Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 17, 2016

[Note: This message was not written down on paper before the video recording was made, but was received spontaneously after the messenger had already started to make the recording.]



It is in the horizon, you can almost see it with your eyes. Those who are spiritually in-tuned into Me, those who are close to Me in My presence, can see it on the horizon, it is coming. Don't look at the events, but keep your eyes on Me. I have My angels around you, I have assigned My angels to protect you, My children, My angels are with you, My people, My angels are with you, guarding you and concerning you in your ways. My people, those of you who are close to Me speak in tongues. Those who are close to Me, pray more than ever before. My children, spend time with Me in your secret places. Dwell with Me, dwell in My presence. The things that are coming, for the people who do not know Me, who aren't saved, they might not be able to cope. The ones who survive will mentally collapse, they will cave-in. There will only be a few who will be able to cope with this. Most people are going to completely buckle and cave-in under pressure. 

To My people: spend time with Me, I am here with you now. Stay close to Me, as I will stay close to you. When these Judgments come upon the Earth, do not go to your old ways of comfort. Right now some of you have comforts in different things, like your money, your business, you put your hope in different things, but do not put your hope in these things any more, but put your hope in Me, Yeshua, your Lord and your Savior. My protection will be over you, My people, I love you, I love you so much. Right now draw near to Me, draw near to Me, draw near to Me, be in My presence. It is I who will sustain you through these things, through what is coming, I will direct your paths. Stay in Me, stay in My presence, cling on to Me, hold on to Me, I will be guarding you. Do not put your comfort in other things any more, you must surround yourself with Me, clothe yourself in Me, keep your eyes on Me. I hear your every prayer, I receive your every prayer, I am with you, I am with you. You will see great and supernatural signs in the heavens above you soon. My power will be manifested in you, My people, My power will be made visible in you. When these things come, there will be absolute destruction everywhere.

[Note: This is where the messenger decided to stop the live recording of this message.]

You Tube Video -


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