January 16, 2016
Today is the day to examine the fruit upon your tree. Either the fruit is good and produces good fruit, or it is bad and produces bad fruit; by this you are known, My child. I tell you that many begin with their tree beginning to blossom and put forth fruit, and this was good. As the tree began to mature, some fruit became abundant and overflowed; while some, their fruit remain on the tree and was not given to those who needed it; therefore the fruit fell to the ground and became rotten. Do you understand what I'm saying here, beloved? For you have started out strong, producing much fruit, but as time went on you slowed down and became a hearer of the Word, and not a doer. This should not be! Did I not say to run the race with endurance that was set before you, and not let the snares of this world entangle you? I say that My scales are Just and Honest, and all shall be weighed, whether for good or for bad. Do not be caught with rotten fruit on the ground; for your works follow you. I say, arise, you sluggard, from the slumber, and finish the race that I've set before you; so when you enter My gates you will not be found lacking. Let your fruit be sweet upon the lips of the hungry, destitute, and brokenhearted, for this is the will of My Father whom sent Me.
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQFfso7xGUc
JAMES 3:13 - MATT 12:33 - TITUS 3:14 - PROVERBS 16:11
PROVERBS 20:23 - 1 TIMOTHY 6:18 - JOB 31:6 - REV 14:13
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQFfso7xGUc
JAMES 3:13 - MATT 12:33 - TITUS 3:14 - PROVERBS 16:11
PROVERBS 20:23 - 1 TIMOTHY 6:18 - JOB 31:6 - REV 14:13
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