Tell my people, the desires of their heart are coming to fruition. Tell them, many are longing for My appearing. Tell them, those that are waiting and watching will receive a crown of righteousness during the marriage supper of the Lamb ceremony. Tell my people, this is it! What they do and say now will show Me who is ready to enter My kingdom. Tell them to listen to the still small voice in their head. I am speaking to many now, please discern and hear My voice. These are the final warnings taking place now before I come for My Bride. Please do as I say in obedience and your reward will be great in My Kingdom. Listen closely, My children, we are in the final moments before I come for you at the starting of the tribulation. Tell them to stay ready at all times and listen for the sound of the trumpet. Tell all My people, when things start to happen, know that I am with them through it all. Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come follow Me and I will give you rest. This is it, My child, my son. This generation is going to see Me, and the world usher in the one-world-government and the one-world-religion that is totally false and not of Me. Tell many now the left-behind message of Salvation and turning to Me. I am speaking of the lost who don’t know Me. Please, My children, get off the sidelines and talk to the lost. The time is rapidly approaching. Amen.
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