Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 12, 2016


Think it not strange My child, when you face trials in your life; this is necessary to try you through the fire. When silver or gold is refined, is it not heated to a melting point and the dross or waste is burned off? And what is left is pure. So it is that the fire of the Holy Spirit convicts you of your sins and helps you to remove the sin from your lives. For some, this process takes longer than others. But in the end, it is your faith that will stand the test of time. I say, buy it from Me Gold refined by fire, to make you rich and white garments that you may be clothed and stand before Me without shame. There are many whom sit in the pews, giving me lips service, praying and asking me for more money, better jobs and to bless their lives with abundance; not turning to their neighbor to give help in time of need while your bank accounts are bursting at the seams. I tell you that your prayers fall on deaf ears; it is you whom will be left behind when I come for My Bride, for they have made themselves ready, turning from sins, not wishing to turn back to the mire, keeping their grammars free from spots. I tell you, ye lukewarm backsliders whom rely on your own understanding, to ask Me into your life with all your heart, mind, body, and soul, and I shall send you a Helper whom will counsel you and never leave you: My Holy Spirit. Do not delay another day My child; be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and you shall be guided to all Truth and Understanding.

With Love,
Yeshua Ha Mashiach

You Tube Video -

ZECHARIA 13:9. 1 PETER 1:7. DANIEL 12:10. REV 3:5

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