Wednesday, May 11, 2016

An article from posted on May 2, 2016


Electromagnetic attack reality is scary

A national security expert and former top CIA analyst has recently warned that North Korea now has two satellites orbiting over the United States capable of performing a surprise electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack at an altitude and trajectory that evade U.S. National Missile Defenses. He further stated that the satellites can be commanded either to de-orbit and hit a target on the ground, or explode at a high altitude to create an EMP effect that would knock out the unprotected U.S. national electrical grid system and all life-sustaining critical infrastructure that depends on it. This analyst said “The threat continues to race, hare-like, at an alarming rate, compared to the tortoise pace of our preparations.”

The satellites are orbiting the Earth with trajectories that put them daily over this country. The first was launched in December and the second on February 7. This development comes at a time when North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered his rocket forces to prepare for a nuclear attack on the U.S. The government is woefully unprepared. It seems like the Obama administration has been fixated on taking more and more away from people who work hard to earn it, while doing virtually nothing to secure our nations infrastructure. They've ignored dire warnings from experts about the grid’s vulnerability to an EMP attack.

Imagine an EMP attack followed by a blackout lasting not days, but months. Your life would be frozen in time right when the power fails. Lights all over the country would go out, throwing people into total darkness. The EMP would ruin the unprotected electronics in your car and it would not run. Your fridge, electric range and microwave would be dead. All the food in your fridge and freezer would spoil. There would soon be no food in the grocery stores. Your well pump or the municipal water pumps couldn't pump any fresh water into your house. No water to drink, cook, or clean with. You would have no computer, radio, TV, or phone, so you'd feel isolated and cut off from your family and friends. A home generator, if it still worked, would only prolong the inevitable for a short time.

“Our death toll would be staggering” reports Fox News. We've all been fine when the power goes out for a few hours and even days, but an extended blackout would be devastating. Sad to say, this is not science fiction or some crazy doomsday theory. It is reality!

John Allard Barrington

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