Tuesday, February 23, 2016

October 9, 2013


My children who wait for a sign to come unto Me, are lazy in Spirit: they deny My Name that I have offered unto them, they reject My calls for correction, and do not desire to hear My ways --they pave their own paths and label their street with My Name. 

I speak to those who are in Me partially now, the lukewarm: I am not partial and I require full obedience, you cannot serve two masters. My last calls are upon you to leave this world behind. You are a lazy servant who only moves when your are struck. So then you will receive the sign that you seek because you are lazy and did not move into position when the contractions began. You remain fixed in the womb of your mother where you are comfortable and secure. You fight the birth, and yet you will be born. Why do you quarrel with things that are greater than you? I will have to pull you out, and this is not the natural plan that I have selected for you --you laid and waited on My push to deliver you instead of your own push. You are lazy and did not obey Me when I spoke. Know that I have only love for My children, yet I do not hesitate when it is time to discipline. I am not of this world and My justice supersedes emotion. 

My children do not grow to be rotten and unruly; because of My discipline, they are corrected and attain the capacity needed to receive the abundance of treasures I bestow upon them; for I am a Father who showers His children with gifts. These gifts I have already offered to you, and you have buried them in the sea floor. Because you did not listen to My Words for instruction when I called unto you, but only heard My Words and put your own wisdom into them. If you continue to preserve the shell rather then the pearl, you will be a drowning victim as the flood comes and pull others along with you, as you cling to your flesh. 

The Sign of Jonah will arrive to swallow you into darkness for three days. The Earth shall open up its mouth and swallow you for preservation, because I am a loving Father; and those whom I love, I also reprove. I am slow in anger and have given many warnings unto you --you have heard them, for they still reside within. Retrieve them now and call upon Me, so that you shall not stand before Me naked and in shame. Know this, children, if you do not wear My blood, you will be made naked before Me, for it is only My blood that clothes you in white and righteous garments. Turn back to Me and I will begin to dress you in couture fitted only for you.

I will only save you from your path two times before the third; the last time I save you will be the third, and will come as The Sign of Jonah. This is administered from My love and not as a cursing, so that you will then hear My Voice. I will make you a demonstration of My grace and My love for My children, and not one hair on your head will perish. All will see and know that I have loved you, but you will endure the hour of testing where darkness surfaces from the deep. 

Remain within your tents and await for Me. Do not go out, for this is where the vultures gather. Three days will pass, and then I will deliver you. My promises cannot be broken, so keep faith and know that I am your life --therefore do not accept the secondary light,. Understand, children, that all light that is reflected from Me and is secondary, and not the source. I AM the source, and you will know when I arrive. You will be offered an artificial spark of life, and I shout unto you now: "Those who seek to save their own lives will lose them, and those who wait for My life will live!"

To My Elected and Beloved whom follow Me wherever I go: Those whom are at the top of the sea, placed in the ark, heed My warning now: "Do not jump off to save the drowning victims, they will only pull you down with them, and you will enter the darkness also. Forty days of rain will begin to deliver My promises in which you will be restored and healed in My blood. You must remain at the top of the mountain to receive the deposit of the Shekinah Glory, which no impure thing will be able to stand before. Know that those in the waters are My children and remain in the palm of My hand. They have received their warnings from My grace, they will be disciplined from My Judgment, and they will be preserved from My Love. Do not nurse the spiritually weak, for they will drain your oil and your wine; for My anointing and My blood will be all that is preserved. 

Do not look back to the world, keep your focus on Me, remember the isle you walk, and focus on your Bridegroom. Remember that this is your day and remain selfish in Me, so that you will overcome. This day will pass before you know it, and every moment is being recorded for My glory. Those who have resided in the Spirit, will have made their flesh ready for the deposit of light. Those who are in sin when the Lord comes, will sleep for three days...three days of darkness.

You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E6qF8iVoO4

Matthew 24:24 No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other --you cannot serve both God and mammon. 

Luke 21:12-18 But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of My Name. And so you will bear testimony to Me. But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves, for I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death. Everyone will hate you because of Me, but not a hair of your head will perish. Stand firm, and you will win life. 

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