My daughter, you are entering a new time on your Earth now. Seek My lost and share with them the truth of My love and My Plan of Salvation. Explain to them the ways of the devil and his lies. Explain to these souls that they are eternal beings and not meant to exist in this fallen world. There is no turning back now; it is simple --the seed of the enemy has corrupted My Creation and the things on your Earth are only going to become exponentially more evil. My Creation has been subject to the enemy for long enough, as I have tried to allow for My message to reach the ends of your Earth. It is time now, My children, for every man to choose his destiny. There is no more time to put off your decision, for if you wait, you will face a refinement process that will break you. Men's hearts will fail them when they see what is to come. My Holy Spirit has kept evil at bay and will continue to do so until I remove him. Once this takes place, evil will be all there is and I will allow the enemy his allotted time to wreak havoc on the Earth and its inhabitants. There will be those who still receive My truths and are rescued and received into My presence, but these will be times of great terror and persecution for anyone claiming to know Me. I implore My messengers now, reach the lost and the backslidden, invite them into My flock, do not push them away with your man-made doctrines. I am the only True Judge. I tell you now, invite them in love, or you will only serve the enemy by pushing them away from My truth. I love My Creation. Do not be responsible for your foolish fleshy pride pushing sinners into the arms of the enemy. Check yourselves in My true Gospel of love and finished work on the cross. Be joyful, My soldiers, for your duties are paying off. Delight in each soul that hears My voice in their heart, and rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh. I love you, My children.
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