I will tell you a mystery that God has had hidden from the beginnings of time. You will not all fall asleep; you shall remain alive unto the coming of My Glorious Son for His Bride. You shall meet Him in the air, My Bride. Then you shall be with Your God Almighty forevermore. This is God’s Wonderful Promise to His Bride; to the overcomer’s by My Son’s Blood. My Faithful, who won’t do or make any decisions without My Son. My Faithful, who will let My Son Yeshua lead them. You are ever so close to My Son, and you count Him as your Greatest Reward. You care nothing about the beautiful crowns and other riches you may receive in My Heavenlies; you only want to be with Him. This is the Spotless Bride. The ones who cannot live without My Son, every breath they take, they think upon Him. They have made Him Lord of their lives. They have made Him their First Love above all others. He is their entire life, and they tell Him this continually. This is My Son’s Bride, spotless and beautiful and full of My Beautiful Holy Spirit; they are overflowing. All they want to do and live for is to please My Son. They do soar in His Heavenlies with Him; and they experience such great and supernatural encounters with Him. These are the ones who will be in My Son’s Army of Light.
Father Yahweh Elohim Eternal Father of His Most Glorious Son Yeshua, Your King of Kings and Lord of Lords
You Tube Video - message located at 16:04 minutes -
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