Saturday, April 2, 2016

March 1, 2016


My little ones, the day grows increasingly dark --I am your only hope. As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man. Look to Me, for I am your only safe guard. The road to heaven is narrow and steep, but as I promised in My Word, you will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”  Trust in Me, for I will keep your feet from slipping and your steps secure. Flee the ways of the world, for many are on the road to destruction, wooing you and desiring to have you join them in their glee. They do not see the trap of Satan, therefore they mock My warnings and make sport of My return. Pray for them, that their eyes be opened and their hearts softened. Perilous times are ahead. Great disasters will occur simultaneously and multitudes of souls will die. During this time of immense catastrophe, My workers will be transformed to complete the tasks that I have ordained for them. Sometimes you will be seen, and other times you will not. Your physical body may appear to be sleeping quietly in bed, while you are a world away bringing in the lost. You will go where I send you and come back again in an instant, for earthly needs will be staggering, and your tasks will encompass the globe. Bodies will grow new limbs and gaping wounds will close at your command, as you walk through the Earth performing My Will. Food, water, and shelter will appear from your hands as I provide for the multitudes crying out to Me in desperation. You will work the works of Him who sent you, for the harvest is great. Do not fear, My little ones, as you watch the world crumble before your very eyes. Your heart will soon leap with anticipation, for you will hear My call. Joy as you have never known is just before you. Look up, My little ones, as your redemption draws nigh, for your Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, is stepping through the door. 


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