Many of My children watched as the blood moons came, trying to predict My coming; that it will be on a Feast Day, only finding out that they were relying on their own understanding. Even though I said, "No man knows the day or hour, not even the angels of Heaven." This is why I say keep watch at all times, for it will come upon you like a thief. I give you this example because your earthly bodies are not meant to last forever; and you do not know at what hour or day your life on Earth will end. If you look around you will see that some die unexpectedly, some very young in age are taken in the blink of an eye. When this takes place I say, "Are you going be ready to stand before Me?" Many of you have insurance policies on your health or your lives; these are the necessities of the flesh. I tell you, that once your body dies, that your spirit and soul are in my hands; and will you be one of the ones who stands before me without the blood which covers your eternal life's policy? I gave at no cost to you; only then will you realize that all the times that you were warned over and over, that fell on deaf ears, will be out of your grasp. My warnings will not go on forever, child; with your own free will, I leave this decision up to you. Will you be the one who accepts My free gift, or rejects it?
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video -
HEBREWS 9:14. HEBREWS 9:22. ACTS 20:21
1 JOHN 1:7. REV 1:5. REV 12:11
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