Listen to the words of the Lord: Encouragement is found in those who hear My voice. Love is a reflection of the humble in Spirit. Those who sow with tongues of strife shall be persecuted. It is in the deepest parts of you that I seek. I and I alone can unwrap the layers of the hidden places within your heart. Breathe in My Peace and release the brokenness to Me, for I will give you a new heart where righteousness may abound. I say to the broken hearted, "I will mend you and make you whole, for I know you and I am the keeper of your heart." The way of the world will not fulfill your desires. The deceptive path of the unfruitful will not stand, but the narrow path that I have chosen for you shall lead to eternal life, (yes, the place where all Earthly things shall pass away), and I will make all things new. Breathe in My mercy and bathe in My grace. Finish the race I have set before you. You are called to do My Will and pursue My promise until I return for you. Remember, Beloved, I come for those who truly love Me, who pursue My peace, walk by Faith, and keep a pure heart before Me. Wash yourselves in the blood that I poured out for you. Where repentance is given, Salvation is found in Me. Stay ready and watching.
Yeshua, Jesus your Salvation
Yeshua, Jesus your Salvation
You Tube Video -
John 1:45-49 John 4:9-29 Luke 9:47-48
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