My precious children, all of Heaven is rejoicing in much anticipation and longing for My sons and daughters to join them in My Heavenly Kingdom. You have come far, Beloved Ones, in your journey upon the Earth. You can sense in your Spirit that something is about to take place. Listen to Me now more than ever and do not dwell on the specifics, for this will eat up your time that is much needed in prayer for the lost. I am a God of order, as I keep telling you, but many are not putting their trust in Me fully, worrying about their escape instead of thinking about how many will be left behind, devastated and broken. This is the time I call upon you now to pray fervently, for this is very powerful in the Spiritual realm, My realm. Get your house in order, because My final preparations are upon you. Don't be fooled and think, "Oh, this is just another warning like the rest of them that have been relayed by My messengers in years past." Believe Me, in Noah's time the scoffers and mockers wished they had never doubted Me, as they floated away to their demise. I say, blessed are those who keep working My fields, for when I come I shall see that much was accomplished while I was away. Your reward will be great in Heaven, as the angels celebrate your victory, as My glory will be manifested before your very eyes. I am giving one final sweep to gather up as many as I can before darkness befalls the Earth, for I am merciful, with much patience, giving many the final opportunity to come under My wing of protection. Take My hand and together we will walk into the Promised Land.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video -
Philippians 3:20 Colossians 3:12-14 Matthew 24:46 Luke 12:37
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