Sunday, April 17, 2016

Excerpt of an interview with Susanne Posel published on You Tube on 3-18-16


Susanne Posel speaking: The Military like to perform war games; so that's why we're seeing Military on the streets practicing, they are actually practicing. The tanks that we see on the streets, and the National Guard patrolling neighborhoods, and the practices they're doing with our local police department; this is all in preparation for Martial Law, so that when they do actually lock down the country, everything is secured.

Interviewer: What do you think will be the cause for the declaration of Martial Law? Will it be a financial collapse? Or something altogether different? We've seen a lot of false flags. What do you think would be the cause of Martial Law?

Susanne: Well I had written an article earlier this week from information I had gathered from a US Marine informant, and also from a Deutsche Bank informant. In 2008 we should have collapsed, we should have gone the way of Greece; the only reason why we didn't was because the Global Elite and the Banking Cartels put it off on the Eurozone, and collapsed the Eurozone in order to gain sovereign debt. Sovereign debt is when you actually own the physical land, and you don't just own the buildings; you don't just own the people and the money. They're extracting wealth so that the only thing that the governments will have left to give them, is the actual land that they own. While they're doing this, they're amassing this wealth in order to redirected it toward a Martial Law endeavor; and not just in America, but globally. They want to lock down every country and force us into global governance, and eventually force us into a global reserve currency that is like the Balfour that the IMF has been pushing. 

So in 2008, when Hank Paulson went to the congress and said that they had to bail out the banks for seven hundred billion dollars or Martial Law would be declared, they weren't lying. They went ahead and passed that, and they gave this money to the Chinese, but the Chinese since then have been backing their currency, their fiat currency, in gold. And China has been doing this, India has been doing this, and Russia has been doing this.

[Note: BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The 5 BRICS countries represent over 3 billion people, or 42% of the world population. BRICS was created in order to combine their foreign reserves in order to bypass the US Petrodollar as the global reserve currency.]

If you go back in history, the reason why we went after Gadhafi was because he was presenting the dinar, which was a gold-backed currency that he was getting together with other countries, like Africa. He was going to subvert the global reserve currency, which is the US dollar, and destroy its complete value by backing it up with gold, because the Central Bankers haven't dealt in gold since 1934. So in order to avoid all of this, the Central Bankers are going after Iran right now, and that's what this war has been all about; to try and stop India and China and Russia from the buying Irani oil with gold. Because if they destroy the global reserve currency, which is the US dollar, then what we're going to have is that we're going to wake up one morning and we're going to be like Greece, and that's going to cause complete panic in this country. 

So since they already set off the financial time bomb in the Eurozone, they know that it's just a matter of time before it hit our shores. So they're preparing for it, and that's why we see all this movement on the streets. People are seeing tanks being moved in Northern California, in the forested areas they are seeing police and military escorting them off their properties. And the National Forests are supposedly public land, but by the way, they are owned by UNESCO, they are World Heritage Sites, so they are actually owned by the UN. People are seeing Military on their streets, in Anaheim California they announced that because of the protests, it was a state of emergency, which I feel is the code word from Martial Law. I think they're trying to beta test to see if they can go ahead and lock down the country by doing it incrementally through different stages, causing problems, (problem-reaction-solution), causing problems in cities and then going ahead and locking it down, and seeing how it works --kind of like a war dance. 

One thing I forgot to mention was, that through the Deutsche Bank informant, I was alerted to the idea that they are possibly going to create like an "Internet virus" that would attack the banking system. And what they would do is, like on a Friday afternoon, they would announce, "Ok, we have to shut down the banking system because there's a virus in all the banks, and you won't be able to use your ATMs over the weekend, and then on Monday morning you'll be fine."  Well if you ever hear anything like that, you will have 72 hours before they roll out Martial Law. When they're going to roll out Martial Law, they think that when the financial collapse hits the shores of the United States, they have 72 hours. So with my Deutsche Bank informant and talks with other people in in the alternative media, my contacts, I just think that it's possible that the scenario like this would give you something to look for, a little red flag to look for. Let's say that the banks all say there's a virus in all the banking systems, all of the banks, and they have to shut down, like on a Friday, and we know that the Obama administration loves to do things on a Friday afternoon, or when we're celebrating New Year's Eve, so by Friday afternoon they're going to shut down all the banks and get rid of this virus over the weekend, and Monday morning everything would be back up. Although over the weekend you wouldn't be able to use your ATMs or pay any of your bills online, but that everything will be fine on Monday morning, that is your red flag that you have 72 hours from that moment to do whatever you are planning on doing. Get to wherever you are planning on getting to, hunker down whatever you are planning on hunkering down, because they're going to unroll Martial Law in 72 hours from that moment, or whatever scenario they intend to unroll. And I believe that has to do with the banks; because they're stealing money from us left and right. And I have even gotten reports from insiders that they're taking money out of the checking accounts, they're also stealing heirlooms, the Bank of America has stolen heirlooms out of people's safety deposit boxes and ship them from one coast to another, and then claim that they didn't know that it was a customer's property, and they'll send it back, but they never do. They're trying to squeeze out as much money as possible. And with MF Global and Jon Corzine --that was a beta test to see if they could take secured customers' funds and get away with it, and they did get away with it. And they're coming for private checking accounts next. They're looking for as much money as they can, to fund this, not only domestic, but global police state. So like I said, if you hear anything with the banking industry, and I personally think it might be a false flag with this Internet virus, or a virus in the banking system, as far as their computers go, then you have 72 hours from that time to go ahead and do what you are planning on doing.

Interviewer: Wow, well let me ask you this: In your article from earlier this week titled, "DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and the military make final preparations before announcing Martial Law", about six paragraphs down you wrote, "The acquisition of armory by the DHS and contracts for bullet-proof glass for checkpoint booths to be positioned strategically throughout the nation on public highways, have heightened awareness that the US government is preparing for a well-planned domestic military action. DHS armored vehicles have been sighted in highways in Kentucky and across the country." I guess what I'm wondering is, from your expert view, do you think that the Military could actually lock down this country? We're geographically gigantic! They had a hard time locking down Baghdad! The reality of this, is that the Psyop, I think, is against the people to get the people; to stand down before any of this ever happens, because if they move on Chicago, or any major American city, it's going to send a message to the rest of the Patriots in this graphically huge country. Then it's time to take action, it's time to embrace the Declaration of Independence and throw off these despots. What do you make of what I'm saying here? What do you think the reality is of them being able to lock down this country in any sort of Martial Law capacity?

Susanne: I agree with you that it's going to be difficult, and that's why they've done beta testing at the NATO summit we saw that they were trying to do that there as well. They have allocated foreign troops that they've been training with the Polish Army and the Russian army --the Russian army is shut up in Colorado. There have been reports that the Russian army has been starting up the fires. And the reports that I got, and that I put in that article that you just mentioned; the fires were started right in front of areas that were militarily secured, so it's my understanding that they might have been starting the fires to try and get people out of the way, and get people moved out of the way so that would be what they're doing. That the DHS has contracted independent contractors to cover up the holes for the underground bases that they are building. So their use of foreign troops, which goes right back to Rex 84, back in the early 80's.

[Note: Rex 84 is short for Readiness Exercise 1984, which was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of American citizens deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declared a "State of National Emergency".]

I don't think they're going to have a problem. They're gonna bring in NATO forces into the streets, and will work with them, and that doubles or triples their their military capacity. I think they're definitely going to try this, and I think they're going to use foreign troops along with them. The foreign troops also serve two purposes: they're extra security, and also if something does happen, then they can blame it on the foreign troops. 

Interviewer: Yeah, I think what this government is now doing with these false flags that we saw in Aurora and in Wisconsin, is they're doing their level best before Martial Law happens to disarm the people. What do you make of what I just said there and what do you make of what I'm calling "false flags" in Aurora and in Wisconsin?

Susanne: I think they are definitely false flags, and James Holmes had ties going back to his grandfather, with DARPA and mind control techniques, and he was studying mind control.

[Note: DARPA stands for, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.]

He worked with the Salk Institute for Mind Control, he worked with flicker fusion, which is where they insert images into the screen while you're watching television, or even on a website, and it moves so fast that only your subconscious picks it up. In Aurora, his apartment was booby-trapped with homemade bombs. And the Pentagon has just come out and stated that a lot of people are homegrown terrorists, and they are building these homemade bombs. And so they have asked Congress to relax certain legislatures in order to respond to this.

You Tube Video -  


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