Monday, February 29, 2016


Things are changing, brethren, things are growing darker. The Lord's Coming is nearing the world. Every eye will see, and every ear will hear the trumpet call for the Bride. Things are changing for the worst, but the Lord has overcome the world, and His saints should be of good cheer, for the Lord has overcome. All has been handed over to the Son of Man, and He will rid the world of the evil that has been set upon the Earth. Many will fall in the wake of the Lord's wrath, many are unprepared for what lies ahead. The Bride will be ready, do not doubt this, for the Lord is with Her and will guide Her through the times that lay ahead. Will you be ready to leave when it's time? Will you be willing to forsake all including your pets? This is what is required of the Bride. The Lord will not force you to leave, you will never be forced into working for His Kingdom, but each Bride has been chosen as One of God's Elect, and each is needed to reach the "lost ones". Many will need the Lord in the coming days, as fear will grip our once great Nation. An attack has been planned since 9/11, and this year it will roll out into our lands. Peace and safety will no longer be a way of life. The very things we have taken comfort in, will have vanished. No more earthly processions to cling to you. Will you be ready to let go when called to? Can you leave your earthen treasures behind? You cannot take them with you as you work for the Lord. Many are not willing to let go of what this world has to offer them. They choose their earthly treasures rather than what has been stored for them in Heaven. Much has been put into place for each of God's Elect, but time fast approaches and destruction is near. Do not fear, for the Lord, the great Shepherd, will be there to guide and protect His little ones, and will allow no harm to come near them; but they will learn to fully rely on Him, for no one else can Save them. Prepare your hearts, dear Saints, for many "never seen before" sites will come into our presence, and we will need to look through the eyes of the Spirit, and not of the flesh, for the flesh will deceive us. Many will fall for the deception, but the Lord's Chosen will dwell in security under the shadow of the Wings of the Almighty, for He will not allow them to be overcome with fear. For they are not of the world, therefore they are exempt from what is in it. Do not be partakers in this world, its destruction is soon to come. Do not listen to our media, for all they do is lie. They are programmed to send what has been given to them. They are not trustworthy nor do they know the truth; they are puppets just like the rest. It's fast approaching, prepare yourselves and prepare the way, for the Lord will come when we least expect it 


It will come with a vengeance, it will come quickly, all who are in its path will feel its destruction and be affected. Many sorrows upon sorrows lie ahead for mankind --many lives lost.

Spiritual darkness will occur, as well as physical darkness --all will come to pass quickly and in a short time to come. You are on the cusp of life changing disasters, and many will soon feel the Lord's ultimate power. The 3 days of shaking, 3 days of fear, 3 days of torment, none will feel secure, and many will cry out to the Lord. They will want the terror to end, but this is only the beginning of what lies ahead for this fallen world.

While many mock and go on with their fun-filled lives, while the world now enjoys relative peace, soon the Lord's judgments will begin and the ground beneath them will begin to crumble. Free-willed spirits the Lord has given them, free will they will use to deny the Lord --soon they will have no choice but to face their eternal destinies.

Fear not, for the Lord is always with you. Cover your loved ones in the blood of the One True Lamb. This is the covering they will need in the coming days ahead. Intercede for those who are lost or not yet found they way. The blood of the Lamb will protect them and keep them from harms way.

There is a "GREAT SHAKING COMING!" ALL that can be shaken will be shaken, but those grounded firmly in the Lord, and with their lamps filled with His Holy Spirit, will be filled with God's peace that passes all understanding. 

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

They will be protected under the Lord's mighty wing of protection, and will take refuge in the His hightower of safety. As the world shakes and plummets into fear, they will dwell safely in the presence of heaven's mighty angels, who will help protect them as they bare them up.

The time comes quickly brethren, prepare yourselves for what soon lies ahead. Although the ground shakes and the ocean tumbles, look to Jeshua for your comfort. Look to Him for peace and reassurance, for He is the only one who can give it to you when the great shaking begins and catastrophic events unfold at a rapid pace.  


Say this to My Congregation of Beloveds: My children, the age of deceit and Satan's lies is almost over. Oh how glorious will be My Era, for no man can imagine its magnificence. I come soon, very soon, to get My Bride from the darkness. This is My Wife, and Her place is prepared now --the banquet is ready! I will not delay for My love, but will hasten to meet Her. She is Mine and as My Wife, I want Her to be the best image I have for Her. She is a beautiful Bride, hanging on My every Word, stopping everything to listen to Me. Oh how I love Her so! She will have My green pastures of glory and abundance to graze upon during this tribulation. I shall not subject Her to wrath, for My love for Her will not allow it. I have power to save whomever I please, My child, whenever I please. The ways of man and men's doctrines of Me is skewed, and they cannot see accurately where I am. This is My protection I will ensue on My Bride, for they are ready. Their garments are wiped clean, Her maidens have made Her spotless, and I am pleased at Her sight. She is Mine, My child, and nothing will stop Me from obtaining Her --nothing! Rest easy today, child, for I am with you. Seek Me and I shall be found. Lean on Me and I will not budge. I love you, My child, and await your return.

Lord Yeshua


I, Jesus the Messiah, take My bride to be My lawfully wedded wife. I promise to devote My life to Her for eternity, giving Her the kingdom I have prepared for Her. I will never forsake, nor ever leave Her. She is Mine to hold, and nothing will ever come between us. I give this oath to you, My bride: to stay by My Word, and to not leave and go back on what was spoken by My lips. You are the apple of My eye and I will treat you with the utmost care and love. What is Mine is yours, My bride; nothing that I have in My storehouse will be held back from you; ask, and you shall receive. My love for you, My bride, is a branch that never ceases to bear fruit; I will continually pour My love for you. As your husband, I will guide and lead you; I will be your comforter and protector through all things. Joy shall be your life, and pure love shall be the cup you drink from. I am the I AM; nothing is above I, for nothing but the Father is beside Me. I give you this ring of My covenant with you, to always stay by My side and to never forsake Me. I Jesus, take this hand in marriage in front of all My Creation: to show My pursuit and endurance in this marriage. I shall give Her My life and whatever She asks, shall be granted. She is My love and I will make Her feel special, for She has been loyal to the end, and has not left Me for another. Take this ring, My bride, and accept this covenant: for I have given My life for you, and you have given your life for Me. I will show you the hidden truths of My Creation as a gift of My love. I will treat you as royalty, with My love as a cornerstone. Take My hand and accept this marriage, for I have awaited this day to show you My true love. You will have the work of My hands as your resting place, and your jewels and ornaments shall shine for eternity. You have made yourself ready for me, and have come out of your chamber to meet Me. Thank you, daughter, for watching and awaiting for My return. I will not make your wait worthless --I shall make it beyond what your imagination can conjure up. I love you, My Bride, do not look back, for your time for the wedding supper is here! Listen to My voice and My voice only, for I am your everything and nothing can match to Me. This is your time to shine, My love, so shine bright of My love for you. Accept this marriage wholeheartedly and rest in My covenant. I love you, My darlings, never leave My side!

Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Adonai, and King of Kings

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Revelation 21:9-11 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me, saying, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife." And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. 

December 28, 2013


I, Lord Yehshuah, take My lovely wedded Bride. I stand before the altar to receive them. I await with My Ring of victory and love, to place on them. See the best in Me, for I see the best in you. Your bridegroom comes to carry you away, My child; for My Bride is ready. Seek Me and not this world, for this Love is out of this world. Be with Me, and I will be with you. 

I love you My child,
Your Bridegroom

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December 28, 2013

MY BRIDE, THE 144,000

My True Bride --She is My 144,000. She will fight with Me from a place of victory and set the captives free with Me. She knows who She is. She is enduring much for My Kingdom's purpose. She is hated among the brethren and judged by many. She stands alone, but by My side. I am Her protector. I am Her deliverer and I will make a way for Her in this dark time. She will never be abandoned and She will always know My love. She is a force to be reckoned with and She is Mighty in nature. I have given My life for Her, and She has responded with Hers. She roams aimlessly throughout the jungle at My command. She never says no, and She knows what's expected of Her. She is independent and feirce. She needs no other but Me. She runs through the fields, My fields, looking for trapped and lost sheep. She finds them and tends to them, She comforts them, and bandages their wounds from the enemy. She worries not about what is to the left, or what is to the right. She moves with ease, She knows Her job. Her feet are steady and Her hands are comforting. She never backs down and She always marches forward. She is chosen to be My Bride and I have chosen Her for a reason. She will not be accepted, and many will soon fear Her. She knows what to do, She has been well trained. She fights with My Mighty Hand of guidance. Her powers are immense and Her beauty is stunning. She glides through troubled waters and never slows down. She knows Her way, for I have been Her teacher. She listens to My Voice and She follows no other. I have chosen Her, and She has chosen Me. We were made for each other and we belong to each other, and by Her side, I will always BE. Go in peace, child, and share these Words. You must speak them forth and comfort My sheep. Allow no one to stop you and no one to hinder you. Although the wolves prowl around the fence, they will not come in. Speak My Words, daughter, share with the flock, for I love them and they need to know that I am with them everywhere they go. I love you, My children, see you all very soon.

Your Lord and Savior, 
Yeshua  (your Bridegroom comes for you)

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February 28, 2016


My children, it is of the utmost importance to continue to walk in love. Many of My children live in homes where their neighbors do not know Me yet. I say in My Word to love thy neighbor as thyself --most of you do this very well and it is pleasing to Me. I say, do not confuse this with your carnal mind, for everyone is your neighbor. This is why I say, "Love your enemies and pray for them often." You all live in a fallen world, but I ask you to come out of the world, set apart and holy, loving your brethren and not forsaken the gathering of the Saints. My warnings of My eminent return has gone on for some time, as I try to prepare the Church for the "catching away". But I tell you that My church is not ready at this time, for Satan has infiltrated the Church with much confusion on many doctrine of beliefs, having My children fighting amongst themselves and drawing lines in the sand, judging and condemning those whom do not line up with what they perceived as truth. This is not of My Holy Spirit and it must stop at once. You must come to Me in prayer daily, asking for My precious Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth, and this is why I gave you The Lord's Prayer --use this daily to glorify your Father whom is in Heaven. If there is something that goes against what you believe, take it to Me in prayer and I shall guide your steps and show you. This is why I say, "Do not lean on your own understanding, but come to Me and I shall make your crooked paths straight."  Remember, My children, love never fails. So let us walk out the remainder of days in perfect love, for in this, it fulfills the Royal Law which I set forth so long ago --the church will be ready for departure then.  I love you, My children, with all My heart.  

Your King,
Yeshua HaMashiach

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Matthew 22:39      Proverbs 3:5-6      1 Corinthians 13:8       James 2:8

April 10, 2015


My child, I have made all things new. The path to everlasting life is ever before you. The Kingdom of the Living Living God is yours, all you must do is claim it --claim your victory in Me, claim your birthright. Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are the meek and humble, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are the pure in heart, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. Righteousness will inherit the Kingdom, but pride and arrogance will not. Blessed are those who follow after Me and have the fruits of My Father. Blessed are those who love righteousness and love the law. Blessed are the meek, for the theirs is the Kingdom of the Living God. Those who love Me, follow My commandments, deceit is not in their heart. Blessed are the humble, for they are the ones who shall inherit the promise. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for the riches of the Kingdom is theirs. If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. If you love Me, you will pick up your cross; for the righteous in Me will inherit My glory --for theirs is the Kingdom of the Living God. Blessed are those who follow the laws written within the Book; for those who serve Me, serve My Father who sent Me, for I AM the Great I AM --there is no one greater --for My Kingdom comes, My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, for My glory shall reign. Blessed is he who follows My laws, for they are written in his heart.

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April 29, 2015


It's closer now than it's ever been. The end is in sight. All over the world My children are preparing their hearts for the return of their King --you are no different, My child. Each of you can sense My soon return. You are not ready --no one will be completely ready until the latter rain falls upon them --only then will you be ready to finish this battle, for you will have all of your weapons. My child, why do you worry? My grace is sufficient enough for thee. You will be ready when the time comes. My children will rely on you to lead them through the stormy waters. There are many who have lost their way. They must return to Me before the "great fall of humanity". Soon, I will no longer be found, that day is soon to come. Many think they have the timing figured out, but I say, "No man knows the hour of his death." Only My Father who has created him knows his number of days --no man knows the hour. That's why each one of you must be ready for the appointed time, for death waits for no man. When your time is up, you will stand before My throne. My child, you must be ready at all times, for when I call you to come home, it will be when you least expect it. You will be here one moment, and standing before Me the next minute. There are many things soon to come; unimaginable things soon to plague your once great Nation. These things will cause fear in those who do not know Me. Continued to seek Me and be found in My will, for those outside My will are not protected as when they are in My will. Remain in My will. I cannot stress the fact that you must always be found ready. You will be ready when the time comes --you must trust and believe in that. I have prepared My children for their tasks ahead, each child will know what to do. From the going forth of the trumpet, My children will begin their assignments. None will fail, for I will be with them. Each child has been given a task in a specific area, and they have been given the tools to execute their assignments. Upon completion of their assignment, each child will return to Me, some faster than others, but all given to Me, will be returned to Me, it's just a matter of when. Do not worry how you will do, My child, you are well equipped to handle your assignment. Some of My children have been given larger tasks; these are the ones who have been through much preparation --you are one of them. Your task is large, but also comes with many rewards. Those with smaller tasks will receive smaller rewards, but I assure you, each child will be happy with what they have been given, for it has been specifically chosen for them. There is much wilderness and dry land to go through in the coming days. This is so those who do not know Me, will have time to seek after Me. Those who refuse, will face ultimate destruction. My Words are true, daughter, and must be shared with the others. Let them know time has run out and I will come calling. My reward I bring with Me, and each will receive his recompense. I will not repent what I have been given, I will pour out My Father's will. I will destroy each and every nation for the wicked things they have fulfilled. My heart will hurt as I destroy My created ones from off the planet I have given to them, but all will be judged for their sins and all will know that I AM. Go and tell them, little one, blow the trumpet in Zion. I have mounted My fiery chariot and I am making My way to you. I will not turn back, I will not dismount; just like you, I have My assignment and I will carry out My Father's plans. Listen for My Voice, child, for I will give you instruction. I will guide each of My annointed ones so that they may carry out the Father's plan. The stage is set, and soon the show begins. My judgments have already started, and America is next. Do not fear, child, for I will be with you. Know that this is My will; it is needed to bring My little ones back to their knees. I will remove their idols, I will remove their lampstands, I will remove their only security and everything they cling to with their hands. For some, this is required; for others, the change alone in scenery will send them directly to their knees. I know who will return to Me and who will run away. I know those who have been given to Me, and I will not lose one soul. My plan is perfect --My soul will not repent. Judgment is set for America, it's only a matter of when. Come running to Me, children. Let Me comfort you in My arms. Let Me lift you up to heaven where we will never again be apart. The hourglass has been emptied --I have tarried much too long; for in an instant, this world will change and things will start. Daughter, take shelter in Me when these things begin to happen. Look up, for your redemption draweth night. I am coming for you quickly. 

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

May 17, 2015


There is sorrow coming, MUCH sorrow coming. The world has never before experienced what is about to take place. Sheer panic is about to grip your great Nation. There are many that will soon die. This is not My will; I wish for none to perish. Man has ignored My warnings and delved into his own delicacies. I have repeatedly called him and told him, "Time is up!" Yet he refuses to listen to Me. I must judge now, I must provide what My Father has advised --I must judge the nations. I am about to bring much sorrow. There is nowhere to run, I have blocked all paths of escape. Only My chosen will be protected, the rest shall be judged harshly. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. I will punish all who disobey Me. My judgments will come harsh and swift. I will not play games. Refusal to obey My commandments will not be tolerated --I am at My end. What must I do to make you listen to Me? What must I do to get your attention? Why do you continue to run away and act as I don't exist? "I will not tolerate it", says the Lord. You were created in My image and you will not run from Me, I will get you, I will find you, I will make you wish you had never been born! You have My warnings. Turn back now, or face eternal separation. My anger is kindled and My wrath will pour out. I am a jealous God and I will not share you with another. You will reap what you sow, do you hear Me? You will reap what you sow. No one dissobeys the Living God and lives to see another day. I will destroy you from off the face of the Earth. I will make you wish you had never been born. You will cry out for mercy, and I will show you none. You have been warned and told time and time again, and yet you believe things will continue as they always have. Well I am here to tell you, "They will not". Time has run out and it is not on your side. Time is up, My children, you will soon see your Father's wrath. Soon you will feel My ultimate destruction. Soon you will hear My trumpets blow and by then, it will be too late because Judgment will have fallen --do not be afraid, children. I have warned you of this day. I have told you it would come, and like lightning I would and will follow. I am not a man that I should lie. My timing in coming is upon you. Render yourselves and receive of Me, for I am the only One who can guide you. My anger has become fury. My cup will be poured out --each nation shall drink of it, each will be dashed out. The blood of My martyrs cry out and I will avenge them. You may live to tell about it, but I assure you in the end, I will have made Myself known --and all will see that I have stood up, and left My throne, and I have come down to thee. Make way for your King, for He comes upon you suddenly; for at a time that you know not, your Nation will be brought to ruins. Behold, I come quickly and My reward is with thee. You must share what you know, for time has run out. All is about to be judged. All will be rendered helpless. I am angry with the nations. I will make Myself known. You cannot hide from Me. I will judge you. I am about to make Myself known. Warn them, daughter, warn them.

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February 27, 2016


Children of My earth, as all things belong to Me, your Holy and Mighty El Shaddai, it is coming down to the last days, and Father will reveal to you a little more of what is to occur, My children. You will first experience a mighty shaking of the Earth --this means globally. As I extinguish the power of the U.S. dollar and other many exchanges, the stock market is not going to recover once I am finished with it --this is the greed and gluttony of My children. This is some of My children of Earth's "god" (with a little "g"). I gave My daughter the vision of the bull of Wall Street; the back bone of America will be broken as a twig is broken in two. This has helped My enemy gain a foothold in not only My unfaithful and lost, but also My Elect. The New World Order will then come in and act as if they are saving the economies by bringing in their solution. They need a detrimental event to crash all of the stock markets, so their plan can come to fruition; I am going to allow them to carry out their plan. I use the enemy as My tool to show great correction to My Holy children. This is why it is so important to stock up, My children, of Earth. There is much confusion as you try to put My pieces together --I am not the God of confusion. No one person has all of the pieces, there will always been some missing, this is by My will and My design. I have many, many plans that I have revealed. When am I going to take the innocent ones? Are they going to be Raptured up at the same time as my Son's bride? I will tell you: These are not the same events. Just know that all is in My perfect and All-wise and All-known Hands. My faithful children, God Jehovah has all of you, you must have great faith in Me. 

Father Yahweh God Elohim, Adonai, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient has spoken. 

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February 28, 2016


The time has come, My children, to make your final preparations and get yourselves ready. Destruction will come suddenly and without warning. Death is coming, and much sorrow. You must stay vigilant and in prayer. So much destruction...Be prepared for the unfathomable. [And the Lord asked me to look up "unfathomable" adjective: not able to be comprehended or completely understood; incomprehensible; not able to penetrate to the truth of].

[And the Lord continued] My messages are going out from My Messengers with the greatest of urgency now. WORLD WAR III.

A great millstone will hit the Earth and create great havoc. [And the Lord asked me to look up "havoc": great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage]. A great tsunami will hit the east coast and will trigger mighty earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the world, which will trigger more tsunamis --like dominoes that fall, one after another. This is what will cause Babylon the Great to fall. (Rev.18) These are the beginning of sorrows, but the end is not yet.

Matthew 24:7-14 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My Name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. 

[And the Lord continued] DO NOT FEAR --I will protect My Own, fear is not of Me and death has no sting for My Beloved. Your children are in the safety of My Mighty Hands --for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.

Hurry, waste no time now. PREACH THE GOSPEL. My arrival is at hand. The enemy lurks with great prowess, looking for whom he may devour. Stay in prayer --prayer is his enemy and disarms him.

[And the Lord asked me to look up "prowess": exceptional valor, bravery or ability, especially in combat or battle; exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength; a valiant or daring deed].

[And the Lord continued]
Call upon your guardian angels, they are YOUR ministering Spirits, and were created to serve the Sons of God. The Archangels are their leaders and are at the top of My angelic hierarchy. Heaven teems with loving angels, just as hell teems with demons. "As above, so below" is true. As there is infinite love, joy, and wonders in Heaven, there is infinite hate, sorrow, and destruction in hell. This is why you MUST preach the Gospel to your loved ones NOW! Do not fear their persecution, they know you love them. The world will hate and persecute My flock, but you must always persevere and be longsuffering.

[And the Lord asked me to look up "persevere": to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly; to bolster, sustain, or uphold].

[And the Lord asked me to look up "longsuffering": enduring injury, trouble, or provocation for a long time and patiently].

[And the Lord continued] - DON'T BE LAZY! 

Heaven awaits you, My Beloved.
Yeshua HaMashiach

Rev 18:1 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen..."

Rev 18:7-8 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, "I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow." Therefore her plagues will come in one day--death and mourning and famine. 

[Note: This message is from Patricia Jones and is not on You Tube]

Saturday, February 27, 2016

May 17, 2015


Do not fear, for I am with you. These things must shortly come to pass, for they are written. My Children will be safe, for I will see to that. I know your concerns, and you will learn to completely rely on Me. You will have no other choice but to trust in Me. The world is about to plummet into utter and total chaos, there is no stopping this now, for it is now starting. Only My return will stop these events, and that day has already been determined by My Father. Life as you have always known, will never again be the same. You will finish your role as one of My Elite --you will walk as they walked. [And when He said, "Walk as they walked", He was speaking of the Apostles]. You will seek and find My lost ones, you will shine My Light, and they will come to you. They will want to know what you know. They will seek to be comforted by what comforts you, and through you, they too will find it. But not all will want this, and not all will be receptive to what you have to offer. Avoid those whom mock and scoff, and keep moving on. Find those who seek the truth, and pour a blessing upon them. Cover their heads with My anointing oil, and speak My Words of truth. They are the ones who will accept you; focus your goals on them. Stay away from those who wish to harm you, for their time will come; until that day, avoid their presence. They will seek to destroy you, but you will overcome them by the blood of the One True Lamb. You will speak My Words of truth. There will be healing in your hands. You shall touch the lame, and they will walk. You will heal the blind, and they will see. You will do more than I did, when I walked among the dead. You will be victorious, and at the appointed time, you will come home to Me. Do not be afraid of your end, for the second death will not harm you --for it has been My plan all along that you return to Me in this way. Do not be afraid, for I will be with you; I will never leave you. We will be victorious together. You will emerge a new creation and all those who pierced you, will see you; for you will be as I, and your sorrows will be over. Only glory remains upon you --My glory that I have bestowed upon you. Never fear who you were created to be, for in Me lies your confidence to execute My plan for you --to dwell among the living and to exonerate your Father. You are One with Me, and we move as One. You and I are One in My Father; we are One together --you and I and I in Him. Do not be afraid to shine for all the world to see, for I have chosen you from the foundation of the world to be seen and heard by others --to speak My Words and proclaim My Gospel. Do not worry what others think, you know who you are, for you and I are One. Go and preach My Gospel, share My living Words, and tell My Children I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me --they must be found in Me to enter My Father's gates. Be found in Me, My Children, for My Coming is soon --I am upon you. I love you, My Children, it is time for you to begin your work. Lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.

["Exonerate" defined: to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame]

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Revelation 1:1, 1:7, 2:11, 12:11 Matthew 24: 36, Isaiah 60: 1 -5, 41: 10, John 14: 6, Ephesians 1,: 4, John 14: 20, 15: 16, Romans 8: 29, mark 16: 15, Luke 21: 28, 
Jeremiah 1: 8, Deuteronomy 31: 6, in Joshua 1: 9. John 14:12-14.
July 10, 2015


My Daughter, write My Words: The end is here. Judgment is here. Salvation is here. Now is the time for the Gentiles to come home --there is no time left. Many wicked things will soon be done in your Nation. I am calling My Children home. My arms are outstretched, I am waiting for you to reach. Let me pull you from the fiery trials that are coming upon the face of the Earth. Those who I hold dear to Me will dwell under the shadow of My wings. Won't you come and abide beneath My Wings? Judgment is coming, oh wicked man, you will be judged! Children, this is your last call to come under My supernatural protection, for I will not delay much longer. I have giving you ample time to repent and to come to Me, but many choose their own path. Those are the foolish ones: the ones who refuse My words to return to their Mighty King --don't be one of them! Return to Me and be found in My Will --this is your last call. Return home now, My Judgment falls. For in an hour you know not, I shall return. Be ready.

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February 19, 2016


What was spoken in the beginning shall be revealed in the end. The clouds gather, for soon darkness shall cover the land. Envy has found a home in many a heart. Where there had been a whisper, there shall soon be a shout. Shall Jericho not be revisited? Stand proud and feel the wind of My Spirit. Where there had been a lamb, there shall be a lion. My Word shall not return void for I am the Guiding Light. I see all, and darkness shall not offer a refuge for men's wicked ways. I have seen the desecration of My holy places. Speak now son of man, speak of the shabah. Evil holds thee hostage and its grip remains tight, though its time is short. I shall release thee from the tide that binds thee, for I am the Guiding Light. These times demand action, for judgment awaits My Command. Amen

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Isaiah 55:10-1As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

February 27, 2016


Many have heard the warnings that I have sounded throughout the land for many years --becoming relaxed in their ways with no true sense of urgency, rolling their eyes and laughing at My messengers. Many think that My messengers make up their own words and speak their beliefs behind these Messages --do not be deceived My children. Do you not think I am capable of delivering Messages to those who surrendered to Me, longing to hear My voice daily? These servants do not put their faces out there for everyone to see, for they fear the One True Living God, always wanting to please their Father who is in Heaven. This is why I've said, "Just as in the Days of Noah, so it shall be when I return for My people." While Noah built the ark for Me in faith, he prepared his family and was righteous before Me as an example --he feared the unseen. Then the day came as a thief in the night: it was at that moment they remembered his words spoken out of love; they should have heeded the warnings. So it is that My warnings are coming to a close: those that were not ready when I came and got My church, will long to hear the words from My messengers, but it will be as dried bones scattered amongst the winds, for the evil one will remove and destroy everything in his path to collect your souls. Until that day comes, My children, you must walk in love towards thy neighbor always. Repent! Repent! Repent! I come quickly!

Yeshuah HaMashiach

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EZEKIEL 37:1-14    2 CHRONICLES 36:16   HEBREWS 11:7    PSALM 25 14
February 26, 2016


My children, we must remain vigilant at all times, interceding for those who do not know Me. A cosmic event will soon take place --it will be seen and heard throughout the world. Many people will be running around in sheer terror for the things that have befallen the Earth. You My children, will know that it has begun because the three days of darkness will have begun. This is when you must stay inside; My angels will be protecting you and those who heed My warnings. I will be giving you instructions through the Holy Spirit at this time. This is when some of your family members will begin to wake up and receive Me. My beloved sons and daughters, it won't be long now, for you sense this in your Spirits. All of Heaven awaits with much anticipation for your arrival, as you join into My Kingdom. I have told you that I am a God of order, so do not fear, for I have you in My hand. Do not focus on the physical realm, looking to the left and the right in fear; but focus your gaze only upon Me, My children. I call upon you now to make final preparations, getting your house in order. The time is oh so short, don't be fooled. Blessed are those who do not see, but yet still believe, for your reward will be great in Heaven. Remember, My children, to always repent, for I am ever before you, keeping your wedding garments from spots and wrinkles.

Yeshua HaMashiach 
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COLOSSIANS 3:12-14       ROMANS 12:2        1 PETER 5:8

February 27, 2016

ABOUT THE 144,000

The 144,000 is a parabolic representation of the Lord's Elect, who are the Bride of the Lamb. To better understand this harvest of souls, one needs to understand the 3 harvests  of souls from the Earth. The firstfruits are the 144,000.

[And the Lord asked me to quote from the seventh chapter of Revelation here]

Revelation 7:1-4 After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, "Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads." And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed.

144,000 is not a literal number, it is parabolic language

Matthew 13:10-13 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why do you speak unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever has not, from him shall be taken away even what he has. Therefore speak I to them in parables: because seeing they see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Matthew 13:34-35 All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spoke He not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

These souls [the 144,000] comprise Spiritual Israel. The Bible declares: "For they are not all Israel who are of Israel?" 

Romans 9:6-8 For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, "In Isaac your seed shall be called." That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. 

The Bible also declares that "those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God?" The Elect are the children of the promise. Their names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life from before the Foundation of the world. 

Job 38:4-7 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? 

The Elect are the sons of God who shouted for joy when God laid the cornerstone and fastened the foundations of the Earth. They sang and shouted together with joy at the beginning of Creation. But when Satan realized they were to be the heirs of the Father's Creation and the Earth was to be their inheritance, he became furious with envy and violence filled his heart, and he became the Lord's enemy. He successfully hijacked the Earth with his serpent seed and God had to destroy the Earth and the city of Atlantis during the first tribulation. Then he sent the 200 watchers to Mt. Hermon and again hijacked the Earth and all living DNA, which brought about the second tribulation and the flood. With 3 nails and the Son of Man's death on a wooden cross, God was able to bind the strong man for the New Testament Church age to flourish without his impediment. ["impediment" defined: obstruction; hindrance; obstacle].

The 3 Harvests of the World
The Bible teaches of 3 harvest: one of barley, one of wheat, and one of grapes. One is of the Elect, the second is of the great multitude that no man can count, and the third harvest belongs to Satan. The harvesting of the Earth is divinely ruled over and controlled by a  perfectly just God. And there are 3 Feasts: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. There are 3 gleanings: the firstfruits, the main harvest, the corners of the field. There are 3 categories of souls: the Elect, the great multitude, and those that receive the mark of the beast. There are 3 categories of souls regarding the wedding of the Lamb: the Bride, the friends of the Bridegroom, and those who refused to come to the wedding after they were invited.

The Barley Harvest and the Firsfruits
The firstfruits are the crop that come up in the field first. This crop is to be an offering to the Lord. It is to be tied with a red cord (or a sheave), to make it well known to all who are in the field that it is an offering to the Lord. The firstfruits are always carefully pulled out from among the field, it is never cut down as is done with the main harvest, which is swiftly cut down when reaped. The firstfruits harvest is carefully handled and placed in the temple as an offering to the Lord, and is never taken to the threshing floor and consumed. The firstfruit also was used to sanctify the main harvest.

The Barley Harvest represents the first part of God’s harvest. Those in this first harvest are referred to in Scripture as “overcomers”. The gathering in of the nations is actually a of the Barley Harvest. It is in and through the manifestation of the sons of God that all nations will come to know the Lord and serve Him. These overcomers shall come forth in the first resurrection. Barley matures early, which tells us that the “barley firstfruits” are the first people to mature spiritually to bring forth the fruits of the kingdom that God requires. Barley grain is a soft seed. In days of old when they wanted to separate the grain from the chaff they would put the barley on a sheet holding the four corners and would raise the sheet to the wind. This process is called winnowing. It would easily separate the two and would give them the pure grain. Those of the barley harvest are soft and pliable in the hands of the Lord, and easily separated from the world.

The Wheat Harvest
The Wheat Harvest represents “the church in general”. It speaks of those who were justified by faith, but either did not go through or submit to the sanctification process of the Lord. They are believers, but are in need of further correction in order to be fully sanctified and put on the divine nature and character of their Heavenly Father. There still remains iniquity in their lives that must be purged by the fire of God. Those who are part of the Wheat Harvest shall be saved “ yet so as through fire”.  They will be resurrected at the same time the “the unjust” on the Last Day. God’s judgment is designed to “thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn” (Matthew 3:12). The wheat harvest is taken to the threshing to remove the chaff from the wheat requires threshing. This is a more severe action, but it does the job. It depicts the fact that the Church will be harvested by means of judgment, or tribulation. The Latin word, "tribulum", is a threshing instrument.

The Grape Harvest
Grapes have to be crushed (or trodden under foot), in order to obtain its juice for the making of "new wine". Grapes do not have chaff, but they do have “flesh” that must be pressed severely in order to obtain its juice. This represents the most severe form of judgment.

Matthew 13:24-30 The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the plant was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? from where then has it tares? He said unto them, An enemy has done this. The servants said unto him, Will you then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Matthew 13:36-43 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that sows the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear.