America, America, you are about to burn
You were once so greatly blessed
But now the tide's about to turn
Your sins are a stench to God's Holy nostrils
Your cup of iniquities runneth over, yes it overfills
You have engaged in abundant fornications
You are filled with idolatrous abominations
To the people of America: PREPARE! YES BE READY!
The smoke of your burning will rise up to heaven
Your judgments will be very terrible and many
Your punishment will be met seventy times seven
Yes, America the Beautiful will become America Despised
The world will be astonished when they look at her demise
None will come to her side to aid; some will hiss at her and wag their head
Some will weep and wail for her people, and for her children that are dead
Alas, Alas, that great city; the daughter of Great Babylon
No more the home of the brave and the free
She became too haughty; not knowing right from wrong
So as the Scripture says; "Come out of her My people"
Time to repent and rend your hearts
Beseech your God and walk very humble
America, America, how luxuriously you lived
But in one hour you will fall
No longer will your towers stand so tall
No longer will your children laugh
And play in your peaceful streets
For soon all that you will know
Is complete devastation, shame, and defeat
Many soon will go home to heaven
A land of paradise they will know so well
For they have a Great and Mighty Savior
That will never allow them to endure the fires of hell
But the Bride of the Lamb has made Herself ready
She will have peace and have nothing to fear
For She listened intently to God's Holy Words
As the Lord greatly blessed Her with the ears to hear
So She and She alone will be given great and beautiful wings
She became pure and Her garments made white
Without spot or blemish from all her past sins
She'll be transformed and shine bright as the sun
As She and her Bridegroom unite to live forever as One
You were once so greatly blessed
But now the tide's about to turn
Your sins are a stench to God's Holy nostrils
Your cup of iniquities runneth over, yes it overfills
You have engaged in abundant fornications
You are filled with idolatrous abominations
To the people of America: PREPARE! YES BE READY!
The smoke of your burning will rise up to heaven
Your judgments will be very terrible and many
Your punishment will be met seventy times seven
Yes, America the Beautiful will become America Despised
The world will be astonished when they look at her demise
None will come to her side to aid; some will hiss at her and wag their head
Some will weep and wail for her people, and for her children that are dead
Alas, Alas, that great city; the daughter of Great Babylon
No more the home of the brave and the free
She became too haughty; not knowing right from wrong
So as the Scripture says; "Come out of her My people"
Time to repent and rend your hearts
Beseech your God and walk very humble
America, America, how luxuriously you lived
But in one hour you will fall
No longer will your towers stand so tall
No longer will your children laugh
And play in your peaceful streets
For soon all that you will know
Is complete devastation, shame, and defeat
Many soon will go home to heaven
A land of paradise they will know so well
For they have a Great and Mighty Savior
That will never allow them to endure the fires of hell
But the Bride of the Lamb has made Herself ready
She will have peace and have nothing to fear
For She listened intently to God's Holy Words
As the Lord greatly blessed Her with the ears to hear
So She and She alone will be given great and beautiful wings
She became pure and Her garments made white
Without spot or blemish from all her past sins
She'll be transformed and shine bright as the sun
As She and her Bridegroom unite to live forever as One
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