Saturday, April 2, 2016

May 14, 2014


My daughter, share this warning with those have ears to hear. Catastrophic events warned of by many of My messengers are coming to your once great nation and world soon. Not one will be shielded from seeing the destruction. Destruction will come from the elements: fire and water primarily, but you will also experience earthquakes and volcanoes throughout your Earth. Outer space will begin colliding with your once great nation and the world, like nothing you’ve ever witnessed in the past. Things will never go back to what you perceive as normal. Once these things start, the end of the Earth as you’ve known it will begin. Disasters that have taken place in the past and recent past will not hold a candle to what is coming on your Earth, My children. You will only have your memories of what once was. There will be three days of darkness where My bride will be transformed into her new incorruptible body. During this time, she will be visible to others, but they will clearly see the changes taking place in My bride. People will look on in awe, as My bride puts on the new and discards the old. She will be given a new flesh that is not flesh as you would recognize flesh, but an incorruptible flesh. She will be given heightened awareness into the spiritual realm. She will be one in thought with the entirety of My Bride, and they will come together to receive their garments and their duties. There are many who will remain here on this Earth whom My Bride will be in charge of turning toward their Creator. There will be an evil and a good: there will be evil and good hearts, and the good hearts will truly know their Father and will be able to see that My Bride is of Me and that the others are impostors. My Bride are Spirit filled believers that have emptied their flesh of this world and surrendered fully to Me. They are My Warriors for this time, and they will be warring for the hearts and minds of those left on this Earth to either eventually turn to Me, or to take the mark of the beast. My Bride is very important and will lead many home to Me. When people see the impostors, they will think that they are part of My bride, but people with Me in their hearts will quickly figure out the truth. Warn people! The people of light are truly dark and they are put on this Earth to do nothing but deceive. There are very many believers who have never received My Holy Spirit, or who have received My Holy Spirit, but have quelled Him to where He has never been able to bring them along on their journey towards Me. There are many who believe in Me, but who have become entangled in false teachings and doctrines of men --they will not want to believe that this is the end;  My bride will have to educate them. There are millions and millions of people who "know of" Me, but are still seeking to know Me --My bride will then introduce her Groom to them. The job of the Bride will not be easy, but she will be equipped with her new and glorious body filled with My supernatural light and love. The impostors, though they are children of "light", it is a false light, and they will actually be children of darkness sent to confuse and mislead humans to choosing Satan as their father instead of their real Father and Creator. These impostors will be arriving on the scene soon. Most of the people of the world are completely unaware of all that is to come, and will be totally taken by surprise. Just remember, My children, that there is no man good --do not be deceived. Come to Me in prayer for answers to all of your questions. The deceivers will try to place an impostor in front of you that is so real, if you did not know My Word, you would be fooled --but many will be fooled. This is why I must use My Bride to convince those that know of Me, and just don’t know Me or My Word, not to fall for this great deception. My children, I love you so. My bride must know she will remain protected until she reveals herself and her new incorruptible body. My Bride needs to be aware of what is coming. I have chosen some very unlikely vessels to be My Bride. Do not doubt your worthiness, My Bride, because no one is worthy but by the blood of the Lamb. Prepare for battle, My Bride.  

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