April 23, 2016
Beloved, the time is here; for in this hour many people believe that My Coming is far off. They believe that they still have time to dabble in sin, here and there. For I want you to warn My people. Get a ready, be ready, stay ready! Stop being so consumed with the cares of this life that you forget My imminent Return! For it grieves My heart, daughter, that even the Church is still in denial of the signs that are all around them. Many hearts have grown so cold and numb, that they would rather ignore My signs, ignore My messengers, and ignore the sound of the alarm. For they love to believe a lie, because it means that they can still stay in sin. They love being deceived, for to them it means they don't have to take heed. Therefore, I will cause a strong delusion to come upon those who have fallen asleep, and I will turn them over to the lusts of their hearts; for they worship the God of their bellies. For these people it will be difficult and nearly impossible to see, for they have been blinded --the veil still covers those who love darkness. For those that have an ear to hear and eyes to see, wake up and take heed to the warning of the Lord! For hearing does not mean to only hear and be in awe, but hearing what "Thus says the Lord" means, and to react. Make a move! Come out of your slumber, all of you, and move! For there are very little people who seek Me! There is a remnant, there is a people amongst this generation who watch for My Coming, and they prepare their hearts. In this hour I say to you, many will fall away, many will renounce, many will take the mark of the beast, and many will return to their vomit, because sudden destruction will come upon them! They will flee like wild animals and like chickens with their heads chopped off! They were too busy playing on their phones and taking "selfies". Oh, perverse and wicked generation! I have strived with you long enough! I have had grace and mercy long enough! For because you have trampled over My grace and used My blood as puddles to play in like rain, I will cause great sorrow and destruction to overtake you! Because you love to worship the god of this world, I will withdraw My Spirit and My grace will be no more. This is the last cry, says the Lord. My heart cries! Repent! Turn quickly from your own way and surrender fully unto Me! I love you! Yes My love is still, and will always be, with My Creation, but even as the Holy Spirit bears witness with My Word, I AM a just Judge. My Judgments are righteous, for I AM holy, and I will judge the Earth. Repent, weep, mourn, and wail over your sins, for Judgment has come, even as I AM coming. "Repent!", sayeth the Lord God Almighty.
You Tube Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1hGzzMnHzo
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