Thursday, March 10, 2016


[First message received on August 28, 2015]  

Soon the event will happen and there will no longer be any wonder in any of those who are watching, that those are My Judgments that have begun. The whole world will be in confusion and chaos, but My Bride will have the peace that passeth all earthly understanding. She will not fear and She will be protected from harm. It will happen soon enough; do not speculate on the date. BE READY AT ALL TIMES. Stay in the Spirit at all times, and pray in your prayer language as much as possible. Get all of the world out of yourself NOW! There is no time to waste! Be Holy, as I AM Holy. Put off every weight or sin that so easily trips you up. Stay in My Presence and nothing evil can come into your mind. Renew your mind and take every thought captive. My angels are here for your protection; command them! Has it not be written that ye shall judge the angels? fallen ones, of course...My Glory shall be upon you, and you will shine for Me in the darkness -- thick darkness that will cover the Earth, like in the time of Exodus. The darkness will be able to be felt, and it will seem like I have abandoned you for a short time, but I will NEVER abandon you, leave you, or forsake you. Stay in your homes during this time of darkness, and pray to Me. You will be totally infused by My Holy Spirit. Then, you will be used to bring in the last great harvest, and then I will come back for you, My Precious Bride. Believe My Words, for they are sure and true.

Your Coming King,

[Second message received on March 4, 2016]

To My Bride: Judgment is set. Do not be in awe and wonder about the impending doom, be in awe and wonder of your God. Let the love that I have put in your heart be what comes out of your mouth. Do not say, "I told you so." Do not speak to people with condescending, self-righteous religious attitudes. I hate that! Show My love and show much compassion. This is your time to shine, My Bride, this is why you were born for such a time as this. I know no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked, but I alone know the hardened hearts that will not turn to Me, no matter what I do. I alone know if a man will turn to Me and repent, for I am their Maker and I am their Judge. If there was another way, I would choose it. My Judgments are righteous and final --no man can question what I do. I am a God of love and mercy, I am long-suffering, patient, meek, and humble. For I hate sin! I cannot and will not stand aside and let evil deeds go unpunished! I AM a Holy God. If you knew the entirety of the sins of this nation, America, and the world, you would not be able to stand it --it would consume you and ruin you completely, yet I see these things endlessly every day, every hour, every minute, every second! Towers falling with a warning to America, but not many repented. Now an event will happen that will be many times greater in magnitude --it will be devastating! My warnings to the sinners are not being heeded, and they will now stop. They only mock and scoff and ridicule, saying, "Where is your God?" They heap even more of my Judgment on their own heads. Only My Bride will be warned from now on. The Judgment that comes first are the things I will allow the enemy to do --you will see Satan's wrath because his time is short. Many of Mine own will be taken home to be with Me because of these horrific events that are going to take place. You cannot pray these events away --instead, pray and intercede for the lost and the hardened heart; that they will humble themselves and come to Me with all of their heart; that is what I require. I have made provisions for the Salvation of ALL that will call upon My Name. WEEP! WAIL! Travail for the lost that will meet their end. Humble yourselves in intercession; call for a solemn assembly and fall on your faces before Me! Thousands will arrive in hell because of the next event! IT IS SET!!! Do not be confused, My Beloved Bride, this is NOT My wrath yet, for you will NOT see My wrath. These things will not even compare to My wrath! Satan has very little power compared to Me, and he can only do what I allow; My Wrath is UNBEARABLE! No man, or angel, or any created thing can withstand it! My Wrath is born out of the Destroyer --you cannot imagine the destruction that will occur! The Judgments will happen in rapid-fire succession until the end once they start, but behold, I will make all things new --because that is what I do. This will not be the first time the Earth will be suffering this destruction, but it will be the worst it has ever seen. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the Coming of My Son --WE ARE ONE. Pray in the Spirit always, DO NOT STOP! These prayers are more powerful than you even know, and they are My Perfect Will. I cannot wait to be with you forever, and there will be no veil --it will be removed and you will see Me in all My Glory. I have chosen every one of you, and I will not lose any that the Father has given Me. Just a little while longer, My Beloved, but first your transformation to bright, sparkling, pure white! 

I love you, My Bride,

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