Friday, March 4, 2016

March 3, 2016


I came to you so you could receive everlasting life --that the curse of sin would be overcome. So many invest every moment they have into the world, but it is all in vain, not realizing that it is but a moment in time and death lurking around every corner. This is why I must restore these lost ones through My Last Day Remnant: whom are Holy people, sanctified, and walking in My statutes with My precious Holy Spirit. I have shown you the way, and you follow --for I am the only way, the truth, and the life. They that follow Me know not death -this Remnant is pure and spotless, as they long to seek Me every moment of every day. I am in their mind constantly, being ever so guided with peace and tranquility. Yes, I am coming to rescue My loves from the Judgment that must fall upon the Earth. My loves continually pray for Me to remove the stain of sin, so their wedding garments are pure and white --ready at a moment's notice (not knowing when I shall break the skies) --for they long for that moment, forsaking all the world has to offer. Their vessels are completely surrendered to Me, empty, so I can pour new wine into them, to become mighty warriors, with sharp instruments in their mouths,  to speak forth My Kingdom of signs and wonders for My Glory --a perfect reflection of I AM, whom breathed you into existence from the very foundation of this world. This is why you will be My firstfruits, for you are the ones, My Bride, whom I come for first --for she will be the one to bring light into a world plunged into darkness in My last day harvest. I will lead you on your mission for your paths will be illuminated for all to see --for victory is won, the battle is mine. I speak to the lukewarm, the back slider, to choose your path this moment --do not delay for time as you know it is no more for I have spoken it. Pray! Pray! Pray now! 

Yeshua HaMashiak

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