The Impostors are finalizing their plans for arrival
Son of man, write: The impostors are finalizing their plans for arrival. The stage is being set, your lives are about to change forever. Things will not continue as they have been; there will be dramatic change. They will come seemingly, bearing gifts: in one hand peace and prosperity, in the other hand advanced technology in the apparent mysteries the Universe. There will be a small group of resistors among men at first, voicing, yelling their objections, but the majority will prevail. Mankind as a whole will begin to give up sovereignty for peace and prosperity and advanced technology. The impostors will seem so sincere, so believable, but it is a trap. As the impostors begin to give up their God-given rights, then trouble comes; serious trouble comes, such as has not been seen by mankind (or Adam), before. The Earth itself begins to convulse and rebel at their presence. Outer space surrounding the Earth destabilizes; massive plagues, deaths and die-offs of animal life begins in earnest. Water becomes poisoned, undrinkable. The impostors' seemingly high-technology is unable to stop the plagues, famines, and die-offs. The impostors' masks begins to come off, revealing their true identities for those that have eyes to see. The impostors destroy the current New World Order governments of the world, and seemingly give Adam (or mankind), their freedom; but it is not freedom, it is the worst oppression and slavery ever seen by the race of Adam. They are given authority to set up their own New World Order and replace the current puppet governments with a different set of puppet governments, loyal to them alone; not to greed, power, and corruption, like the current puppets. These will be different puppets with different goals and objectives; they will be totally sold-out slaves to the beast and his government that is in control for a short time. Even though the time is short that they have total control, it will result in the dividing of the sheep and the goats; those who finally wake up to take a stand for Me, Yehushua, and those who belong to the beast, the enemy, Satan. This is the time referred to in the Father and My written Word, spoken Word, as the time of the Great Tribulation; the time referred to as the pouring out of the wrath of the Lamb and finalizing as the wrath of God. These are the days of darkness, gloom, and smoke, referred to by the Prophets. These days are quickly heading your way. Ask the people, "Are they ready?" Are you ready for these things which are about to befall the Earth? I will come back soon to gather My prepared faithful Bride; those who are already prepared to meet Me. My reward is with Me, part of which will be to be taken to a place of safety. Those who are not ready will need to be purified by going through the fire. Those who are purified and make themselves worthy by going through the fire, will join the Saints and the rest of the worthy in Heaven. Those who don't become purified, those who don't stand through the fire, but allow themselves to be sold to the beast, will join him, the false prophet, and all of those who willingly sold their souls and received the mark of the beast. Those who find themselves sold, bought, and paid for, (not by Me, Yehushua, but by the beast and Satan), those lost souls will be their property for eternity, and where they go, (the beast, and the false prophet, and Satan), there the lost slaves will follow with no chance of redemption. This is not what I choose for anyone; it is what they choose for themselves, by rejecting Me and My free gift of Salvation and freedom from their slavery. I, Yehushua, laid down my life lovingly and willing, so that none would have to parish. By My sacrifice, I made a way out from Satan and his minions forever. People must come to Me, repent with a true desire, confess Me as their Savior, and believe that My father raised Me from the dead, and they shall be saved. The door of grace and mercy, or what some men call "the Church Age", is closing and a new Age is about to begin. Warn My people, warn My people. This present age is about to change, and the day or days of darkness are coming. The impostors are about to arrive. Are you ready? Do you have a plan? Do you have a God-inspired plan on what you are to do? Pray, pray, pray for the lost and unsaved; that they can find Me before it's too late for them. Call out My Name, I will hear you; I will come into your heart and lives if you ask Me with repentance and a sincere heart. My desire is for all to become saved and come into the knowledge of truth. Come to Me, you who are weak and have a heavy burden. Take My yoke, for it is light. Pray for the persecuted brothers and sisters; that they may become strong and not deny My Name. Prepare to meet Me, My faithful, for I am coming quickly. Will I find you eagerly looking up, expecting Me with a purified heart and mind, ready to go? Or will I find you sleeping, with an empty oil lamp, and not ready to go? You must persevere, My children, I'm coming at an hour you'd least expect. Be ready, be ready My faithful Bride, for I love you deeply and have wonderful things in store for you at My sudden appearing. Your places are ready; everything is in order. The Father and I continue to work behind the scenes on your behalf. You won't be disappointed; when you get here, you will love it.
I love you all and I gave Myself for you,
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