Prepare for the Unexpected!
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers are ready to declare a 'National Emergency' in order to prevent the Bush-Clinton-Obama-CIA-NSA NAZI Paperclip occupation U.S. government from staging a massive FALSE FLAG PSY OP aka a massive attack on the American People, which will lead to a final declaration of MARTIAL LAW, which will cancel the U.S. presidential election and allow the TREASONOUS NAZI Paperclip administered Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to begin a round up and imprisonment of U.S. citizens.
The patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers are now working directly with the Russian Federation and now have 'smoking gun' evidence linking the U.S. CIA to the funding and arming of ISIS terrorists aka CIA, Israeli Mossad and British Intelligence manufactured and scripted "crisis actors".
U.S. Treasury officials are now in possession of financial evidence tying Nazi German Deutsche Bank, HSBC of Englewood, Colorado, along with Bank of America and Wells Fargo, to secret ISIS accounts involving the sale of black market oil.
Note: All of the aforementioned banks have been given NAZI Paperclip NSA technology to illegally spy on their own customers accounts.
The patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers and the Russian Federation now have direct proof that yesterday's CIA and Israeli Mossad bombing of Syrian soldiers was to prevent the Syrian army from attacking ISIS terrorists who were operating in Syria.
Note: Patriotic Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran, Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, is now in possession of this evidence and will call for a full Congressional investigation of this TREASON, which will lead all the way back to the TREASON committed on 9/11, which, of course, triggered the creation of the modern day U.S. martial law state.
We can now also divulge that yesterday's terrorist Psy Op in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota were triggered by the NAZI Paperclip Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after news that a pending emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council was about to begin in which the evidence of the U.S. government's collaboration with the ISIS terrorists would be presented to the UN Security Council by the Russian Federation.
Retired U.S. General Michael Flynn now has evidence tying the office of current New York Mayor de Blassio and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to covering up ISIS and Israeli Mossad activity in New York and New Jersey, including ignoring while at the same time promoting internet postings by the Islamic State on September 12th and on September 13th in which the Islamic State gave instructions on how to manufacture and purchase IEDs and explosive devices from shell corporations tied to the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
9/11 co-conspirator, former New York Mayor homosexual Michael Bloomberg, recently visited the White House and has been in direct daily communication with former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election-stealer, nation-wrecker, cocaine snorting, U.S. Treasury embezzler, AWOL, war criminal, homosexual in-the-closet, junior George W. BushFRAUD and Bush's business partner, lesbian, Nazi neocon, current Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton concerning, the need for a MARTIAL LAW dictate on U.S. soil.
The Russian Federation is now ready, on behalf of the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers, to also present to the entire world the Tesla technology year 2000 presidential election electronic audit that proves categorically that Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee is the DULY ELECTED, natural born, non-inaugurated REAL President of the United States of America and won the U.S. popular vote by not a half a million but by over FOUR (4) million and earned over 330 Electoral College votes.
Note: Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, and Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Democrat of Florida, and none other than Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin, all have copies of the Russian Federation year 2000 presidential election audit.
What this means, folks, is that for the last 15 years the entire U.S. government is totally illegitimate.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Elite Plans for 2016: Take Immediate Action
Elite Plans for 2016: Take Immediate Action ~~ Lindsey Williams
The name of the game of the elite is CONTROL.
In the June-August timeframe, the U.S. will be facing ISIS attacks.
Regarding the financial collapse, it did not happen as the elite expected. Lindsey believes it did not happen because of Divine action. This delay will result in a more severe financial reset when it does happen.
The Jewish/Hebrew Jubilee year does not end until September 2016. Romans 11:15 – For if the casting away of them being the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be but from the dead.
This implies the resurrection of the dead at the referenced timeframe in the verse…no firm date known.
Romans 11:24 – For if thou were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree, how much more shall these which be the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree.
Lindsey believes that we are beginning to see this happening now. Jonathan Cahn discusses this in detail. Cut to the video of the young Jewish boy who discusses his near death experience in which in the coming months, there will be a “very big war” in which the whole world will come against Israel.
The elite have stated that there will not be a next president of the United States of America. Donald Trump would be the next President if the voice of the people were respected. Lindsey quotes an article that mentions Trump being assassinated before he is elected. Trump’s election would be a nightmare to the elite. Once Trump gets in, the game is over. Holder, Jarrett, Obama, Corzine and Clinton could end up in prison for various crimes. The IRS officials would also be imprisoned, and Obamacare dissolved. Trump will go after everyone involved. This is why the elite cannot allow Trump elected.
The Republican party is planning many possibilities, such as not nominating Trump, which would split the ticket, and Hillary Clinton would be elected as a result.
William Brannan saw two things in the last days of the United States. He saw the vision ~50 years ago of an automobile that was riding down the road, and the car was driving itself, and the car looked like an egg. The second vision was the end of America. He saw a woman – an evil woman – a woman of doubtful question. He saw her not as the President, but in the forefront of the leadership of the United States of America.
The second possibility proposed - martial law could happen for Obama to remain in power. If during June-August ISIS attacks, America could be in such disarray, martial law could be declared and no election would take place. Obama would by default serve into a third term.
Right now, there are thousands and thousands of dissidents, Muslim terrorists embedded within refugee groups is secretly being done on purpose.
Cut to a video mentioning immigrants bypassing Harrisburg PA airport security. UPS has modified planes to serve as charter planes. Someone who was a commercial pilot refused to sign a document to keep this plan secret and lost his job. He was to fly refugees from some Middle East country was to fly into the U.S. at night. Pennsylvania Refugee Resettlement Program allows refugees to bypass airport security – a privately funded program.
The Administration places refugees into Non-Governmental Organizations locations – they are not obligated to tell anyone, including Governor Chris Christie who opposes this activity.
~100,000 Muslim immigrants are brought into the U.S. annually. Homeland Security refuses to answer questions regarding this matter with specific information. Homeland Security is stonewalling Congress. On purpose. When Congress cannot get answers about immigration, we’re in trouble.
Next clip counts number of lies in an Obama speech – total count in a three minute speech is 18 lies.
Lindsey identifies someone else who is “closer to the elite” than Lindsey – a Canadian, Rob Curvey, who was interviewed on USA Watchdog. He is a macro economist, and an expert in the gold arena. He buys tons of gold for his clients. His newsletter is Curvey Analytics. Curvey has talked with them – the elite operate above all laws, and don’t report to anyone. They don’t publish financials. They want to operate in the shadows. America has become a shadow organization that is controlled by people of dubious identity. Curvey’s sources buy gold for ultra-ultra high net worth individuals. They can’t get enough precious metals. They want to purchase all available gold in large amounts. Curvey said their end game is worthless dollars, but are converting as much as possible to tangible assets.
The elite have made the laws to suit themselves. They do not report to anyone. Lindsey referenced Secrets of the Elite DVD. Lindsey accepted their offer to fly out to their exclusive resort. This trip confirmed what Mr. Curvey stated above. The elite know how to legally protect themselves and their assets. The elite operate within the law by having the laws created to protect themselves at the expense of everyone else.
Curvey said that a collapse is expected before Obama is supposed to leave office. The United States does not have a year left, a message that is consistent from many others. The United States is in BIG TROUBLE – be on standby for a major calamity.
When things unwind, they will unwind at lightning speed. Not just stocks/bonds, at the end of the day there will be blood in the streets. Lindsey’s sources have stated the same. Our country does not have one year left. A collapse could transpire AT ANY TIME…lightning speed is how the derivatives market could collapse. People could lose EVERYTHING – bank accounts, stocks, insurance, bonds, hospitalization insurance, etc.
~2 years ago, in one of Lindsey’s DVDs, he said that his elite friends said in a phone call that the Keystone pipeline was a project supported by the elite. Obama blocked the project. Lindsey’s elite friend was so upset at Obama. Obama has done many things that the elite don’t like. Lindsey wonders how Obama has not become another JFK. The elite did not bring down the price of crude oil. It was the Saudis and Obama who did it, because Obama hates Putin – a power play. The elite are so angry that the only reason they haven’t assassinated Obama is because they don’t want to make a hero out of Obama. The elite have a vendetta. Their program has been set back so much. Nothing controls the derivatives market. The biggest U.S. banks have more than $247 trillion to derivate contracts, more than 13x the size of the U.S. national debt, a ticking time bomb that could set off a global economic collapse. There is no law in place to control the derivatives market. This could bring about everything Mr. Curvey has stated, to include martial law.
Everything on the face of the earth – add up all the value. Then take all of the debt in the world. More debt has been created in the 7 years of Obama’s terms than all of the history combined in the history of the country. When comparing assets vs. debt in the world, there is more debt than assets. It is impossible to repay all debts. When there is a global debt collapse, which has been delayed, the longer it takes, the more critical the situation when it does collapse.
It is time to start thinking about stockpiling food, guns and ammo according to Mr. Curvey. These are the most valuable things to have on hand. Revolution could easily take place with terrorists in the country now. You MUST do this right now (from Judge Jeanine Pirro – Fox News):
It’s time to stop political incorrect nonsense worrying about other people’s feelings and start fighting for this country and our way of life. You need to make a plan to protect yourself and your family – get a gun, learn how to shoot it, and be prepared to use it. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Weaponize your local police department against Islamic terror (referenced San Bernadino massacre). The police are our heroes who don’t think twice about taking a bullet for U.S. citizens. We must stop the refugee settlement program. Get ready to lose your privacy. Arm yourself with knowledge. Talk to your neighbors. The plan is to shut people up, and allow violence by radical Islamists against Americans. The jackals are at the door.
The Constitution has been desecrated. It is the supreme law of the land. Congress, the Supreme Court and the President are not above the Constitution. No state is above the Constitution. Sharia law is not above the Constitution. Trump will hold trials if elected.
Gun control. Come and get ‘em…
Five guns you should consider buying (check state/local laws before buying):
1. 1911 Kimber Custom 2 - fully automatic, with .45 ACP round - good for larger grip hand - holds seven rounds plus one in chamber
2. Glock 19 - good carry concealed weapon with less kick than 1011 .45 mentioned above. Holds 16 hours counting one in chamber.
3. Standard 12 gauge pump shotgun for bird hunting, self-defense at home - Mossburg or Remington. Extended barrel better for game hunting.
4. Remington model 700 with 5 rounds plus one in chamber, with scope and bi-pod. Overall purpose is for long distance hunting.
5. AR-15 assault rifle - every American should have this weapon. Excellent for hunting and target shooting. Vertical foregrip with backup sights. 30 round magazine standard.
Political correctness - Bible verses quotes to reflect how political correctness is cowardice. Islam is condemned in Bible. Story of Abraham is discussed. Read Genesis Chapter 16, in which angel intervened, stating that child of Abraham (Hagar mother) is half brother to Hebrews - Ishmael (Islam) and Isaac (Hebrew). The angel of the Lord said unto Hagar about her son, "and he will be a wild man. His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand will be against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren." Sharia law vs. Constitution...not compatible.
Elite said that these nations would be conquered: Saudi Arabia would be the last of the countries that would fall. The elite did not have their way because Assad did not fall. Russia stepped in, Assad not disposed as planned. Saudi Arabia will experience revolution possibly in 2016, which will cause a major problem in the Middle East. Israel will eventually get involved. Iran is on the verge of nuclear weapon capability. If Israel should in any manner invade Iran, think what would happen. Russia has signed an agreement with Iran to defend Iran. Read Ezekiel Ch. 38-39.
In light of what has been shared, what are you going to do?
1. Get a gun and plenty of ammunition.
2. Please understand that if it's written on a piece of paper, it's worth the paper it's written on. Buy gold/silver. Bank accounts will be lost when derivative market collapses (bail-ins). Do what the elite are doing.
3. Decide on an alternative place away from the cities, in case the situation gets out of hand and martial law is implemented, to protect yourself and family for up to a few months.
4. Reliable food/water supply.
5. You must know Jesus Christ as your personal savior, because in Him you can find peace during these times. Repent. Repentence is the only thing that will change God's actions. Read Luke Ch 13, verse 3 - but except ye repent, ye shall all perish. Repentence is a reversal of action. Read John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins from all unrightousness. The elite know that there will be Divine action if America would repent. Today, America is not repenting. Jonathan Cahn made it clear that unless America repents, you are going to see everything the elite have in store for us happen. Read Proverbs Ch 14. The United States has contaminated the entire world with its sins. America has no hope unless it is willing to repent through the grace of Jesus Christ through faith. Faith cometh by hearing the word of God, and that not of yourselves or works, but by God. You believe, and God gives you mercy and forgiveness by grace. Salvation cometh about by Jesus Christ, that whosoever believeth in Him shall have everlasting life.
Trust God in Jesus Christ. Pray, "God, I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross. I believe that his death cleaned me of sin..." Prayer for divine intervention continues.
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The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first
…not ugly and scary…
Yesterday, a reader wrote me the following…
“I am optimistic that things aren’t as bad as they seem, because enough people are able to find their way out of the infantile drama you have portrayed, and the illuminati are simply tripping up as they flounder and we show their flailings about. We actually have a choice down the middle, and that is to clean up the corruption in the international financial system and take back our world. We will not have a one world currency. We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.
Most of the shills you have portrayed in your blog have been trying to keep this from happening, but thanks to a very accurate power transition model from the Department of Defense, we know there is a 95% chance that the people in each country will be able to clean up their corrupt politicians who will be powerless to prevent the clean-up.”
I don’t know if the reader realized it or not, but what she wrote is actually a description of the New World Order. So upon reading it, I realized the need to explain what the NWO will look like when it’s unveiled, and to emphasize a critical point:
The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.
This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order.
That’s how a problem / reaction / solution scam works when you’re using it to create a New Order for the entire planet: 1) you intentionally create an overwhelming number of terrible problems, 2) you make sure the public is fully aware of all those problems (by carpet-bombing their consciousness with mainstream and alternative media coverage of all the ills in the world), then 3) you present them with the solution to all their problems (the NWO). In that final phase, you don’t present them with something ugly and scary; you give them something attractive and inviting. And once they have accepted it and come to depend on it, you start tightening the screws again.
In light of this, let’s have another look at the aforementioned reader’s expectations, one-by-one…
> We’ll “clean up the corruption in the international financial system.” This statement presupposes that the international financial system started out as something good and became corrupted, and such a view has no basis in reality. The international financial system was purpose-built as a slavery system by the International Central Banking Cabal. It cannot be “cleaned up” or “reformed” into something good any more than a meat grinder can be reformed into a cow uterus.
The international financial system IS corruption; it is corruption incarnate. We must simply walk away from it and build our own system of trade, starting at the local level with our own neighbors, then networking peer-to-peer until there is a true (decentralized) global community. If we don’t build our own financial system, we will use theirs by default, and then we’ll be stuck in yet another of their growth and harvest slavery cycles.
> “We will not have a one world currency.” Of course we won’t. The NWO plan does not call for a one world currency — at least not at first. It calls for national currencies which will be backed by a supranational reserve currency currently known as the SDR. Over time, the SDR will be expanded into more and more areas that are currently the domain of the national currencies. This process is expounded upon by future IMF Director and current Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan in his speech titled “Reform the International Monetary System“…
As the SDR becomes more and more used as an alternative to national currencies, the globalists expect the people to embrace it on their own accord. The Economist explained this back in 1988 with an article titled Get ready for the phoenix…
….First off, “the natural forces that are pushing the world towards economic integration?” Ha! GMAFB. As for the rest of the passage, note how well it matches what China’s Zhou Xiaochuan said. The globalists have been planning this for a long time, and the BRICS are the key to making it look like “it’s different this time.”
> “We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.”
To begin, who owns the bulk of world’s gold now? To answer this, you might ask yourself a few more questions: Who removed the gold backing from the world’s currencies, especially the dollar? Who then turned around and printed unlimited paper money to buy up as much of the world’s gold as they could get their hands on? Was it the “elite” or the people?
As for the central banks, they are mere paperwork constructs of the globalist bankster families, and they can be disposed of when they are no longer needed. As I explained in one of my old Event Watch updates (when speaking of Janet Yellen)…
>>> Later, she will be seen as making a mistake that causes the big implosion. In the aftermath, she and the Fed will be taken down and replaced by the Treasury in a “rejuvenated, Constitutionally-recentered Republic of the United States,” possibly under Ron Paul [or Rand Paul].
One must not forget that the central banks themselves, just like the regular banks and corporations, are expendable fronts for those who hold power behind the scenes. And after 100 years of bribing, blackmailing, and killing, the elite families’ Fed parasite has thoroughly subsumed the US Government host. They can now discard the Fed and operate directly from the completely captured federal government. <<<
The bottom line is this: regardless of how the new currencies are backed or who prints them, they are slave currencies. Because as long as a small “elite” get to decide how much currency will be circulated, who will receive it, and under what conditions it will be handed out, it remains a system of control. I think it better to devise our own local currencies / trading systems and leave the control freaks behind.
In closing, I’ll share some passages I wrote in my second blog about what the globalists will try to do when they roll out the new system (as well as how they’ll start clamping down on us afterwards). From Lightworkers, welcome to the Borg: Basel III and Total Financial Control…
>>> It is through channelings and reports from “white hat” intelligence sources that the Cabal is telegraphing the solution phase of the problem/reaction/solution scenario they’re using to usher in their One World Financial System. And yesterday, the people behind the “Poof” information made an interesting admission about the “free money” that’ll be spread around after the financial reset…
In this passage, they are clearly admitting that they will be monitoring how you spend your money, and your access to it will be blocked if they don’t approve of what you’re doing. Of course, they give a good reason why this must be so: because it is essential to stop “terrorism.” But we all know by now that a terrorist is anyone who believes in freedom and opposes the rule of the few over the many. They always give a good public reason for increased control, don’t they? <<<
One thing I might point out about this passage is that the Poof/Zap disinfo clowns specifically mention that everything will be Basel III-compliant, and the Basel III rules were drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which is headquartered in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). If you want to know a little about the BIS and how it fits in to all this, have a look at this entry.
Continuing on…
>>> I’ve long warned of the dangers of transitioning to an all-electronic currency (with no cash or coins) because it would place control of our money into the hands of whoever controls the computers, but a new thought crossed my mind this morning: what if they imbed RFID chips in the cash and coins? With that thought in mind, I googled “rfid coins” and “rfid currency notes” and found out they’ve already been doing it [and they’re refining the technology all the time].
Now think about it for a moment…
> With most of your currency in electronic form at a Basel III-compliant bank (implemented to supposedly stop financial fraud), they can track and control it.
> With RFID chips embedded in your cash and coins (implemented to supposedly stop counterfeiting), it all becomes trackable and controllable.
> With RFID chips embedded in your consumer products (implemented to supposedly stop shoplifting), they all become trackable and controllable.
So this is how it will go down (if they are able to pull it off)…
> They will collapse the old system.
> They will launch the new system by handing out lots of money so people will gleefully accept it. (At this initial stage, they’ll probably block financial access to very few people, such as those trying to buy weapons.)
> Once everyone is dependent on the new system, they will start blocking money from more and more people for more and more reasons until all who remain are locked into a very small box of “elite”-approved behavior.
How will they lock out dissidents, you ask? By using RFID readers at cash registers, intersections, roadblocks, cell towers, etc., as well as in smart meters, cell phones, wireless portals, etc., they will track the movement and destination of all currency and goods. And if you are designated a persona non grata, your digital and physical cash, as well as your consumer products, will be seized for whatever reason they choose to invent. You will be unable to buy, sell, or barter in the mainstream economy.
Make no mistake: the new financial system being sold to the undiscerning elements of the awake and aware community is not of the True Light. It is just the new, improved version of Cabal control covered with a candy coating. <<<
Having said all this, I reiterate once again: any global solution (regardless of how great it might look on the surface) is a globalist solution. Accept it at your own risk.
For my next update, I plan on writing about the lady whose picture is at the top of this entry, China’s “First Lady” Peng Liyuan. She’s a crafty one, and I suspect she’ll be leading the charm offensive when they start openly promoting the NWO to the public.
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Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me welcome you at the 60th edition of the Bilderberg meeting here in Copenhagen..
Since the creation of the Bilderberg meeting back in 1954, my father [William Gerrit Van Duyn], HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Henry Kissinger, decided to organize an event to unite different entities from industry, politics and culture. After the fourth Meeting back in 1958, the Bilderberg members put together the conditions of the Treaty of Rome. It was finally signed and the European Community was born with 6 States members. Today the European Community contents 28 countries. And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members.
Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy: the Media.
Bilderberg isn't a secret society, never was. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.
Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world's future.
The exuberant myth created by conspiracy theorists, journalists, and media moguls has been fabricated about the image of the Bilderberg. But are they really the cause of our consequences? Didn’t we involve ourselves into this luxurious secretive, mystical image? Going back in time, I am today in conversation with a certain controversial researcher who studied the Illuminati for more than 2 decades [Fritz Springmeier]. I respect this gentleman for his courage and vision.
I want to change history.
I do believe that mankind has a right to their future. The population is frustrated, manipulated, and demoralized by their own leaders. They live in their own Cartesian fantasies with the hope God will sent a messiah to save their soul! God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil.
Time changes: and I am glad to feel those changes. I feel a general awareness and singularities of awaken ones….People are beginning to ask me the good questions. Their main question is "what is right?” It's a phenomenon of response and reaction to an overly felt perception that the entire world is doomed to catastrophe, poverty, injustice and misery.
What makes the Bilderberg so strong?
It is because of its perseverance. Members are coming and leaving, guests come and go but the system grows stronger and stronger. No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes.
The general economy is collapsing. People are grasped by something they don’t always understand. But, it forces them to act in a blind way for their own interest.
That’s what they are doing in major countries and certainly in the United States: the anthropic country! Hillary Clinton told me yesterday it's like a streaming movement came upon America and washed its pride away. As people realise that their existence is threatened, they pray to God, blame their government, the Bilderbergers and the King of Satan called the Illuminati.
At the recent Council on Foreign Relations speech in Brussels a few days ago, I warned that a “global population awareness,” was threatening a revolution towards their governments.
You come from very different ideological, economic, cultural and political backgrounds. What unites us is that we are all determined to find the solution for humanity and its humankind.
And those who work for their own greediness, success and hunger for fame, who have sold their nations like the Bushs, Mugabe, Orban, Al-Bashir, Kim Jong-Un, are traitors. Not only traitors of their people and their nations, but for humanity as a whole entity.
The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government..
Seven years ago the economy of Europe almost collapsed. It wasn’t because of the Europe’s weak economy. It came right to us from the United States of America with their unstable banking system.
The bursting of the U.S. housing bubbles which peaked in 2006 caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally without mentioning the national debts. World economy crisis because of American housing? Because of their gluttony? Does the rest of the world economy need to rely on US economy?
Another key is implemented in the United States: a universal principle of welfare on which the United States is based. But welfare does not mean a useless bum sitting on the couch, eating a pizza, slobbering the beer over himself, watching television, while he/she is waiting for an unemployment check to arrive.
Please ask an average man the intention of the existence of humans, or of government? Would his/her answer be to provide for the general welfare of future generations of mankind? I don’t think so.
People want a Nation, an Empire. Educate the people that is what they want: globalization. People believe that in order to have an Empire, you need money. But money is not a result of wealth. The economy is not based on money but on production and innovation. Money does not make the world go around. Money has no value. When families are harvesting their own vegetables and fruits in their garden they have more value and real money.
Human Mind Control. Human Minds affect the planet. This is how it is measured. It means immortality for the Soul of humankind. We are able to enjoy the universal principles. It allows people to innovate, to believe, and to harmonize the relation between man and nature. Human are destroying their own life on purpose by their hunger for higher living standards. They are digging their own grave pushed by their own debts. If humanity doesn’t change its attitude, 35% of the population will be wiped out. They destroy their own creative power with no reason.
Population blamed on the depression. But the 2008 depression was not an event that wiped out the world capitalists. It was meant to make the world population aware of their greediness and laziness in their life, to let them face the spectacle of poverty. They blame the banks, the governments, and all of us.
Let’s give them what they want:
Why don’t we give them the right of ruling the nature of economy, social welfare, the game of the wars and the innovation of the future…. The Greeks are blowing the European system with their unpayable debts. The French are voting the Front National to rescue the French patriotism. The Italians are Italians. I do not ask you to be too emotional, we’re not Spanish. I even don’t want to go the direction of Eastern Europe, Russia nor Asia.
And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati.
Washington, those wet rags…fighting between dumb Republicans with their belief in guns and gospels against the stupid Democrats with their socialism ideology following the rules of Lenin. Ask a Republican redneck the difference between socialism and facism or the democrats about guns and gospel….. Does the government even know about the needs of its citizens? Do they know about the middle class and its poverty? Are they aware about the lack of education of its citizens? The truth behind the abomination of the health system? We need to resolve the American problem for its population. With a stronger America we will be able to influence the world economy in the right direction for humanitarian purposes. We will have a better understanding in the Asian Market. Guns, gospels, and socialism will not help them. Each single American has to do it by him/herself.
Population will rule perfectly the world for the greater good of Humanity!
I am talking about morality, and not scientific nor economic problems. Do people think about their future in 10 years? What kind of future will they have in 5 decades? Do they have a right to dream? Who are the bad guys here?
I told myself all humanity must be saved. But is it really possible? The brutality in humanity only waits for the courageous and the sane human to perfect the concept of nations. I believe in the fraternity of Nations. But at the moment governments are ruling by their own personal political agendas manipulated by the interest of the industries either to solve the problems in their countries.
It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy. The Bilderberg needs to guide the economic factors in the right direction and build trust within the population!
I refuse any secrecy of decisions made by us. Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors? Why wouldn’t we face the population with their own mirror and tell them: Hey! Wake up….
Bilderberg Meeting is tool of the Illuminati. It runs because of the Illuminati. Bilderberg is the strongest and most powerful association, the perfect concept for sound economic security, by keeping the world order in shape, and the initiator of mankind in the age of reason.
I want this Bilderberg to be the first meeting in a new direction providing openness to the population in regard and respect for the future generations.
Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself.
Positive Diversity is the only hallmark of progress with an insurance policy for the population.
William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. of 2014 -
The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World Order, in their own words…
…It was the product of a 1956 Rockefeller Brothers Fund effort known as the Special Studies Project, and it lays out the blueprint for the multilateral / multipolar New World Order that is currently materializing around us.
In the aftermath of World War 2 and the resulting formation of the United Nations (which the Rockefellers were instrumental in creating and funding), the Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, was formed to carry out two apparent tasks:
1) to create an action plan to bring about the “elite’s” long-sought world government within the existing postwar environment, and
2) to spin the agenda in such a way that it could be sold to the American people as being in their best interest.
Upon completion of their work, the Special Studies Project’s various panels compiled their reports in an incomplete, sanitized, and heavily spun book, the above-mentioned Prospect for America. The book spells out how to sacrifice the national interests of the United States for…
…(from page 35)
To begin our journey through the Rockefeller plan for the NWO, let’s start with their definition of the Old World Order (OWO).
The 13 Empires of the Old World Order
From pages 163-164 of Prospect for America…
So after having consolidated power over most of the world through empire building, the Occulted Powers (OPs) faced a problem. Empires, by their very nature, are territorial, competitive and nationalistic, and are not amenable to submitting to outside control as would be required for world governance. Clearly, these old structures would need to be demolished and replaced by newer, more malleable structures in order to finish the global consolidation. For this reason, the OPs fomented and financed the two world wars to break down the old empires and create international chaos from which a New Order could be birthed.
At the end of each world war, the OPs immediately planted the seed of global governance, but the seeds didn’t germinate as expected…
…(from page 164)
De-spinning the last underlined statement, they are basically saying that the nations were insufficiently motivated to hand over sovereignty to the globalist institutions. So to overcome this lack of “shared aspirations,” the OPs fostered the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
By threatening some nations with Soviet aggression and others with American aggression, they compelled the nations to band together and join sides for protection. The members of each side were then pressured to increase economic and defensive cooperation to fend off the menace of the other side. Those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “people’s (communist) world” cooperated to block aggression from the “imperialist world,” and those who were programmed to believe they lived in the “free world” cooperated to block aggression from the “Soviet sphere”…
…(from page 180)
In the United States, people were programmed to believe that fending off the “Red Menace” was a matter of life and death…
…(from page 162)
But the Cold War, just like the current crop of engineered conflicts raging about us (ISIS, Ukraine, and the China Seas), was all about forcing nations into groups and groups into a world order. Once it had served its purpose, the Cold War was ended in order to allow the two sides to be merged under the NWO. And as one would expect, Prospect for America offers a glimpse of what the NWO will look like.
The New World Order
On page 26, we’re told what the OPs and their globalist minions are hoping for…
Take note of how the passage says “combined so as to be able to deal with those problems that increasingly the separate nations will not be able to solve alone.” Here they are telling us that they’ll be purposefully creating increasingly difficult problems to compel the nations to accept the NWO. We’ve certainly been witnessing that, haven’t we?
As for the NWO structure itself, we’re told that it will “consist of regional institutions under an international body of growing [to the point of total control] authority.” Elsewhere in the book, we’re told that the NWO will also include functional structures for matters that require management beyond the regional boundaries. So let’s delve deeper into how such a structure would look and operate:
1) At the top is the “international body of growing authority.” Needless to say, this is…
…(from page 33) Also note this…
…(from page 35)
2) Below the UN will be the…
…(from page 189)
Here are the ten UN development regions…
And page 190 spells out how the regional arrangements will manifest themselves…
Free trade agreements, joint economic development institutions, exchange agreements — this all sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? So when an East versus West propagandist tries to sell you the idea that the BRICS Development Bank or a Chinese/Russian currency swap deal demonstrates nations trying to free themselves from the New World Order, just remember this passage. Russia and China are following the NWO script to the letter, but I’ll get back to this point a little later in the article.
3) Below the UN will also be…
…(from page 191)
One example of a functional arrangement is the BRICS alliance. It cuts across regional lines and gives form to the dialectic clash between Anglo-American bankers and BRICS bankers which will birth the NWO. Another example is the International Monetary Fund, which will manage the new global reserve currency after the engineered East versus West drama has climaxed.
With the planned structure of the New World Order laid before us, let’s have a look at how the Rockefellers planned to get America to join in.
The NWO as America’s Grand Objective
Prospect for America goes to great lengths to make the counterintuitive case that building a global government is in America’s best interest. It starts by implying that nation-states are somehow outmoded by the fact that they trade with each other, and then it offers the false choice of floundering by engaging in no trade at all…
…(from page 60) or prospering by engaging in trade managed by the NWO…
…(from page 161) They conveniently fail to mention that there are many other options besides resorting to either of those two extremes.
Kissinger and Co. also make the assertion that building the NWO is the “grand objective” of America’s foreign policy…
…(from page 26) and that the effectiveness of US policy will be judged by how well America fosters the globalist institutions…
…(from page 27) Also note how the passage assigns the US to the Western Sphere. The planners had another nation in mind to lead the Eastern Sphere (China).
The book then goes on to offer specific ways America can sacrifice its national interests to build the global government.
The Deindustrialization of America
On page 173, we see the genesis of the economic policies that have brought the American economy to ruin…
…as the globalists make the case for unilaterally removing the trade barriers that protected America’s economy from competition with foreign slave labor.
Kissinger and Co. also make the case that we shouldn’t economically defend ourselves since it might create “impediments… to the progress of others”…
…(from page 75)
And to give Americans a taste of what’s coming, page 75 also drops this little hint…
…As it turns out, America did indeed lay itself down as a bridge to pull China into the NWO. We did it by luring them in with a great deal of our national wealth through lopsided trade and outsourcing.
And this brings us to the subject of the BRICS…
The BRICS role in erecting the New World Order
Prospect goes on to address the status of those nations that were “freed” by the engineered collapse of the Old World Order…
…(from page 164)
If we remove the spin from this passage, it tells us that the new nation-states’ drive to achieve true independence must be “balanced by converging forces.” And what form did these “converging forces” take? The globalists employed hot & cold wars and insurgencies, trade conflicts, and “economic hit men” to make life unbearable for any nation-state attempting to be independent. All this strife forced such nations to reach out to international institutions for “help” (which came in the form of military occupation or debt bondage).
Only in the arms of the globalist institutions would such nations find any peace…
…(from page 61)
When Prospect spoke on page 60 of what animates such peoples…
…it brought to mind something I wrote in an old article titled David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2:
>>>Why China? Why would the Illuminati, whose home base is in Western Europe, have the Chinese front the public face of their New World Order?
A clue to their motivations and strategy can be found in this article, titled “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati.” In it, the author states…
“The Chinese people would revolt against overt foreign domination, but embrace their place in the NWO if they believed they were in control.”
The Chinese have suffered greatly at the hands of Western imperialism, as has much of the world. As a result, the Illuminati would have trouble roping many nations into a Western-led New World Order, especially the nationalistic Chinese. Since you can’t have a truly global order without the most populous nation on Earth, the Illuminati opted to use their own legacy of destruction to their advantage. Their two-part strategy to do so is as follows:
1 – They set up a China-centered alliance as an opposing force to the Western alliance.
This part of the strategy was hinted at in the mainstream press in this 2002 UPI article, titled “China Wants Its Own ‘New World Order’ To Oppose US Version.” It is common practice for the Cabal to use opposing forces to achieve their ends, and they always make sure they have influence or control over both sides.
2 – They have been driving the world public into the hands of the Chinese alliance.
How have they approached this, you ask?
> They have widely publicized a heinous New World Order planned by the Western Powers…
…while simultaneously publicizing a benign New World Order planned by China and its allies…
…thus establishing danger from one side and safety from another.
> They have instigated outrageous and provocative action, both economic and military, by the Western powers (this adds a new insight into the open-for-all-to-see Wall Street / City of London criminality and recent Western military boondoggles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and Syria).
> They have broadly exposed damaging information about Western nations, especially the US. This is the motivation behind WikiLeaks, Snowden, and a thousand smaller disclosures. And after Snowden outed the NSA’s activities to the general public, where did he run to hide? First to China (Hong Kong), then to Russia. So what is the psychological message? China and Russia (the BRICS alliance) are where you run for safety from the evil US, its Western allies, and all their horrible behavior.
It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.<<<
Clearly, the globalists took into account “the aspirations of peoples all over the globe… to emerge rapidly and conclusively from the era of colonialism” in their planning of the NWO. It is for this reason that the BRICS alliance was formed and the NWO was designed in a multipolar fashion. They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati’s multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.
With the Rockefeller plan for the BRICS New World Order laid out before us, let’s take a look at how it was implemented.
China: Building up the False Savior
Major moves towards building the New World Order outlined in Prospect for America began in the late sixties…
1969 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduces the Special Drawing Right, the planned replacement for the US dollar as the global reserve currency…
July 1971 – former Special Studies Project director Henry Kissinger held secret meetings in China to lay the groundwork for their introduction onto the global stage. Here he is with Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai (a.k.a. Zhou Enlai) during the visit…
August 1971 – President Richard Nixon takes America off of the gold standard…
…This was the first major explosion in the dollar’s demolition as the global reserve currency (to make way for its replacement by the globalists’ SDR sometime around 2018).
February 1972 – Nixon visits (and “opens”) China. Here he is with Chairman Mao…
June 1973 – David Rockefeller Sr. visits China to start working out implementation details for what is to come. Here he is meeting with Premier Chou En-Lai…
So what was set in motion by these events? By 1978, Deng Xiaoping took power and “developed ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’ and Chinese economic reform, also known as the ‘socialist market economy,’ and opened China to the global market.” An interesting view on the hidden dynamics behind this development is offered in the above-linked “Colonial Elite Rules China for the Illuminati” article…
“Wang Hao, a historian at the China Institute of International Studies, has recorded that Mao’s deputy Zhou Enlai met David Rockefeller in June 1973:
‘When meeting David Rockefeller, Zhou said to him that it was necessary to find appropriate methods conducive to the development of the trade between two sides under different political systems.’
The corporate-communist merger began when Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s and introduced his market reforms with the slogan ‘to get rich is glorious.’
However, after 30 years of Maoism his regime was hopelessly ill equipped to run a market economy. They turned to the wealthiest Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong for guidance.
The most powerful HK tycoon is Li Ka-Shing, the richest Asian in the world and an Illuminati insider.”
(For Fritz Springmeier’s writeup on the Illuminati Li family, click here.)
This helped put in place a Chinese elite that “is a merger between the Communist leadership, Hong Kong tycoons, and the criminal Triads. All three factions derive their power from Illuminati collaboration.”
Needless to say, globalist coordination with China…
…and their BRICS partner Russia…
…has continued unabated to this day.
In closing, I’d simply say that any global solution offered to us in the coming years is, in fact, a globalist solution. If you do not get together with your neighbors to start exercising self-sufficiency and control over your life, you will fall into globalist dependency and control by default. And if you do not get together with those in your local community to devise a currency (or other method of trade/barter) of your own, you will end up using bankster currency by default. Power that is not taken into your own hands is left to the predators who grasp for it.
[Update 1 – 11 November 2014]
In response to this comment from a suspected webtroll…
“How do you know that Putin isn’t telling Kissinger, ‘Buddy, your days are numbered.'”
…I looked up an old New York Times article I ran across a while ago…
So while the front page news has blaring headlines about the supposed conflict between West and East, you’ll find the truth a little deeper in the paper: that all these political types work for the same bosses and are actually buddies behind the scenes. Don’t be distracted by the public puppet theater.
Website -
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Homo Capensis with Karen Hudes and Dr. Spencer - Canary Cry Radio -
Friday, July 8, 2016
March 2015
Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF announce transition to asset-backed currencies
[PRESSWIRE] Washington DC, United States - 09 March 2015 - The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced that fractional reserve fiat currencies will be replaced with gold from a trust created at the enrld War II.
Jose Rizal, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos, established this trust for the benefit of humanity. The trust also contains other precious metals, gems, and artwork.
The Federal Reserve and the US Treasury do not possess the monetary gold reserves of the United States; these reserves are in the trust administered for the benefit of humanity by the Bretton Woods institutions. Instead, the Federal Reserve owes quadrillions in compound interest on obligations issued during the 1930s.
The Board of Governors has filed Financing Statements with the Secretaries of State in the 12 states where the Federal Reserve Banks are located to secure this debt. National debts are going to be offset against the indebtedness of the Federal Reserve.
Antal Fekete, a monetary expert of the New Austrian School of Economics, said: "A negative gold basis tells you that there is an excruciating shortage of deliverable gold."
The Board of Governors determined that the fractional reserve fiat currency of each country is going to be exchanged for their national currency in aurum (
Treasuries will issue gold certificates on an interim basis. The certificates will be replaced with aurum as they are minted.
With restored confidence in international currencies, peace and prosperity will be preserved. Legal tender laws will go out of effect, and local currencies will be permitted. Countries may also issue asset-backed currency with other commodities than gold.
The Bretton Woods institutions held the trust secret for 50 years so that the assets were clear and free for humanity as a whole under the statute of limitations.
The 50 years of sequestration ended in 2005. A coalition for the rule of law has come into existence to end the secrecy and to safeguard humanity's patrimony. This coalition was predicted by an accurate power transition model developed for the US Department of Defense by Jacek Kugler (
The fractional reserve fiat currencies of the central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements will continue to circulate until they are exchanged with aurum.
Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is legal counsel to the trust.
The signers of this petition demand a Congressional Investigation of how replacing fractional reserve currency with gold from the Global Debt Facility (Account TVM LSM 666), ENDS STATE CAPTURE by the Central Banking Cartel.
Because mainstream media refuses to report Karen Hudes' story (with the exception of Newsweek Espanol!/noticias/la-cruzada-de-karen-hudes ,) the public remains in the dark about the gold on offer from the Global Trust Fund, to humanity.
Board of Governors of World Bank and IMF announce transition to asset-backed currencies
[PRESSWIRE] Washington DC, United States - 09 March 2015 - The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced that fractional reserve fiat currencies will be replaced with gold from a trust created at the enrld War II.
Jose Rizal, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos, established this trust for the benefit of humanity. The trust also contains other precious metals, gems, and artwork.
The Federal Reserve and the US Treasury do not possess the monetary gold reserves of the United States; these reserves are in the trust administered for the benefit of humanity by the Bretton Woods institutions. Instead, the Federal Reserve owes quadrillions in compound interest on obligations issued during the 1930s.
The Board of Governors has filed Financing Statements with the Secretaries of State in the 12 states where the Federal Reserve Banks are located to secure this debt. National debts are going to be offset against the indebtedness of the Federal Reserve.
Antal Fekete, a monetary expert of the New Austrian School of Economics, said: "A negative gold basis tells you that there is an excruciating shortage of deliverable gold."
The Board of Governors determined that the fractional reserve fiat currency of each country is going to be exchanged for their national currency in aurum (
Treasuries will issue gold certificates on an interim basis. The certificates will be replaced with aurum as they are minted.
With restored confidence in international currencies, peace and prosperity will be preserved. Legal tender laws will go out of effect, and local currencies will be permitted. Countries may also issue asset-backed currency with other commodities than gold.
The Bretton Woods institutions held the trust secret for 50 years so that the assets were clear and free for humanity as a whole under the statute of limitations.
The 50 years of sequestration ended in 2005. A coalition for the rule of law has come into existence to end the secrecy and to safeguard humanity's patrimony. This coalition was predicted by an accurate power transition model developed for the US Department of Defense by Jacek Kugler (
The fractional reserve fiat currencies of the central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements will continue to circulate until they are exchanged with aurum.
Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is legal counsel to the trust.
The signers of this petition demand a Congressional Investigation of how replacing fractional reserve currency with gold from the Global Debt Facility (Account TVM LSM 666), ENDS STATE CAPTURE by the Central Banking Cartel.
Because mainstream media refuses to report Karen Hudes' story (with the exception of Newsweek Espanol!/noticias/la-cruzada-de-karen-hudes ,) the public remains in the dark about the gold on offer from the Global Trust Fund, to humanity.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
From Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Today, the Alaska State Superior Court addressed the claims in equity of heirs from every state of the Union.
For the past two years many false claims have been made, mostly by banks functioning as secondary creditors of one or another "federal corporations" operating on our shores.
They have claimed that there are "no Americans left"--- that we all voluntarily and knowingly agreed to accept the foreign status of "United States Citizen" and "emigrated" to Puerto Rico.
They have claimed that our fathers were all similarly conscripted.
They have claimed that we no longer have a national currency in circulation. (We do.)
They have claimed that "the Republic is dead".
So we have called upon those among us eligible to make a claim on their grandfather's estates and interests and they have come forward from every corner of America to record their expatriation and establish their claim upon all the states of the Union from Alaska to Florida, Maine to California.
The Alaska State Superior Court convened today and reviewed these claims and issued the attached history, judgment, and orders.
Before anyone gets up in arms and thinks that these claims benefit only the claimants to takes offense and thinks that these claims or those making them are "racists"----- the Will being probated is over 200 years old and comes from a time when only white men above the age of 21 who were landowners had standing to inherit or take action before a court of equity.
To this day, married women have to have their husband's permission to sue in equity and must come "through" him to bring suit; he must also confer his right to occupy certain offices to his wife.
These odd and antiquated provisions of the law and the courts are still in place and will remain in place until such time as the people convene a properly seated Continental Congress of Fiduciary Deputies acting on the land jurisdiction of these United States to settle things.
Please read the attached and savor what it means and deliver it to the Members of Congress, the Courts, the politicians, the police, the military, and the US Trustees, Marshals, and others who need to know that the American claim on these united States of America still lives and breathes.
Today, the Alaska State Superior Court addressed the claims in equity of heirs from every state of the Union.
For the past two years many false claims have been made, mostly by banks functioning as secondary creditors of one or another "federal corporations" operating on our shores.
They have claimed that there are "no Americans left"--- that we all voluntarily and knowingly agreed to accept the foreign status of "United States Citizen" and "emigrated" to Puerto Rico.
They have claimed that our fathers were all similarly conscripted.
They have claimed that we no longer have a national currency in circulation. (We do.)
They have claimed that "the Republic is dead".
So we have called upon those among us eligible to make a claim on their grandfather's estates and interests and they have come forward from every corner of America to record their expatriation and establish their claim upon all the states of the Union from Alaska to Florida, Maine to California.
The Alaska State Superior Court convened today and reviewed these claims and issued the attached history, judgment, and orders.
Before anyone gets up in arms and thinks that these claims benefit only the claimants to takes offense and thinks that these claims or those making them are "racists"----- the Will being probated is over 200 years old and comes from a time when only white men above the age of 21 who were landowners had standing to inherit or take action before a court of equity.
To this day, married women have to have their husband's permission to sue in equity and must come "through" him to bring suit; he must also confer his right to occupy certain offices to his wife.
These odd and antiquated provisions of the law and the courts are still in place and will remain in place until such time as the people convene a properly seated Continental Congress of Fiduciary Deputies acting on the land jurisdiction of these United States to settle things.
Please read the attached and savor what it means and deliver it to the Members of Congress, the Courts, the politicians, the police, the military, and the US Trustees, Marshals, and others who need to know that the American claim on these united States of America still lives and breathes.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
April 12, 2016
You Tube Video -
Excerpt from You Tube Video:
This video broadcast is about Switzerland and the Global Currency Reset. All of the 188 representatives of the countries that belong to the World Bank and IMF know about my long-standing efforts to replace Federal Reserve Notes with constitutional currency in the United States. They have been watching how I write to them from outside the headquarters building, and on a few occasions when I managed to get past the Network of Global Corporate Control's security guards, I have had cordial conversations with them.
In October 2014, I met with the Swiss delegation and Switzerland's representative on the Board of the IMF. My correspondence to Switzerland following that meeting is at the end of the teleprompter. Sara Aviel, the Alternate Executive Director on the Board representing the US, was fired in 2015 for locking me out of the World Bank headquarters building.
All of the embassies in Washington got a letter similar to the one that I sent to Switzerland's Ambassador last year on March 25th asking them to name the negotiating teams for the Agreements to exchange the paper currencies for gold currencies out of the Global Debt Facility. On July 24, 2015 I followed up with a letter to the 25 Ministers on a committee that represents the Board of Governors in between the Spring and Annual Meetings. Switzerland is on the Development Committee. I documented how the representatives of the United States were violating the Articles of the World Bank and IMF.
In November, I reacted to an article in the Economic Times of India about Switzerland's decision to publish accounts that are older than 60 years, which is the case for the Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, by informing Switzerland about their obligations under the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement.
I told Switzerland that the accounts of the Global Debt Facility remain valid. I have sent similar letters to the West African countries, who also threatened to invalidate the Global Debt Facility's accounts.
On December 18, 2015 the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank fired Jim Kim as President of the World Bank and also fired Sean McGrath as the Vice President for Human Resources. That is why, in a letter in February which threatened to arrest me, Jim Kim's name was not associated with the Presidency of the World Bank. What you are seeing Jim Kim doing is merely a pantomime to trick and fool people about what is really going on. On January 13th I met with the head of the Political and Legal Affairs Section, Mr. Daniel Hunn, at a conference at Georgetown Law School. This Conference discussed the United State's decision to fine Switzerland's Banks over 1 billion for helping US citizens evade taxes. This was not such a smart move. Switzerland is being punished by the Network of Global Corporate Control at the same time as it is coming under fire from its citizens. On November 30th, voters in Switzerland held a referendum on gold. The referendum was to prohibit the Swiss National Bank (SNB) from further gold sales, to repatriate Swiss-owned gold to Switzerland, and to increase gold reserves from 7% to 20 percent of the Swiss Central Bank's.
Many Swiss felt that the votes were not counted properly. That is why they came up with another referendum, and this one is stronger. It would prohibit the private banks from creating money, by lending money that they do not hold in deposits. This is what private banks do in fractional reserve fiat currencies. There is no date set yet for this second referendum.
On February 8, 2016 the Board of Governors fired Matthew McGuire and Marc Sobel , the US Executive Directors on the World Bank and IMF Boards of Executive Directors. That is how I know that Christine Lagarde was not reappointed for another term. As a matter of fact, Lagarde is no longer the Managing Director of the IMF. That is because she tried to steal the world's gold in the Global Debt Facility by signing an unauthorized agreement with the Vatican. The General Counsel of the IMF, Sean Hagan, also lost his job for this very same reason.
Switzerland is the home of the Union Bank of Switzerland. UBS is holding the Treasury Dollars that Ronald Reagan printed and these are the Treasury Dollars that are replacing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes. Switzerland is in contempt of all of the rest of the nations of the World by refusing to release these dollars.
Whenever anyone asks me why we are not implementing the Global Currency Reset, I tell them to ask Switzerland and the UBS. Switzerland is home to the CIA Now I would like to share some very interesting findings about Switzerland by David Chase Taylor, who published them in March, 2015.
Link to Article:
The bottom line is that the United States is being directed from the Vatican, and that the CIA is not headquartered in Langley, Virginia. The CIA's headquarters are in Switzerland.
Located in central Europe, Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA). The CIA, which operates under the alias Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C”), was founded 40 years after Confoederationis Helveticae (i.e., Switzerland), roughly 755 years ago. By employing deductive reasoning, it can be deduced that Switzerland is in fact home to the CIA.
The first step in this process is to follow the money which leads directly to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, an organization which secretly funds the CIA’s nefarious activities.
Switzerland is unique from every other country on Earth, something expected from the nation which harbors the CIA. Because Switzerland is ultimately responsible for engineering the incessant assassinations, terror attacks and wars around the globe, it is naturally free of such mayhem. In other words, Switzerland is "the eye of the global storm" - it is free of financial crises, free of state-sponsored terrorism, and free of war for over 500 years. After all, terrorists in the CIA need a sanctuary, a place of peace and safety where they can return to after executing black operations around the world. Said terrorists also need a place where they can avoid prosecution, hence Switzerland’s permanently neutral position within the international community.
This is why the bankers, pirates and terrorists formerly known as the Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John originally fled to the Alps, founding what is known today as Switzerland.
Because the CIA is in command and control of each country’s respective intelligence agencies and military, they are responsible for orchestrating virtually all of teh the assassinations, terror attacks and wars. This is where the concept of the Swiss Army Knife originally came from for Switzerland has every political and military option at their respective disposal. Although Switzerland is noted for its Swiss Mercenaries who were strategically placed by the CIA in foreign armies, courts and governments in order to conduct assassinations and espionage, 99% of Swiss citizens have absolutely no idea that their country is in fact home to the CIA.
Switzerland is CIA
1. Switzerland located in central Europe
2. Switzerland the only Neutral Nation on Earth
3. Switzerland the only the only sovereign nation on Earth
4. Switzerland is home to Onyx Interception System
5. Switzerland is home to Holy See (i.e., the Holy C-I-A)
6. Switzerland is home to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
7. Names for Switzerland (i.e., CH and Suisse) equate to CIA and SS
8. Swiss National Day is same date as the anniversary of the Temple of Spies
9. Switzerland is intimately tied to dictators (e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc)
3. Switzerland the only the only sovereign nation on Earth
4. Switzerland is home to Onyx Interception System
5. Switzerland is home to Holy See (i.e., the Holy C-I-A)
6. Switzerland is home to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
7. Names for Switzerland (i.e., CH and Suisse) equate to CIA and SS
8. Swiss National Day is same date as the anniversary of the Temple of Spies
9. Switzerland is intimately tied to dictators (e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc)
1. Switzerland located in central Europe
It is imperative to note that the notorious CIA of the United States provides the necessary political cover for black operations (i.e., Special Ops) orchestrated by the CIA in Switzerland. In other words, America takes the blame for what Switzerland is ultimately responsible for. Although there is a Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters located in Langley, Virginia, it is just the local headquarters of the CIA within the United States. In order to sell the world on the notion that the CIA is American in nature, the words “CIA Headquarters” are always followed by “Langley, Virginia” in virtually all Hollywood movies. However, Langley, Virginia is not located in central Virginia, nor is the state of Virginia centrally located within the United States. Switzerland on the other hand is located in central Europe, hence the name “Central Intelligence Agency”. The term central is defined in part by Merriam-Webster as being “in the middle of something” or “located in the center of a thing or place”, definitions which are indicative of Switzerland, not Langley, Virginia. The term “central” is also defined in part as “controlling all other parts” and “having power over the other parts”, for the CIA in Switzerland is ultimately in command and control of all 205 countries and territories of the underworld. Although said countries and territories have different flags, languages and races, they all operate at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland.
2. Switzerland the only Neutral Nation on Earth
Switzerland is the only permanently neutral country on Earth. Neutrality is defined in part as “a sovereign state which officially declares itself to be neutral towards the "belligerents". However, if an allegedly sovereign state funds said "belligerents", it is not neutral. Although Switzerland has been neutral since the end of its expansion in 1515, the Congress of Vienna fully re-established Swiss independence in 1815, making Swiss neutrality permanently recognized. Consequently, Switzerland has remained free of terror attacks and war for over 500 years. By remaining neutral, Switzerland can be intimately involved in the day to day business of every country on Earth while publically appearing to be nuetral. Switzerland is also the only neutral country which actively engages in armed neutrality. Consequently, the Swiss Armed Forces has roughly 200,000 to 400,000 active-duty soldiers, one of the largest standing armies in the world. The armed neutrality of Switzerland only makes sense when it’s understood that Switzerland is home to the CIA. In the event that Switzerland’s political cover is blown and they are fingered as the progenitor of assassinations, terror attacks and wars, its massive military will be able to defend itself against attack or a potential invasion.
3. Switzerland the only Sovereign Nation on Earth
Switzerland is one of only two sovereign entities on Earth. This notion is confirmed by the flag of Switzerland, one of only two square sovereign-state flags. The other is the flag of Vatican City, a city state within Rome which is coincidentally protected by the Swiss Guard. While the flags of all other countries (e.g., flag of China, flag of Russia, flag of the United States, etc.) are rectangular in shape, the flags of Switzerland and Vatican City are geometrically square for they represent the only two sovereign states on Earth.
The term sovereignty is defined as a state or a governing body that has the full right and power to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. In other words, Switzerland is the only country in the world (aside from Vatican City) which is in control of its own destiny. Consequently, the other 204 countries and territories of the underworld are not sovereign; meaning that another country (i.e., Switzerland) is ultimately responsible for its fate.
4. Switzerland Home to Onyx Interception System
If Switzerland were in fact a neutral country, it would not be home to the Onyx Interception System which is operated by the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), the official name for the CIA in Switzerland. Considering that Onyx is admittedly “controlled by an independent [unnamed] control authority composed of members of the federal administration”, it can be deduced that is it under the command and control of the CIA. The stated goal of Onyx is to “monitor both civil and military communications, such as telephone, fax or internet traffic, carried by satellite”, effectively allowing Switzerland to spy on the rest of the world. That being said, it’s highly likely that Onyx is also used as a secure and encrypted means of communication between CIA Headquarters in Switzerland and its respective offices and detention facilities (i.e., black sites) around the world. Despite the fact that Onyx is a global system, the only admitted locations within Switzerland are found at Heimenschw and, Leukand Zimmerwald. Although the CIA still employs thousands of secret agents around the world, a majority their espionage is conducted electronically via state-of-the-art technologies (e.g., cell phones, drones, GPS, internet, satellites, watches, etc.) which are likely all linked to and monitored by Onyx.
If Switzerland were in fact a neutral country, it would not be home to the Onyx Interception System which is operated by the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), the official name for the CIA in Switzerland. Considering that Onyx is admittedly “controlled by an independent [unnamed] control authority composed of members of the federal administration”, it can be deduced that is it under the command and control of the CIA. The stated goal of Onyx is to “monitor both civil and military communications, such as telephone, fax or internet traffic, carried by satellite”, effectively allowing Switzerland to spy on the rest of the world. That being said, it’s highly likely that Onyx is also used as a secure and encrypted means of communication between CIA Headquarters in Switzerland and its respective offices and detention facilities (i.e., black sites) around the world. Despite the fact that Onyx is a global system, the only admitted locations within Switzerland are found at Heimenschw and, Leukand Zimmerwald. Although the CIA still employs thousands of secret agents around the world, a majority their espionage is conducted electronically via state-of-the-art technologies (e.g., cell phones, drones, GPS, internet, satellites, watches, etc.) which are likely all linked to and monitored by Onyx.
5. Switzerland is home to Holy See
The Holy See(i.e., the “Holy C-I-A”) is the official name of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a term evidently derived from Confoederationis Helveticae, an original name for Switzerland. Although the Holy See is allegedly located in Italy, its name suggests otherwise. Consonantly speaking, the term “Holy” (H+L) was evidently derived from the “Hel” (H+L) as in “Helveticae”, while the term “See” (i.e., “C”) is an apparent acronym for “Confoederationis”. Founded roughly 40 years after the establishment of Switzerland in 1300 AD, the Holy See is touted as the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See is the central point of reference for the Catholic Church and admittedly the focal point of communion due to its prominence.
Consequently, the Holy See is viewed as the central government of the Roman Catholic Church. Diplomatically speaking, the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Catholic Church. In other words, the Holy See is the highest form of government within the Catholic Church, just as the CIA is the highest form of government in the world. Similar to Switzerland, the Holy See is viewed as a sovereign state, having a centralized government entitled the Roman Curia. Coincidentally, the Federal Palace of Switzerland in the Swiss capital of Bern is entitled “ Curia Confoederationis Helveticae”, further suggesting that Switzerland and the Holy See are in fact one and the same entity. The term “See” found within Holy See was derived from the Latin word “sedes” meaning “seat”, a reference to the Episcopal throne (cathedra) of the Catholic Church. In other words, the Holy See is the “Holy Seat” or the “Holy Throne” of the Greco-Roman Empire in the underworld.
6. Switzerland Home to the Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the financial backbone of the CIA, secretly funding its nefarious operations around the world. Admittedly “the world’s oldest international financial organization”, the BIS funds 60 central banks (e.g., Bank of China, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, etc.), which collectively make up 95% of the world’s GDP (gross domestic product). Although the BIS bills itself as an international organization of central banks which attempts “to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“, it is solely responsible for orchestrating the world’s financial crises simply due to the fact that it alone has the power to create money. In other words, the BIS is responsible for creating and distributing the world’s fiat money supply which is in turn used to fund the world’s respective governments, intelligence agencies and militaries, as well as all the assassinations, terror attacks wars they engage in at the behest of the CIA. As the financial wing of the Central Intelligence Agency, the BIS is fiscally responsible for funding virtually all of chaos and madness seen in the world today.
7. Names for Switzerland equate to CIA and SS
Because Switzerland is home to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), their respective names are intimately linked in numerology. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is coincidentally located in Switzerland, the country code of Switzerland is CH (i.e., “Chi”), an acronym derived from Confoederationis Helveticae, an original name for Switzerland. When employing Jewish Gematria in respect to the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and/or the modern-English alphabet, the acronym “CH” numerically and consonantly equates to the acronym “CIA”. Roman Empire which now rules the world via the CIA in Switzerland. This is why the coat of arms of the Holy See (i.e., the official name of the CIA in Roman Catholic Church) depicts two keys or two K’s (i.e., “KK”), for the term “Key” (K) consonantly equates to the letters “C” and “K”, symbolically depicting the name of the CIA (i.e., KIK). Considering that the CIA is predominately staffed by males of Jewish decent, the derogatory term for Jews is “Kike” (C/K+C/K), a term which consonantly equates to “CIA” when the letter “A” is deciphered as a Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”). Unbeknown to most, Switzerland is also home to the World Jewish Congress, an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations which is curiously never mentioned as an active political body.
Whether the World Jewish Congress is part of the CIA is not known, but it’s highly likely considering the secretive nature of the group. One of the original names for Switzerland is Suisse, its current name in French. Consonantly speaking, the term Suisse (S+S) equates to “SS” or “CC” (pronounced “See See”) as the letter “C” routinely doubles as the letter “S” in the English language (e.g., cent, century, citrus, etc.). Consequently, a double “SS” equates to a double “CC” which is, as previously stated, is representative of the CIA (i.e., CIɅ). Historically speaking, the “SS” is found in the names of symbols of various groups which were and are being used by the CIA to kill and terrorize billions of people around the world. For example, the letters “SS” were used by the Schutzstaffel (i.e., SS), the largest and most powerful paramilitary organizations in Hitler’s Third Reich, as well as the Waffen-SS, the multi-national military force of Nazi Germany. Said organizations also donned the Swastika, a symbol which in the letter “S” is superimposed upon another letter “S”, resulting in an “SS”. In modern times, the Swastika is used by the CIA’s neo-Nazi groups around the world. Lastly, similar to the tem Suisse, the name of the state-sponsored terror group ISIS (S+S) contains a double “SS”, a grammatical tribute to the CIA in Switzerland which is using the group to terrorize the world.
Whether the World Jewish Congress is part of the CIA is not known, but it’s highly likely considering the secretive nature of the group. One of the original names for Switzerland is Suisse, its current name in French. Consonantly speaking, the term Suisse (S+S) equates to “SS” or “CC” (pronounced “See See”) as the letter “C” routinely doubles as the letter “S” in the English language (e.g., cent, century, citrus, etc.). Consequently, a double “SS” equates to a double “CC” which is, as previously stated, is representative of the CIA (i.e., CIɅ). Historically speaking, the “SS” is found in the names of symbols of various groups which were and are being used by the CIA to kill and terrorize billions of people around the world. For example, the letters “SS” were used by the Schutzstaffel (i.e., SS), the largest and most powerful paramilitary organizations in Hitler’s Third Reich, as well as the Waffen-SS, the multi-national military force of Nazi Germany. Said organizations also donned the Swastika, a symbol which in the letter “S” is superimposed upon another letter “S”, resulting in an “SS”. In modern times, the Swastika is used by the CIA’s neo-Nazi groups around the world. Lastly, similar to the tem Suisse, the name of the state-sponsored terror group ISIS (S+S) contains a double “SS”, a grammatical tribute to the CIA in Switzerland which is using the group to terrorize the world.
8. Swiss National Day is Anniversary of Temple of Spies
The Swiss National Day is the birthday/national day of Switzerland, a holiday which is celebrated annually on August 1, marking the foundation of the Swiss Confederacy. Because Switzerland and its CIA spy on the underworld on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, their respective birthday/national holiday is celebrated on the same day as the anniversary of the Temple of Spies. That is why the logo of the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), which operates under the aliases of the Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB), the Service de renseignement de la Confédération (SRC), and the Servizio di Intelligence Federale (SIF), depicts an outline of Switzerland superimposed upon an eye for the FIS is the official name for the CIA in Switzerland. Lastly, in what appears to be a modern tribute to espionage conducted by the state of Switzerland, the logo of Spy Optic sunglasses depicts a Greek Crosswhich is coincidentally found in the flag of Switzerland.
9. Switzerland Ultimately Tied to Dictators
Switzerland is intimately linked, albeit in a de facto manner, to a number of notorious dictators, namely Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Kim Jong-un. In the case of Napoleon, Switzerland served as the staging ground for French battles against the Austrians and Russians. Despite being temporarily occupied by French troops, Switzerland was never attacked or invaded by Napoleon’s troops. Although 3.5 million deaths are attributed to Napoleon, Switzerland remained unscathed. Despite the infamous Operation Tannenbaum (i.e., “Operation Christmas Tree”), the allegedly planned but cancelled invasion of Switzerland by Nazi Germany during World War II, Hitler never attacked or invaded Switzerland despite having the country virtually surrounded. Although 7 to 9 million deaths are attributed to Hitler during World War II, Switzerland reportedly only suffered 100 casualties. In 1902, future dictator Benito Mussolini emigrated to Switzerland where he participated in a series of meetings that organized the communist revolutions and insurrections that later swept through Europe. Similar to his counterpart Hitler, Mussolini never attacked Switzerland despite the fact that it borders Italy to the north. Although 454,600 deaths are attributed to Mussolini during World War II, Switzerland reportedly only suffered 100 casualties.
Why Napoleon, Hitler and Mussolini did not attack or invade Switzerland (the richest country on Earth) while they raped and pillaged Europe only makes sense when it is understood that these dictators were funded and/or groomed by the CIA in Switzerland. Lastly, although North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is routinely portrayed as mentally unstable, he is under the mind-control of the CIA in Switzerland and acts accordingly. Similar to Mussolini before him, Jong-un lived his “handler” in Switzerland where he was “spotted” a number of times while attending a so-called “private school” where he was likely being groomed for his eventual role as dictator of North Korea. Consequently, any causalities incurred by Jong-un and North Korea are squarely on the shoulders of the CIA in Switzerland.
10. Switzerland Founded by Knights Templar & Order of St. John
The Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John (e.g., the Hospitallers, Knights of Saint John, Knights of Rhodes, Knights Hospitallers, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, etc.) were two medieval Roman Catholic Orders whose merger ultimately spawned the creation of Switzerland around 1300 AD. Consequently, the respective colors and symbols of said Orders are now depicted in the flag of Switzerland. These notorious military Orders routinely engaged is assassinations, piracy, terror attacks and war, traits currently exhibited by the CIA in Switzerland. According to legend, the Order of Saint John wore black surcoats with a white cross during its crusades with the Muslims.
However, in 1248, Pope Innocent IV approved a new standard military dress for the Order of Saint John which consisted of a red surcoat emblazoned by a white cross, the exact same color scheme and symbol now depicted in the flag of Switzerland. Interestingly, the flag of Switzerland is now synonymous with neutrality and innocence, an apparent tribute to Pope Innocent IV who sanctified the Order. The Order relocated to Switzerland shortly after the Protestant Reformation (c. 1170) when its leaders in the Margraviate of Brandenburg declared their continued loyalty to the Order of Saint John while publically accepting Protestant theology. The Protestant branches of the Order admittedly spread throughout Europe, including “Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Austria, the United Kingdom, and Italy”. After going undercover in the Alps, “It was established that the [Order of Saint John] should remain neutral in any war between Christian nations”. Since the flag of Switzerland bears the exact same color scheme and symbol as the Order of Saint John, and it’s the only permanently neutral country on Earth, it can be deduced that the Order of St. John became founded what is now known as Switzerland. Similar to the Order of Saint John, the Knights Templar were known for their white mantles with a red cross, a color scheme and symbol now depicted in the logo of the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as in the flag of Switzerland, albeit the colors are reversed.
The notion that the Knights Templar established Switzerland is corroborated by numerous scholars who believe that the “Templars fled into the Swiss Alps”. Since both the Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John admittedly relocated to Switzerland, and the color schemes and symbols of both Orders are evident in the flag of Switzerland, it can be deduced that the country of Switzerland was specifically founded so that these Roman Catholic military orders could fund and orchestrate assassinations, piracy, terror attacks and wars around the world under the guise of neutrality. Due to the wealth the Knights Templar confiscated during their centuries of conquests, the non-combatant members of the Order began to develop a massive economic infrastructure within Europe, creating financial techniques that became the earliest forms of banking, something Switzerland is now famous for. In 1150, the Templars began generating letters of credit for pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, an innovative arrangement that became the earliest form of banking, leading to the formal system known today as checks. Consequently, the Order of the Knights Templar became the world’s first multinational corporation. Templar involvement in banking grew to the point where they began to practice usury, charging interest on money lent. Templar usury is still evident today in the form of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which is located in Basel, Switzerland. In short, the BIS creates money out of thin air and then charges countries (and their respective citizens) interest on said money, keeping the world in a perpetual state of debt and slavery. Since interest rates can always be manipulated, no country can ever escape from their current economic status, regardless of how hard they work.
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