Larry Nichols: The question is: Why did Obama go to Cuba? Why did he go to try to re-establish relationships with Cuba? You know that we don't need anything from Cuba. Back during the days of Nicaragua and all of the "Contra" stuff, there was something called the "Domino Theory". What was known back then was that, Cuba in that day, could have 200,000 Cuban soldiers called "Black Hats", in this country in 6 hours. And remember, if they try to go to Martial Law, you will have a problem bringing our Military in to enforce Martial Law because of Posse Comitatus, right?
[Note: The Posse Comitatus Act was signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. Its purpose is to limit the powers of the Federal Government in using Federal Military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, due to them being naval services, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army and Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.]
Now Obama has already gotten rid of most of the Generals in the Military that would disavow any illegal orders to go against the people of the country, but they would still have a tough time getting the Americans soldiers to turn on us, the people. I believe what he did in Cuba, was to go there and make an arrangement, that if he needed a force to put us into submission, he went down there to negotiate and got it. And this is coming. This is not somebody dreaming something up; read for yourself, look for yourself.
Lisa: So let me just add to what you're saying. I mean, if we were to put what you,re saying in kind of a blunt way and kind of generalizing it: he went to Cuba to, I guess they already have good relations because they are both communists in my opinion but, he went there to get support militarily, like domestically speaking, in the event that we have some kind of civil uprising from an economic collapse that they plan on allowing at some point soon, something to that nature?
Larry: Well that sounds about as well put as I've ever heard it, yeah that was it. And so then you've got the problem with the [Presidential] election: you've got Hillary, she wants to be king when this all collapses, and she'll invoke FEMA provisional government, which makes her "king"; basically Martial Law; you've got Obama, and he doesn't want to leave, so we've got all these people fighting to be in charge of this country, and all these rich multi-national corporations buying politicians and paying for it all, and it's going to get worse.
Lisa: Yeah, and I know that I went to the Federal Reserve's website and saw that they held 4 emergency forums, and
I've never seen that many back to back, and they were all emergency meetings: one on April 6, one on April 11th, and 12th, and then also on the 13th. So here we have a situation with all these high-talk meetings, and not to mention the G-20 summit that is taking place this Month through the 15th, and the G-20 summit is in D.C. and they're talking on financial topics, and the IMF are having a meeting next week...I mean this is like setting my alarm bells off, I mean, do they know something is about to happen with the economy? Because here's the thing, they don't give us a warning; they never have, did they give us the warning in 2006, 7, 8, when all that went down? Nope.
Larry: Nope, and they're not going to, because they don't want us to make preparations; they don't was a panic. When it's "panic time", they want to be in charge of everything; when it comes time to panic, they want to have all they keys to the "purses", they'll have the keys to the money, they don't want us to have it. We are looking at a global meltdown, and as it relates to this Nation.
Lisa: Now here's the thing, Larry, I'm always really concerned about America, but I am more so today than I have been, especially with the meetings that they're holding and what's going on globally, the fact that Obama is in charge, and what's going on with the election, and I know you've been in countries that have collapsed so, where do we go? What can you say about all that?
Larry: Well, I have seen a collapse before, two of which I helped to collapse, ok? I have seen it before, and that's why I am telling you what I am telling you; this is what I have seen before! This is not something that I have dreamt up or dreamed up or something, or imagined, or that I have had some kind of vision, it's nothing like that at all, this is what's coming! These things that are happening...nothing in Government happens by accident; this is no accident. And don't think for one second that the Government isn't using this election, and this controversy, and this election to do what? To get us to look some place else! What are we all looking at? What is the news inundated with?
Lisa: The election.
Larry: The election, yeah. Do you think that there's anyway after this election, that we can go back to a traditional election process ever again for the Presidency? Do you believe that this election, when it's finished, the rate it's going, we'll ever have a normal one again?
Lisa: No! Especially if we allow what went happened in Colorado, and what we allowed to happen in Lousiana! We allowed it! And we are going to do it more next year! I feel like I am in China, Communist China!
Larry: They're not doing it more, they know this it! This is it! Thy don't have to worry about the next election, this this it! This one is it! And, they are using all this furvor over this election as what, "mis-direction", "cover", "cover", I wrote about it in 1999, in "The genie is out of the bottle". You get people looking at what you want to look at, not at what they better be seeing. We're looking at the toilet paper in the tree, Lisa, we're not looking down at the ground. And when you see a fresh roll of toilet paper up in the tree, you better look down, because you have looked down into a mine field; toilet paper don't grown in trees. That's where we're at! That's why I know that all of this is real! And then, you have to scout the news and be able to read some of the indicators, to pick up what's actually happening because otherwise, you're only going to watch the news and take what the mainstream tells you. You know nothing about the Federal Reserve, you don't nothing about the global economy, all you know is about Hillary and Cruise, that's all you know about...And I just can't believe that if all the Americans knew, that in the Marine Corps right now, as reported, not by me, but by Fox News today, when you see just how depleted our Military is; not just the Marine Corp, but all of the branches. When you see just how depleted it is, then you have to ask yourself, and if Putin knows just how depleted we are, and you know that he knows, then what is to stop him from doing anything that he wants to do?
Lisa: Yeah, I know that we are absolutely vulnerable. Now let me ask you this, Larry, why do you think they're depleting our Army, our Military, all the branches?
Larry: To make sure that the plans that they have for this country are accomplished. Look, no one is planning to invade American to my knowledge; not Russia, not China, they're not going to invade America. China is worried about all the money it has invested in America; they're worried about their investment. The only people talking about invading this country, is Obama, Hillary, and the Republicans with their Muslim refugees!
[Note: The Posse Comitatus Act was signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. Its purpose is to limit the powers of the Federal Government in using Federal Military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, due to them being naval services, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army and Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.]
Now Obama has already gotten rid of most of the Generals in the Military that would disavow any illegal orders to go against the people of the country, but they would still have a tough time getting the Americans soldiers to turn on us, the people. I believe what he did in Cuba, was to go there and make an arrangement, that if he needed a force to put us into submission, he went down there to negotiate and got it. And this is coming. This is not somebody dreaming something up; read for yourself, look for yourself.
Lisa: So let me just add to what you're saying. I mean, if we were to put what you,re saying in kind of a blunt way and kind of generalizing it: he went to Cuba to, I guess they already have good relations because they are both communists in my opinion but, he went there to get support militarily, like domestically speaking, in the event that we have some kind of civil uprising from an economic collapse that they plan on allowing at some point soon, something to that nature?
Larry: Well that sounds about as well put as I've ever heard it, yeah that was it. And so then you've got the problem with the [Presidential] election: you've got Hillary, she wants to be king when this all collapses, and she'll invoke FEMA provisional government, which makes her "king"; basically Martial Law; you've got Obama, and he doesn't want to leave, so we've got all these people fighting to be in charge of this country, and all these rich multi-national corporations buying politicians and paying for it all, and it's going to get worse.
Lisa: Yeah, and I know that I went to the Federal Reserve's website and saw that they held 4 emergency forums, and
I've never seen that many back to back, and they were all emergency meetings: one on April 6, one on April 11th, and 12th, and then also on the 13th. So here we have a situation with all these high-talk meetings, and not to mention the G-20 summit that is taking place this Month through the 15th, and the G-20 summit is in D.C. and they're talking on financial topics, and the IMF are having a meeting next week...I mean this is like setting my alarm bells off, I mean, do they know something is about to happen with the economy? Because here's the thing, they don't give us a warning; they never have, did they give us the warning in 2006, 7, 8, when all that went down? Nope.
Larry: Nope, and they're not going to, because they don't want us to make preparations; they don't was a panic. When it's "panic time", they want to be in charge of everything; when it comes time to panic, they want to have all they keys to the "purses", they'll have the keys to the money, they don't want us to have it. We are looking at a global meltdown, and as it relates to this Nation.
Lisa: Now here's the thing, Larry, I'm always really concerned about America, but I am more so today than I have been, especially with the meetings that they're holding and what's going on globally, the fact that Obama is in charge, and what's going on with the election, and I know you've been in countries that have collapsed so, where do we go? What can you say about all that?
Larry: Well, I have seen a collapse before, two of which I helped to collapse, ok? I have seen it before, and that's why I am telling you what I am telling you; this is what I have seen before! This is not something that I have dreamt up or dreamed up or something, or imagined, or that I have had some kind of vision, it's nothing like that at all, this is what's coming! These things that are happening...nothing in Government happens by accident; this is no accident. And don't think for one second that the Government isn't using this election, and this controversy, and this election to do what? To get us to look some place else! What are we all looking at? What is the news inundated with?
Lisa: The election.
Larry: The election, yeah. Do you think that there's anyway after this election, that we can go back to a traditional election process ever again for the Presidency? Do you believe that this election, when it's finished, the rate it's going, we'll ever have a normal one again?
Lisa: No! Especially if we allow what went happened in Colorado, and what we allowed to happen in Lousiana! We allowed it! And we are going to do it more next year! I feel like I am in China, Communist China!
Larry: They're not doing it more, they know this it! This is it! Thy don't have to worry about the next election, this this it! This one is it! And, they are using all this furvor over this election as what, "mis-direction", "cover", "cover", I wrote about it in 1999, in "The genie is out of the bottle". You get people looking at what you want to look at, not at what they better be seeing. We're looking at the toilet paper in the tree, Lisa, we're not looking down at the ground. And when you see a fresh roll of toilet paper up in the tree, you better look down, because you have looked down into a mine field; toilet paper don't grown in trees. That's where we're at! That's why I know that all of this is real! And then, you have to scout the news and be able to read some of the indicators, to pick up what's actually happening because otherwise, you're only going to watch the news and take what the mainstream tells you. You know nothing about the Federal Reserve, you don't nothing about the global economy, all you know is about Hillary and Cruise, that's all you know about...And I just can't believe that if all the Americans knew, that in the Marine Corps right now, as reported, not by me, but by Fox News today, when you see just how depleted our Military is; not just the Marine Corp, but all of the branches. When you see just how depleted it is, then you have to ask yourself, and if Putin knows just how depleted we are, and you know that he knows, then what is to stop him from doing anything that he wants to do?
Lisa: Yeah, I know that we are absolutely vulnerable. Now let me ask you this, Larry, why do you think they're depleting our Army, our Military, all the branches?
Larry: To make sure that the plans that they have for this country are accomplished. Look, no one is planning to invade American to my knowledge; not Russia, not China, they're not going to invade America. China is worried about all the money it has invested in America; they're worried about their investment. The only people talking about invading this country, is Obama, Hillary, and the Republicans with their Muslim refugees!
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Transcript Starting at 23 minutes into the video.
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