on.

Bill: Dave, the US is kind of "more" on the other side. The US has been trying to start a war for a couple of years, and I've testified several times, that my opinion is the US is trying to start a war so that they can blame the financial collapse on it as "cover". In other words, they will say, "Our policies were working, but if it wasn't for this war we'd be fine. But because of the war this happened, and that happened, and whatever." So yes, it does appear to me that Russia/China are trying to stand their ground, and avoid war, but this is about strength and weakness, and I believe the back-and-forth is China, from a financial standpoint, and Russia from a  military stand point, showing, "Hey, we're standing here, we're strong."

Dave: They're strong and the US is getting weaker and weaker...

Bill: And we're getting weaker and weaker as a function of, "We carry too much debt, we overspend every single year..", I mean it's ridiculous! If it were not for 0% interest rates, it it were not for interest rates dropping like they have right now, if rates were 7% or 8% percent, we wouldn't be able to pay the interest on the debt. 

Dave: We're all talking about the economy completely falling apart, most likely this year, do you think in conjunction with that, do you think they will create some type of false-flag event to say, "Hey, it wasn't us, it wasn't the Central Bank, or Obama, it wasn't me, it was because of another group or country?

Bill: All I will say on that is, based on past history, I think that's pretty obvious. And Dave, you keep mentioning, "the economy is falling apart"; please understand that when you say, "the economy is falling apart", the economy collapsing is going to be about credit not being available to the system. When credit ceases, when credit is not available to the system, distribution breaks down, and your weekly trip to Walmart is going to cease to exist because, there won't be any goods on Walmart's shelves. Distribution uses multiple, like 5,6,7,8,10 different credit transactions, to get a product from all forms, into your hands.

Dave: So, all distribution will break down during this time period and...

Bill: All distribution will be affected. There will certainly be some products that are available, as available as they were before, but there will be some products that will simply not be available.

Dave: At this point, I guess we're going to see a scenario like in Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, where we see inflation, where we see people trying to get these products, shortages, we're going to have something very similar to that?

Bill: Right, well obviously when you have shortages, then you have bidding for goods, and you offer more dollars, and that's a reverse view of hyperinflation; when goods become scarce, the people bid for them.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 20, 2016


Arise My beloved !
This is your time to shine!
This is the time that you were created for!
Do not long for the things of the past.
My kingdom is before you.
You will bring in your brothers and sisters now in the harvest.
You will have the new tools for this harvest.
They are being poured into you right now.
Do not be afraid to try them out!
You must step out in faith to use these tools.
Just like in the natural you need to practice using your new tools until their use is perfected.

Go to the ones whose hearts are open and do not worry about those who reject you, they are not rejecting you they are rejecting Me. I will deal with them and sadly most of these will be lost. That is not your concern , I alone can judge the heart. Pray with those who are open and willing , I will never force anyone to choose Me as their savior.
I will lead you and show you the ones who will be mine, if you listen to me very carefully.
Is it not better to aim directly at the bull's-eye than to shoot blindly hoping to hit something?
There are many out there who will be Mine and I will lead you right to them!
You are the chosen ones for this time!
I do not make mistakes.

Yes the darkness is surrounding you on all sides.
But I ask you , how much can you see a flood light in the noonday sun?
Even at dusk a light can go unnoticed.
But at midnight even a penlight can be seen from far away.
You are My lights!
You have kept your lamps full of oil and have extra just for this time.
In today's language, your batteries are charged and you have bought a spare.

Do not fear, do not doubt and stay free from the sins of this world!
This is it! When the harvest is in then I come for you!
The table is already set and the food is being prepared.
All of your favorites are here!
I know you are tired and weary but the times of refreshing have come.
Drink it in!

Your coming King,

Website -

April 17, 2016

[Note: This message was not written down on paper before the video recording was made, but was received spontaneously after the messenger had already started to make the recording.]



It is in the horizon, you can almost see it with your eyes. Those who are spiritually in-tuned into Me, those who are close to Me in My presence, can see it on the horizon, it is coming. Don't look at the events, but keep your eyes on Me. I have My angels around you, I have assigned My angels to protect you, My children, My angels are with you, My people, My angels are with you, guarding you and concerning you in your ways. My people, those of you who are close to Me speak in tongues. Those who are close to Me, pray more than ever before. My children, spend time with Me in your secret places. Dwell with Me, dwell in My presence. The things that are coming, for the people who do not know Me, who aren't saved, they might not be able to cope. The ones who survive will mentally collapse, they will cave-in. There will only be a few who will be able to cope with this. Most people are going to completely buckle and cave-in under pressure. 

To My people: spend time with Me, I am here with you now. Stay close to Me, as I will stay close to you. When these Judgments come upon the Earth, do not go to your old ways of comfort. Right now some of you have comforts in different things, like your money, your business, you put your hope in different things, but do not put your hope in these things any more, but put your hope in Me, Yeshua, your Lord and your Savior. My protection will be over you, My people, I love you, I love you so much. Right now draw near to Me, draw near to Me, draw near to Me, be in My presence. It is I who will sustain you through these things, through what is coming, I will direct your paths. Stay in Me, stay in My presence, cling on to Me, hold on to Me, I will be guarding you. Do not put your comfort in other things any more, you must surround yourself with Me, clothe yourself in Me, keep your eyes on Me. I hear your every prayer, I receive your every prayer, I am with you, I am with you. You will see great and supernatural signs in the heavens above you soon. My power will be manifested in you, My people, My power will be made visible in you. When these things come, there will be absolute destruction everywhere.

[Note: This is where the messenger decided to stop the live recording of this message.]

You Tube Video -


Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 19, 2016


My little ones, the night is thick with evil. Stay close to Me, for I am your only safe guard. World leaders have met with the ruler of darkness and have aligned their total allegiance with him --this does not bode well for the bulk of humanity, for they have mocked Me, trodden My grace underfoot, and counted My love as a thing of naught. The winepress of Earth’s Judgment has been filled. My fury will soon be poured out in a manner the world has never known; bowl upon bowl and vial upon vial. Relentless are the judgments sentenced upon the Earth, and many will die from sheer fear alone. Your once great Nation will be rocked to the core, and then disintegrate; for there will be no organized military, first responders, or police defense,equipped to touch even the smallest of these great areas of need. Bridges will be down, communication systems will be dissolved, and basic supplies will be an extreme scarcity. My Bride, it is during this time that you will be transformed. You will be clothed in My Righteousness and shine as stars in the blackest of night. You will be equipped by My Power and I will send you straight into the darkness. Do not fear, but rather rejoice as you see this day approaching. Multitudes will come to Me renouncing their sins, for Earth’s harvest is ripe and heaven has prepared to receive them. Many, many, are the souls who do not know Me today, and yet their mansions are prepared and their families await them. Everything possible has been done to awaken the lost and ripen them for the harvest. I will send you, My Bride, to lead them to the Cross and bring them home. Joy as you have never dreamed possible accompanies your tasks in the days ahead. Keep your eyes on Me, My little ones, and be not encumbered by the cares of this world, for I will come as a thief in the night. Put ALL of your Faith and Trust in Me alone, for just ahead lies Earth’s darkest hour and you will again find that I AM all you need.


You Tube Video -

March 26, 2016

[Note: This message was received in first person, but the messenger chose to read the message in third person.]


Do not be dismayed, the Lord is with you, even though you cannot see Him. He will  protect you and deliver you; have no fear. Stay close to Him in these last hours. All is about to happen, be prepared and ready to go. There will be much confusion and then much heartache; by staying close to the Lord you will be able to avoid both. The Lord knows you are scared of what is coming, but you need not be; the Lord has it all under control, though it won't seem like it at the beginning. Yes, the Lord is coming for you. Stay ready at all times, for you do not know the exact time. The enemy is trying to pull down His children in these last hours. Do not give in or let him; stand still and watch what your Lord can do. Though you are plagued with trials and tribulations, look up to the hills for your redemption. Your time has come and you will be shining as bright as the stars. Make no mistake about it, the Lord is coming really really soon. The die has been cast and a lots thrown; there is no turning back, only moving forward. See that your heart remains in the Lord. All is about to change, but take comfort in His promises to you. Before the Lord comes back, He is preparing His Bride through trials and tribulations. Those who submit to them will be ready; those who rebel and go their own way will we reap a harvest of destruction. Seek the Lord at all times now, not just at Church or during your devotions. This is the call for service to our Lord all the time. Drop all that you are doing for self, and put on your mantle of service to Him and to the brethren. How the Lord longs to gather you now and hold you tightly. That day is coming for all those who will overcome. Be strong in the Lord and let your weakness be a sacrifice of submission. The harvest is almost ripe and the Reapers will come. Please know that the Lord is with you and you are not alone. Even at times when you feel alone, don't let the enemy fool you, for he is a liar. The Lord is there, the Lord is here. You do not have to be worried or afraid.

Psalm 46:1-11 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see what the LORD has done, the desolation he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Partial transcript of an interview with Larry Nichols, a Clinton insider, done on 4-15-16

Larry Nichols: The question is: Why did Obama go to Cuba? Why did he go to try to re-establish relationships with Cuba? You know that we don't need anything from Cuba. Back during the days of Nicaragua and all of the "Contra" stuff, there was something called the "Domino Theory". What was known back then was that, Cuba in that day, could have 200,000 Cuban soldiers called "Black Hats", in this country in 6 hours. And remember, if they try to go to Martial Law, you will have a problem bringing our Military in to enforce Martial Law because of Posse Comitatus, right?

[Note: The Posse Comitatus Act was signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. Its purpose is to limit the powers of the Federal Government in using Federal Military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, due to them being naval services, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army and Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.]

Now Obama has already gotten rid of most of the Generals in the Military that would disavow any illegal orders to go against the people of the country, but they would still have a tough time getting the Americans soldiers to turn on us, the people. I believe what he did in Cuba, was to go there and make an arrangement, that if he needed a force to put us into submission, he went down there to negotiate and got it. And this is coming. This is not somebody dreaming something up; read for yourself, look for yourself.

Lisa: So let me just add to what you're saying. I mean, if we were to put what you,re saying in kind of a blunt way and kind of generalizing it: he went to Cuba to, I guess they already have good relations because they are both communists in my opinion but, he went there to get support militarily, like domestically speaking, in the event that we have some kind of civil uprising from an economic collapse that they plan on allowing at some point soon, something to that nature? 

Larry: Well that sounds about as well put as I've ever heard it, yeah that was it. And so then you've got the problem with the [Presidential] election: you've got Hillary, she wants to be king when this all collapses, and she'll invoke FEMA provisional government, which makes her "king"; basically Martial Law; you've got Obama, and he doesn't want to leave, so we've got all these people fighting to be in charge of this country, and all these rich multi-national corporations buying politicians and paying for it all, and it's going to get worse.

Lisa: Yeah, and I know that I went to the Federal Reserve's website and saw that they held 4 emergency forums, and
I've never seen that many back to back, and they were all emergency meetings: one on April 6, one on April 11th, and 12th, and then also on the 13th. So here we have a situation with all these high-talk meetings, and not to mention the G-20 summit that is taking place this Month through the 15th, and the G-20 summit is in D.C. and they're talking on financial topics, and the IMF are having a meeting next week...I mean this is like setting my alarm bells off, I mean, do they know something is about to happen with the economy? Because here's the thing, they don't give us a warning; they never have, did they give us the warning in 2006, 7, 8, when all that went down? Nope.

Larry: Nope, and they're not going to, because they don't want us to make preparations; they don't was a panic. When it's "panic time", they want to be in charge of everything; when it comes time to panic, they want to have all they keys to the "purses", they'll have the keys to the money, they don't want us to have it. We are looking at a global meltdown, and as it relates to this Nation.

Lisa: Now here's the thing, Larry, I'm always really concerned about America, but I am more so today than I have been, especially with the meetings that they're holding and what's going on globally, the fact that Obama is in charge, and what's going on with the election, and I know you've been in countries that have collapsed so, where do we go? What can you say about all that?

Larry: Well, I have seen a collapse before, two of which I helped to collapse, ok? I have seen it before, and that's why I am telling you what I am telling you; this is what I have seen before! This is not something that I have dreamt up or dreamed up or  something, or imagined, or that I have had some kind of vision, it's nothing like that at all, this is what's coming! These things that are happening...nothing in Government happens by accident; this is no accident. And don't think for one second that the Government isn't using this election, and this controversy, and this election to do what? To get us to look some place else! What are we all looking at? What is the news inundated with?

Lisa: The election.

Larry: The election, yeah. Do you think that there's anyway after this election, that we can go back to a traditional election process ever again for the Presidency? Do you believe that this election, when it's finished, the rate it's going, we'll ever have a normal one again?

Lisa: No! Especially if we allow what went happened in Colorado, and what we allowed to happen in Lousiana! We allowed it! And we are going to do it more next year! I feel like I am in China, Communist China!

Larry: They're not doing it more, they know this it! This is it! Thy don't have to worry about the next election, this this it! This one is it! And, they are using all this furvor over this election as what, "mis-direction", "cover", "cover", I wrote about it in 1999, in "The genie is out of the bottle". You get people looking at what you want to look at, not at what they better be seeing. We're looking at the toilet paper in the tree, Lisa, we're not looking down at the ground. And when you see a fresh roll of toilet paper up in the tree, you better look down, because you have looked down into a mine field; toilet paper don't grown in trees. That's where we're at! That's why I know that all of this is real! And then, you have to scout the news and be able to read some of the indicators, to pick up what's actually happening because otherwise, you're only going to watch the news and take what the mainstream tells you. You know nothing about the Federal Reserve, you don't nothing about the global economy, all you know is about Hillary and Cruise, that's all you know about...And I just can't believe that if all the Americans knew, that in the Marine Corps right now, as reported, not by me, but by Fox News today, when you see just how depleted our Military is; not just the Marine Corp, but all of the branches. When you see just how depleted it is, then you have to ask yourself, and if Putin knows just how depleted we are, and you know that he knows, then what is to stop him from doing anything that he wants to do?

Lisa: Yeah, I know that we are absolutely vulnerable. Now let me ask you this, Larry, why do you think they're depleting our Army, our Military, all the branches?

Larry: To make sure that the plans that they have for this country are accomplished. Look, no one is planning to invade American to my knowledge; not Russia, not China, they're not going to invade America. China is worried about all the money it has invested in America; they're worried about their investment. The only people talking about invading this country, is Obama, Hillary, and the Republicans with their Muslim refugees!

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Transcript Starting at 23 minutes into the video.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"And they overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."   
Rev 12:10-11

He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.   
Rev 21:7
To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.   

Rev 3:21  
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.
Rev 2:7
He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
Rev 3:5
He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. And I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.  
Rev 3:12
To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.  
Rev 3:21