Monday, April 4, 2016

March 31, 2016


ISIS could be close to obtaining nuclear weapons, a Harvard academic has said.
Researcher Matthew Bunn predicts that the extremists could launch themselves into atomic warfare in the near future. His findings were published in a report for Project on Managing the Atom from Harvard’s Belfer Centre. Possible scenarios include the detonation of a dirty bomb, the hijacking of a nuclear facility, and detonating a nuclear bomb.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon warned last week that ISIS building nuclear weapons was a 'new and emerging threat'. The authors said: “The radiation from a dirty bomb, by contrast, might not kill anyone—at least in the near term—but could impose billions of dollars in economic disruption and cleanup costs. “The effects of sabotage of a nuclear facility would depend heavily on the specific nature of the attack, but would likely range between the other two types of attack in severity.”

ISIS's ideology means that it is highly likely that the extremist group will try to get nuclear weapons Reuters The launching of their own nuclear bomb would be “most catastrophic”, according to the report. It said: “The heart of a major city could be reduced to a smoldering radioactive ruin, leaving tens or hundreds of thousands of people dead, and countless more injured. “Terrorists would probably claim they had more bombs already hidden in other cities (whether they did nor not), and the fear that this might be true could lead to panicked evacuations, creating widespread havoc and economic disruption.”The authors say that using atomic devices would fit with the group’s ideology and aims for the future. They said: “The group’s apocalyptic ideology, however, envisions a final war between its forces and those of the United States and the West (the “Crusaders”), which the group expects ultimately to win.”

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