Thursday, April 28, 2016


America is still deep in denial, and this denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now, the economy is still functioning and food and fuel are still available; the lights turn on, and American Idol is still the center of attention. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy; they're still stuck on the false left-right paradigm and think that some other sock puppet will turn things around. When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in all urban areas in the United States will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors.

So here are the five reasons why American riots will be the worst in the world: 

#1. Arrogance - All of our lives we have been fed the lie that somehow we are better than everybody else and to believe that it is morally acceptable to stick our noses into everyone's business. We have 777 Military bases all over the world; our currency is the world's reserve currency; we control most of the International organizations like the UN, the IMF, the World Bank; we control the world's shipping lanes; our media is the most popular and sought-after propaganda in the world; our corporations harvest the resources that our empire provides, and this has led to the feeling that the American way of life is not negotiable. We print debt and consume. But this way of life was only possible by the very real and hard sacrifices made by Americans long dead. America today is nothing more than a spoiled brat blowing through the last of its inheritance. The only thing that the United States is #1 at is spreading debt and death. This American arrogance will be turned on to other Americans as the dollar collapses. Soon, we will no longer be able to maintain global dominance and power without a functioning currency. All of our troops will be forced to come home, and we will no longer be able to import 25% of the world's oil. This sudden shift will turn arrogant Americans on each other as they seek to enforce their inflated sense of self-worth onto others. They will think that the world somehow owes them something, and they believe that lesser people should be made to sacrifice for them; after all, Dick Chaney did say, "The American way of life is not negotiable.", and as author Voltaire once said; "Everything is fine today, but that is our illusion."

#2. The second factor, and what will make American riots the worst, is denial. For those that aren't arrogant, they're in denial and believe that everything will be "OK", because they are "good people". They believe that America will recover and the American dream is still alive. They believe this because they either lack the ability to logically see through the lies, or they believe that people ruling them have the same morals as they do. You cannot spread freedom with war. A nation cannot enforce their will upon another nation any more than you can force your will upon another. There will always be "blow-back", and of course, that is the plan of your rulers. They do not share the same values as you do; they seek to create chaos and division so that they can garner more power and profits. "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." (Quote by Ayn Rand). The dollar collapse will end the ability of the average American to deny their active or passive participation in the dominance in the world by spreading debt and death. When people's entire life savings are wiped away, they will wonder what their life has been all about. All of their missed times with their families and connections with others, all will have been stained by the pursuit of material gains. Only when everything is taken from them, will they start to see the real importance of life. Many will not be able to come to terms with this coming reality. 

#3. Number 3 on the list is Narcissism - The amount of narcissism in America is epidemic. The fascination with celebrities and their clothes consumes the masses, and many are addicted to worshiping sports figures. We have a fear of competition, and we view others as enemies --this leads to shallow and transitory relationships. Americans consume their way into debt as they try to create an outer facade to hide the inner void in their rapid lives. The baby-boomer generation is known as the "Me Generation" --their obsessive pursuit of material possessions was matched by their embrace of debt. The dollar collapse is going to hit the baby-boomers the hardest, and they'll be forced to come to terms with the pain they have left in their wake. Broken families and debt is just the tip of the iceberg. The war and the debt machine they enabled and unleashed upon the world is a much harder reality they will have to deal with. 

#4. Drugs - Millions of Americans have turned to drugs to fill the void of their true purpose in life. Instead of dealing with past hurts and seeking a higher purpose for their lives like helping others and using their natural talents to make the world better, Americans have turned to drugs. The worst kind of drugs are the kind people believe are making them better. Powerful psychotropic drugs such as anti-depressants are extremely powerful and can cause psychotic breaks that lead to violence if they come off them too soon. I would say that these drugs are much more powerful than guns because they cause people to break from reality and cause violence. But I do want to warn everybody of one thing: Nearly 10% of the Country, or 27 million Americans, are on these anti-depressants. Knowing that there is only one month's supply in the system, and the kind of psychotic breaks that will happen if these people come off these drugs too fast, is definitely not a good thing. When the dollar collapses, we will not only have to worry about the 7 to 10 days supply of food and fuel in the system, but we will also have to worry about the 1 in 10 Americans who are not going to be medicated when the world paradigm collapses. 

#5. The fifth reason why I think American riots will be the worst, is violence. Violence has been a part of the American culture since the beginning of our Country. We have the most armed population and the highest crime rates in the world. The violence we will see in some parts of this Country will be as bad as the reign of terror from the French Revolution. Some parts of this Country will try to confront a post-dollar paradigm by embracing freedom and honest money; others will try to hold on to power by becoming more tyrannical and finding enemies with their neighbors. We are surrounded by violence and we've been desensitized to anti-social behavior, as our movies and video games show killing of others, but rarely the consequences of those actions. While not even being aware of it, anti-social behaviors are often normalized in the TV shows we and our children watch every day. I recently realized that some of my favorite shows, like Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, were really about normalizing anti-social behavior. In fact, the season finale of Seinfeld was based off a man getting mugged, and showed all four main characters not only not helping the man, but actually making fun of the man while he was being violently robbed. This lack of empathy is at the root of our problems.

So now we have a society that cares only about themselves and their own materialistic needs, but we also have a society that no longer cares about other people's feelings. The American riots will be the worst in the world because of the amount of arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence in our Country. These factors are systemic and affect every level of society, and I also do fear that our Nation is sick enough to unleash a series of false-flag events that will spread, and maybe even for the intentional purpose of spreading, our violence even further.

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