January 15, 2016
I urge you now, for those whom believe that I exist but are not taking action - you go to church and sing to me; you open the Bible to scriptures that your pastor reads, putting your eyes upon your watches, for those two hours seem like an eternity. I tell you, that your hearts are far from Me - for you have stacks of books that you read cover to cover; you know more about your favorite author than you do of Me, the true "author and finisher". Your Bible collects dust on your nightstand and you say in your heart and reason within yourselves, that it is boring and is a daunting task to read My Words cover to cover. I tell you, slothful servants whose heads snap back in the pews, to wake up! for time is up! and My grace and mercy will be caught away in the winds of change. There comes an event that is going to change the world forever, and your dainty morsels and peace will be removed far away from you. My final warnings are being spoken forth at this hour. You must open your eyes and ears and look around and see that war is on the horizon, and financial collapse is but a breath away. I say, that you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not delay a second longer, My child; this decision is left up to you. [Neither] your denomination nor pastor will speak for you when you stand before Me, it is You whom will answer for your actions.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XK0aWgueqg
JOHN 3:1-21 - 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 - 1 PETER 1:23. JOHN 3:6
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