Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 5, 2016

   HE IS COMING SOON! His Rapture and love is coming!

My daughter, these are days of great darkness, but My light will shine bright through this darkness. There is much for My children to do now; obedience is the key to this new walk. All must lay down their weapons of self and pick up the weapon of the Spirit. There is much coming that you do not know about; disasters of fire, brimstone, and blood. War is at your doorstep; blood flows over the kingdoms. As it was in Noah’s day, so shall it be now; DNA corrupted and purity defiled; the horrors are piling up as we speak. Those who seek Me now with all of their hearts will be saved and snatched up; those left behind will gnaw their teeth with distress beyond comprehension. This message is for all who hear My voice. Come to Me now, come to Me now, Come to Me now. 

Yeshua, your LORD and SAVIOR

[Question asked to the Lord - "Lord, are you coming soon?"]
It won’t be long now. My horses and chariots are ready for the great battle. But first I will 
Rescue My bride from the great hour of trial. They have been tested and have gowns of pure white waiting for them. Their day is coming to receive their groom and love. All is set and I await the word. I am ready, I am coming. No more delays. The judgments have been set in stone. Turn away from your sins and stay pure and holy. Keep the light on in your hearts and let not the darkness penetrate it. The season is upon us now….Not much longer….Hold on, MY bride, I come soon!

[Question asked to the Lord - "Anything else, LORD?"]
Tell everyone that I love them so much---more than words could explain. My love is endless with no beginning or end. Soon you shall feel it fully. It will wrap you up like a blanket of warmth and comfort! Soon you will shine like the stars in the sky and your beauty I will behold. Now, My love, bathe in My glory and WORSHIP YOUR KING!

Message located at 5:18 minutes of You Tube Video -

"for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. " 1 Thess. 5:2-3

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