Monday, February 29, 2016

April 29, 2015


It's closer now than it's ever been. The end is in sight. All over the world My children are preparing their hearts for the return of their King --you are no different, My child. Each of you can sense My soon return. You are not ready --no one will be completely ready until the latter rain falls upon them --only then will you be ready to finish this battle, for you will have all of your weapons. My child, why do you worry? My grace is sufficient enough for thee. You will be ready when the time comes. My children will rely on you to lead them through the stormy waters. There are many who have lost their way. They must return to Me before the "great fall of humanity". Soon, I will no longer be found, that day is soon to come. Many think they have the timing figured out, but I say, "No man knows the hour of his death." Only My Father who has created him knows his number of days --no man knows the hour. That's why each one of you must be ready for the appointed time, for death waits for no man. When your time is up, you will stand before My throne. My child, you must be ready at all times, for when I call you to come home, it will be when you least expect it. You will be here one moment, and standing before Me the next minute. There are many things soon to come; unimaginable things soon to plague your once great Nation. These things will cause fear in those who do not know Me. Continued to seek Me and be found in My will, for those outside My will are not protected as when they are in My will. Remain in My will. I cannot stress the fact that you must always be found ready. You will be ready when the time comes --you must trust and believe in that. I have prepared My children for their tasks ahead, each child will know what to do. From the going forth of the trumpet, My children will begin their assignments. None will fail, for I will be with them. Each child has been given a task in a specific area, and they have been given the tools to execute their assignments. Upon completion of their assignment, each child will return to Me, some faster than others, but all given to Me, will be returned to Me, it's just a matter of when. Do not worry how you will do, My child, you are well equipped to handle your assignment. Some of My children have been given larger tasks; these are the ones who have been through much preparation --you are one of them. Your task is large, but also comes with many rewards. Those with smaller tasks will receive smaller rewards, but I assure you, each child will be happy with what they have been given, for it has been specifically chosen for them. There is much wilderness and dry land to go through in the coming days. This is so those who do not know Me, will have time to seek after Me. Those who refuse, will face ultimate destruction. My Words are true, daughter, and must be shared with the others. Let them know time has run out and I will come calling. My reward I bring with Me, and each will receive his recompense. I will not repent what I have been given, I will pour out My Father's will. I will destroy each and every nation for the wicked things they have fulfilled. My heart will hurt as I destroy My created ones from off the planet I have given to them, but all will be judged for their sins and all will know that I AM. Go and tell them, little one, blow the trumpet in Zion. I have mounted My fiery chariot and I am making My way to you. I will not turn back, I will not dismount; just like you, I have My assignment and I will carry out My Father's plans. Listen for My Voice, child, for I will give you instruction. I will guide each of My annointed ones so that they may carry out the Father's plan. The stage is set, and soon the show begins. My judgments have already started, and America is next. Do not fear, child, for I will be with you. Know that this is My will; it is needed to bring My little ones back to their knees. I will remove their idols, I will remove their lampstands, I will remove their only security and everything they cling to with their hands. For some, this is required; for others, the change alone in scenery will send them directly to their knees. I know who will return to Me and who will run away. I know those who have been given to Me, and I will not lose one soul. My plan is perfect --My soul will not repent. Judgment is set for America, it's only a matter of when. Come running to Me, children. Let Me comfort you in My arms. Let Me lift you up to heaven where we will never again be apart. The hourglass has been emptied --I have tarried much too long; for in an instant, this world will change and things will start. Daughter, take shelter in Me when these things begin to happen. Look up, for your redemption draweth night. I am coming for you quickly. 

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